Monday, April 18, 2011

April Gathering

(go ahead and post if you wish... doing some updates.) ;)


Anna said...

((YAY!! First one in!! :D And Sylvine, I don't see PoplarClan on the I allowed to comment?))

Charredstar padded into the clearing wearily, along with the rest of PoplarClan. The Clan looked bone-tired, and several cats had cuts and bruises along their muzzles and flanks.


alina said...

(Hello everyone! ;))

Froststar led WoodClan into the clearing, and with a brisk nod, she greeted Charredstar, the only leader present.

WoodClan settled themselves amongst PopularClan; Froststar had insisted on it, and they were in no place to refuse.

kennedy said...

(BrambleClan is finishing up a prophecy/battle! I'm posting about that now on my blog, but I'll just time-skip while I'm doing that so I comment here. So, that means that BrambleClan has a new leader! Yay!)

alina said...

(Hey, Scarlet! Ooooh, okay, I'll comment on BrambleClan once you have posted. Maybe I should post on WoodClan, then...)

kennedy said...

(Alright! That'll be good! :) And I'll comment on WoodClan soon, too!)

Fernsplash said...

(Though not on the sidebar, I still requested.)

Fernstar blindly lead her clan to the Great Stone, leaping atop it. "ShadeClan is here!" she called, dipping her head in respect to Froststar.

Anna said...

((Hiya peoples!!!))

Charredstar leapt tiredly onto the Great Stone, almost lost his balance, but regained it quickly and dipped his head.

"PoplarClan is here."

Fernsplash said...

Fernstar looked towards were she heard Charredstar slip, and flicked her ear. "Are you OK?" she asked him gently.

alina said...

Froststar curtly dipped her head to Fernstar. "Greetings."

She leapt up onto the Great Stone, following Charredstar's and Fernstar's suit.

WoodClan was fairing well; their coats gleaming despite the cold leafbare that had shook the forest.

Froststar was thankful for the good fortunes, but still, she knew that even though they had survived one leafbare, that didn't mean they would survive another.

Fernsplash said...

Fernstar nodded and flicked her tail. "Prey running well in WoodClan?" she asked.

alina said...

"Yes, and how about ShadeClan?" Froststar replied, her eyes revealing nothing.

Anna said...

Charredstar did not want to admit to Fernstar that hard times had fallen on PoplarClan. Instead, he replied, "Everything is fine. PoplarClan has...encountered a bit of trouble. Other than that, we prosper greatly."

He turned to Froststar and dipped his head, his eyes duller than their usual bright blue. He attempted to stand straighter, to look prouder of his Clan, but all he could manage was to prick his ears.

Fernsplash said...

Fernstar sighed. So much tension. "ShadeClan is doing well, we have a new litter of kits." she purred happily, praying that it would lighten the mood.

Anna said...

"Congratulations," Charredstar meowed. He could feel tension crackling from the two other leaders' pelts, and kneaded the ground uncomfortably.

Fernsplash said...

Fernstar dipped her head, and wished she could look at the beautiful night sky like Froststar and Charredstar could.

Anna said...

Charredstar felt a flash of sympathy for Fernstar as he remember that she was blind. He looked at his paws.

Suddenly a flash of lightheadedness darted through him. He stumbled a moment, then regained his balance, hissing quietly.

Fernsplash said...

Fernstar prayed that everything was doing good in PoplarClan, as Charredstar stumbled once more. "You sure your OK?" she asked again.

alina said...

Froststar stared at the clan cats gathered beneath the Great Stone. She narrowed her eyes, deep in thought.

She turned to look at both Fernstar and Charredstar. "Congratulations on the litter of kits, Fernstar," Froststar spoke firmly.

Fernsplash said...

Fernstar smiled warmly.

kennedy said...

BrambleClan raced into the clearing.

Caverneyes, who hadn't yet received his nine lives, joined the other leaders at the base of the Great Rock.

Sparrowflash and Windpaw sat down, eager to talk to other clan cats.

alina said...

Froststar responded to Fernstar's smile with a small nod. "Would you like to start the meeting off?" she asked, pointing down at the gathered cats.

Brooke said...

The flowers swayed softly, their purple petals warm against the blackening sky. Wind swooshed through the cold clearing and sent a surge of warmth through all of the Clans.
Snakestar peered around the clearing, his breaths light and shallow. He felt the eyes of his Clanmates burning into his pelt. Slowly, he made his way to close to the other leaders and dipped his head curtly.
"SlitherClan is here, but not for long." He mewed, his voice echoing. "We have only come to briefly report the happenings in our Clan. Prey is running decent, though the frogs and toads are decreasing and hiding in the swamps, which are quite a far distance from us. The weather is warming, almost too hot to bare for most cats, but as you know, we are not most cats." He looked around, his expression smug, and let his words sink in. After a moment of eerie silence, he continued. "The water is rising once more, and the ground is becoming more and more moist, though less and less rain has occurred on our territory. Kittypets seem to have a great interest in our prey, but we have been able to scare them off with tooth and claw." He slowly began to make his way down the rock and looked back only to search for SleetClan, which hadn't arrived.
"We are leaving now." And at that, his Clan stopped muttering and followed, their only trace being wet, sloppy pawsteps.

