Monday, July 26, 2010

July Gathering Tonight!

The July Gathering is tonight! Chatting may begin now!

All Clan cats, please check out the post below and vote on the possible changes to the Warrior Code.

As always, review the rules and enjoy!


1 – 200 of 282   Newer›   Newest»
★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

(StormClan will not be attending... I was gone all this month because my family adopted a new dog and I haven't had time to finish my updates. Sorry.)


MadiShae said...

*Miststar walked into the clearing and nervously jumped up onto the Great Stone.*

Miststar of CloverClan

Natasha said...

Brightstar walks in with no clan

Natasha said...

She nods to the leaders and sits down looking at the other clans

Natasha said...

How are you Oceanstar?

Natasha said...

And Miststar

Natasha said...

the clans look confused as brightstar walks in with no clan

Natasha said...

"PineconeClan is doing awful! All the cats dont go on my clan anymore and the prey has gone! I think we may have to scatter! If there is no improvment by August 24th then we will have to scatter!" Brightstar announces head low, tail drooped

Natasha said...

She pads back to her place trying not to listen to all the other clans good news she knew she would have to quit and become loner or kittypet

Buzz Girl said...

(Im gonna comment now cause I wont be here later...sorry!)
Leafstar leaped up on the Great Stone.
"RainClan is doing well, however, our brave leader, Seastar died in a fight with wolves in our territory. Silverstorm also died will giving birth to her kits. But Amberheart also had kits. I am now the new leader of RainClan. Prey is scarce and we have many injured, but we will survive!"

Leafstar of RainClan

Natasha said...

Brightstar flinches she remembered the days when PineconeClan was happy she sighed, you cant turn time back she thought.

Natasha said...

I GTG now but ill add MarshClan now bye!

Natasha said...

wait nvm i dont

Natasha said...

brightstar nodded "StarClan has lost us! They don't look after me! The clan has somewhat gone soon it will be faded all memory of it!" the words tumbled out her mouth sadly

Natasha said...

brightstar looked at the sky but it looked blank

Natasha said...

dis time i rlly gtg

MadiShae said...

*Miststar walked into the clearing and nervously jumped up onto the Great Stone.*

Miststar of CloverClan

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Poplarclan. We have many news warriors, apprentices, and lots of new kits to bring new generations to Poplarclan. Prey is plentiful. Unfortunatly Poplarclan was subject to a fox attack, and during that atrack one of our best warriors Murkclaw died. Murkclaw hunts with Starclan now.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Swiftstar leapt up on the great-rock, her eyes blazing.

"Greetings, Briarclan is here. We have many new cats that have joined, too many to name. Sadly, our medicine cat Brownspots has passed away, and Lilyfrost sole medicine cat now, and has not yet had in apprentice. Just today, Stormwater, our deputy, ran away, and my new appointed deputy is Briarberry. Other then that, Briarclan is good." she said, her eyes darting anxiously around as if someone was about to attack her from the shadows.


Catherine said...

Icestar came in with a rather small patrol behind her. They all looked frail and weak. "Frostclan is currently experiencing a drought, as I am expecting all clans are." Icestar said from on top of the great rock. "We also have been through blckcough and several cats died including our deputy. But we also have new warriors, apprentices and queens along with a new deputy. Frostclan reamains strong."

MadiShae said...


*He called out from the crowd.*

Sootwhisker of BriarClan

Anonymous said...

(( Well, Violetpaw, you haven't commented in a while, so Dustpaw had no-one else to like. But doesn't Violetpaw like Nightpaw?))

MadiShae said...

Ran off?! You drove me out!


Catherine said...

"Strong." Icestar repeated. "Strong as ever. Starclan watches over us."

♥Warriors101♥ said...

Miststar padded into the clearing with her clan close behind her, followed by Mistystar of MossClan. She leaped onto the Great Stone. "MistClan is doing well, many new members. 6 of our warriors have become elders, including our medicine cat. Dappledfrost, Tornadosky, Pine, Spiritfeather, Russetheart and Rainfeather. Our new medicine cat is Spottedshine! We also have some new apprentices, Blackpaw, Whitepaw, Fogpaw, Ashpaw and Pebblepaw. (sorry if I forgot anyone!!) And many new warriors, two much to name. Also, my deputy, Russetfur is now a queen, so Iceshadow is our temporary deputy." She meowed and stepped back a little, waiting for another leader to take her place.


MadiShae said...

*He rolled his eyes.*


Anonymous said...

