Monday, July 26, 2010

The Warrior Code Additions/Changes

Hello, fellow Clan leaders, deputies, warriors, medicine cats, apprentices, and all other cats of the Clans!

As you will remember, at the June Gathering, votes were taken to decide if a new law would be added to the Warrior Code. There were 33 votes for the law, and 29 against it. I asked that only leaders vote, and I KNOW that 62 different Clans did not attend last moon. Also, I got to thinking how some people lead more than one Clan, and that makes it rather unfair to those who only lead one.
So, I have decided on a new system to take votes. Each role-playing blogger at this Gathering - Clan leader or otherwise - will POST their opinion in a comment, and vote for or against each rule. At least 20 people must vote for the rule to be passed or turned down.

There are two propositions for changes to the Warrior Code tonight. Please see the original Warrior Code HERE. In your comment, please address BOTH changes and vote for or against them.

19: Apprentices are not allowed to take mates or have kits until they become warriors.

13: The word of the Clan leader is to be obeyed as long as they are following StarClan and the Warrior Code.
(Original: "The word of the Clan leader is the Warrior Code")

Please post your comments here, and feel free to debate the matter further as well (some of that already went on last moon). At the August 24th Gathering, the polls will close and the final changes will be made.



★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

I, as Silverstar of StormClan, vote AGAINST the first addition. I vote FOR the second.


MadiShae said...

19. No.

13. Eaither one is fine.

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

(Do you vote for or against the change to code 13, MadiShae?)


oboe.chick said...

I vote FOR the first addition and AGAINST the change

-Wildstar of Breezeclan

♥Warriors101♥ said...

I vote for the addition, but I am against the change.

☪Dream said...

I vote for both.

MadiShae said...

I vote AGAINST the addition, and not voting for the change.

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

I vote against the new addition and not voting for change.

Brooke said...

"I want to tweak the New Addition. I think that they should be allowed to take mates but she-cats cannot get pregnant. Something like that.

I agree with the change." Sunstar finished.


Natasha said...

I think a new rule should be added that if you join a clan you have to go on atleast twice a week or if you cant you say

Natasha said...

I vote for both

Lexii said...

I vote that Apprentices should be able to have kit's and mates!!!

~Goldstar of VineClan

{Sorry I didn't make it to the gathering last night!!

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Paw - That cannot be a law. Each Clan is different, and some Clan LEADERS can't even be on every two weeks. A lot of people haves busy lives outside of Blogger (me, for example). Clan leaders should not be forced by any rule to exile people from their Clan if they do not want to. If YOU want to exile people who don't come on every two weeks, that is your choice, but we cannot force others to decide how to role-play on their own blogs. Besides, the Warrior Code is about actual things that could happen in a real Clan, not just role-play.


Dawnstar said...

I vote for the addition and change!

~Dawnstar of RoseClan

(Hey sorry I didn't make it to the July Gathering, but when I could go on was too early for it, I didn't even see the post!)

Anonymous said...

I vote AGAINST the first one, and FOR the second. =)

Anonymous said...

Er...I actually vote No to the second too. Cx

Brooke said...

I emailed you back Silverstar :-/

StormySkies said...

19: yes

13: no

13 is no for me cuz then you could make evil clans and evil rulers, which not only is possible in real clan life (Tigerstar and tigerclan), it would make roleplay a lotmore interesting, not that it isn't interesting already.