{I'm afraid SleetClan isn't going to be here today. Prophecy going on}

alina said...

Froststar was surprised to see Caverneyes instead of Duskstar. "So, she has died," Froststar murmured to Caverneyes, her eyes solemn.

Fernsplash said...

Fernstar found Caverneyes's scent. "I'm sorry to hear about Duskstar's death." she told him before dipping her head to Snakestar.

kennedy said...

Caverneyes answered Froststar, "Yes, she has. But it's alright; BrambleClan will be much stronger than it has been!"

kennedy said...

Caverneyes responded to Fernstar, "We will mourn, but BrambleClan will move on. Thank you for your comfort." He smiled at Froststar and Fernstar.

He decided not to tell the others of how Duskstar was not at all the cat she seemed to be.

alina said...

"I see," Froststar whispered to herself. She knew that Caverneyes was not telling the whole truth, but she didn't try to delve any farther.

She nodded to Snakestar before he left.


Creamtail sighed and took a seat beneath the Great Stone.

Fernsplash said...

Fernstar purred at Caverneyes warmly. "ShadeClan is doing well. Sweetpaw and Cloudpaw are new apprentices, while Creekleap and Brookfeather have been made warriors this sunrise. Sleetkit and Bramblekit have been born, and are my kits." she announced to the other clans.

kennedy said...

Caverneyes nodded in Snakestar's direction.


Streakclaw padded up to Creamtail. "How has BrambleClan been faring?" he asked, smiling.

alina said...

Froststar laid a tail on Caverneye's pelt. "Would you like to make an announcement?" she asked, waiting her turn patiently.

Anna said...

"I am very sorry for your loss," Charredstar rasped feebly.

What is wrong with me? he asked himself, holding out his tail to steady himself angrily.


(Sorry if my responses are's been ragging on me and I'm kind of in a bag mood. :( Forgive me if I'm a downer!)

alina said...

Creamtail turned to Streakclaw, startled. "Uh--fine, yes." She then asked, hoping to change the subject, "Is prey running well for WoodClan?"

alina said...

(That's okay, Pinestar. :))

Anna said...

(Thanks :) ever get that feeling that no one gets you? Ugh. I am SO going through that right now.)

Fernsplash said...

Fernstar flicked her tail as the moons shone on her dappled fur.

alina said...

(Yeah, I think so. ^^ Not often, but once in awhile I think people misunderstand me. -.-)

kennedy said...

Caverneyes meowed, loudly, "BrambleClan has been getting on nicely. I have just been appointed leader by my cats, and am waiting to meet with StarClan." He paused. "Glaciergaze, a friend of BrambleClan, has recently died, as well. Her death will be mourned." He smiled sadly.

"Nevertheless, BrambleClan is strong and prosperous. Our new deputy has already been chosen." He flicked his tail in Creamtail's direction warmly. "Creamtail, I thank you for serving BrambleClan! You are loyal and are wise. BrambleClan will celebrate and your ceremony will be take place very soon," Caverneyes added.

"BrambleClan also needs another medicine cat. The ones currently serving are getting frail, and will most likely become senior warriors or elders," Caverneyes announced. "Windpaw will receive his warrior name and become BrambleClan's next medicine cat."

Fernsplash said...

(Same here)

Fernsplash said...

Fernstar dipped her head. "Your clan is prospering nicely, Caverneyes. Glaciergaze will be mourned for." she told him, resting her tail on his shoulder blindly.

kennedy said...

(I know sometimes when I type out a comment, I wonder if people will take it the wrong way. XD)

Caverneyes smiled at Charredstar. "Thank you!"

Fernsplash said...

(Same, Scarlet)

Anna said...

(I know, right?? That's the problem with comments: ppl can't hear your tone while your saying something.)

Charredstar dipped his head congenially, his tail flicking back and forth shakily.

(OH, one more thing...where are the cats from my Clan? they were supposed to show up...oh well)


alina said...

"Glaciergaze will be mourned," Froststar agreed, her head dipped in honor.

Creamtail smiled as Caverneyes announced to the cats that she was to be deputy.

kennedy said...

Caverneyes acknowledged Fernsplash. "Thank you, and I'm sure your clan is faring well, too."

He then said to her, "Glaciergaze was a great cat. She won't be forgotten, for her deeds for BrambleClan were gracious."

Anna said...

Charredstar stepped up, ready to speak. He looked down at the PoplarClan cats below for a moment before saying, "PoplarClan has been...through some things. There was a recent attack on our camp by foxes, but otherwise, we fare well. Prey is sometimes hard to find, but we are lucky to have our freshkill pile stocked most days, despite the harsh weather. He opened his mouth, as if to say something else, but stopped himself, dipped his head, and backed up.

kennedy said...

Streakclaw replied to Creamtail, "WoodClan has plenty of prey. We are very appreciative in the least." He continued to smile.

"Ah, you will have fun being deputy," Streakclaw meowed to her, knowing from experience.

Fernsplash said...

Fernstar blinked. "Your welcome. And, yes, ShadeClan is doing great. I hope all clans are fairing nicely." she meowed.

kennedy said...

(Gotta go!)

Caverneyes smiled in reply to Froststar. "Thank you!"

alina said...

Froststar nodded awkwardly. She lacked sympathy for other clans, and found it difficult to relate to them.

Breaking the mourning silence, Frostar began, "WoodClan is faring well. We have our troubles now and then, but prey is plentiful and the forest being restored to its natural beauty before leafbare."

Fernsplash said...

(Bye Scarlet)

"Froststar? Do you have anything to announce?" she asked the WoodClan leader.

Fernsplash said...

(Sorry, late comment!)

Anna said...

(Bye, Scarlet!)

Charredstar turned quickly and licked a wound along his flank before the other leaders could see. Looking up to Silverpelt, he wondered why they were not watching over him.

Fernsplash said...

"Is every leader done?" Fernstar asked.

alina said...

(That's okay! Goodbye, Scarlet!)

Froststar's stare darkened. "We have lost a few honorable lives and our clan mourns for them." She glanced down at the WoodClan cats.

alina said...

(Eek! I have to go, too! Goodbye everyone. :()

Anna said...

Why, StarClan? Charredstar thought feverently. Why must you bring such mourning upon our Clans? Why haven't you visited Lilypetal?...

He glared at the twinkling stars before turning to Froststar and dipping his head respectfully. "I'm sure they were very honorable indeed. They will be remember forever, I'm sure."

Fernsplash said...

(Urgh, I have to go too. See you guys later!)

Fernstar nodded in deep respect to Froststar.

Anna said...

(Bye, Seraphic!!)

Anna said...

(Bye Fernsplash! Looks like I'm all alone...I guess I'll go, too.)

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

( Wow, we're getting so good comments so far! :D )

abigail viktoria said...

(Sorry, We really don't have any Clan news, so IslandClan and WhisperClan will not be attending the Gathering this moon.)

♦--♥Alado/Shade/Storm♥--♦ said...

Applefall watched her leader aswell as the others with interest.
~~*Applefall of PoplarClan

Brookpaw sat down and listened patiently.
~~*Brookpaw of ShadeClan

**Poppy** said...

Sunshine looked at the leaders her face showing nothing.=Poplarclan

Dawnpaw tried to learn everything there was from the other clans. = Shadclan.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Darkstar walked to the Gathering, his Clan silent behind him. They were tense and eager to get back home, hoping and praying that the fort cats wouldn't attack while they were away. Larkfeather and Riversong looked especially nervous to be away from their kits, but Darkstar had ordered them to come anyways.
He leaped beside the other leaders and dipped his head in respect.
"My Clan and I would like to apologize for not coming to the Warrior Gatherings sooner. We have had....a rough beginning, and our troubles are not over yet. But we are glad to be able to attend our first Gathering, although we cannot stay long." He meowed, his deep voice resonating.
He stepped back and flattened his ears while giving his warriors a terse nod.

(Ack, I'm so sorry for not commenting before! I always seem to miss the Gatherings by either 2 to 3 weeks. This is my first time missing it by a day:( But I will do better, I promise you!)

abigail viktoria said...

(Sylvine, I deleted WhisperClan. It was too much for me to handle along with IslandClan and my other blogs. Sorry for making it and then deleting in a short period of time, I know it must be kind of annoying [for all the trouble of adding it to the list and deleting again] but thanks, and can you remove it from the list ASAP?)

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Cloudstar padded in with her clan. "Um... sorry for my lateness my deputy and I had to deal with something." She cleared her throat. "Tropicalclan is doing great two litters of kits have been born and I'm expecting kids. We've grown a lot over this moon. Also many apprentices have become warrior, the prey is running smooth, and the river is once again running with water."

Dawnstar said...

[Hey Sil, are you going to add the full moon dates of this year? It makes it a little easier on my memory, and my schedule XD]

Whistle said...

Hey, can you remove Tornadoclan from the list please? That name is now up for grabs if anyone wants it~

Dawnstar said...

[Maybe I already asked that question...oops]

Coinguy98 said...

Check out my photography blog at