Pinestar looked up towards the sky. He tried to maintain a calm expression, but knew that PoplarClan had been weakened somewhat by the fox attack.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"I did ." Swiftstar spat.


Anonymous said...

(Violet, I'm sorry, but Windpaw and Dustpaw like each other now! :( I'm sure that you and Nightpaw would be great together)

Catherine said...

"Starclan watches you too don't they? Do they not?" Icestar said really starting to get annoyed. Suneyes sent her a look saying 'Forget it.'

MadiShae said...

*He glared at her, then disappered behind the bush, leaving everone staring after him.*


♥Warriors101♥ said...

(I joined your clan, Pinestar :D)

Anonymous said...

(Violet!!!!!!! :( its not my fault you haven't commented!!! Fine. Dustpaw can like Violetpaw. Maybe Grasspae could like Windpaw. There, problem solved!!! Vi, plz don't be mad!!! :( )

♥Warriors101♥ said...

Mistystar padded into the clearing, exchanged nods with Miststar and began to speak. "MossClan is new to the forest, and we have many new members. That is all."


MadiShae said...

(Warriors101! BTW, Pumaclaw and Hazelberry are coming to the gathering.)

Anonymous said...

And thanks, warriors101! :)

♥Warriors101♥ said...

(sorry! Forgot!)

Pumaclaw sat right next to the stone, where all the other deputies were sitting. He nodded to them and listened to the reports.


Hazelberry walked over to a group of cats and introduced herself, knowing that this was the only time that she could them in peace.


Catherine said...

Hey Pinestar Im joining your clan it sounds cool.

Anonymous said...

Images of foxes attacking his Clanmates flashed through Pinestar's mind. But he continued in a strong voice, "despite the fox attack, PoplarClan is doing fine!"

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Swiftstar growled in the direction he dissapeared, but said nothing.


MadiShae said...

*She shuffled her paws, then made her announcement.*

Dewstar has. . . passed. Many cats have joined, became warriors or apprentices, and we have healed from our battles with LakeClan. I have also just recently give birth to my kits and a few cats have died.


(Sorry too much to say. :p)

Rachel said...

Shimmerstar padded into the clearing. "We have two new apprentices, Coldpaw and Marshpaw," she meowed. "We also have three new kits, Snowkit Dapplekit and Lionkit. The parents are Rocktail and Spottedstorm. Other then that, there is not much news." Shimmerstar dipped her head and backed up for the next leader to speak.


Anonymous said...

Omg thanks Honey Bee!!!! :) *so happy*

♥Warriors101♥ said...

Mistystar looked at Pinestar quizzically, wondering if his clan really WAS fine.


Anonymous said...

Pinestar looked on as the other leaders spoke.

Anonymous said...

He noticed Mistystar staring at him, and he quickly dipped his head. Does she know? He wondered.

Brooke said...

Nor Sunstar, OR Nightears were at the gathering. (Silverstar I will be you for now). Silverfang pounced up on the rock and spoke in a cold voice. "Nightears has past. She was killed by Bramblestar. Our Clan is sick, I will not lie. But we are strong still. Sunstar will be back eventually." She stood back for the other cats to speak. "Oh," She said quickly. "We have much prey." She stood back again.


♥Warriors101♥ said...

She narrowed her eyes but briskly dragged her gaze away from him, but there was still suspicion glimmering in her eyes.


♥Warriors101♥ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
☪Dream said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar padded in. Rippelblaze was beside her, and her medicine cats close behind. She leaped up to the great Rock, and many cats noticed great sorrow was in her eyes.*

LakeClan is present! we are doing excellently! With many new kits, warriors, and apprentices, we are thriving! Nestflame, our medicine cat, has taken on an Apprentice, Ridgepaw.

Also, one of our long lost members is back! Rosepaw, our old medicine cat apprentice has come back against all odds. She met Nestflame at the MoonCave, where StarClan gave her a full name, Rosedawn. Which much thought, I have let her go back to her duties and train. StarClan said she could, so she shall. She is not present tonight.

We are thriving, and our dispute with CloverClan is over. We lost a few lives, but all is fine.


Anonymous said...

Pinestar was somewhat relieved that he was not the only leader with a weak clan, but it pained him to hear of any Clan's troubles, even if it wasn't his Clan that was in trouble.

Catherine said...

"Hello Dreamstar." Icestar dipped her head.

[Lauren] said...

Petalstar of PineClan leaped up the Great Stone, which was more of a struggle for her. "PineClan has had a hard moon. We have a drought going on, and rain hasn't come for a while. We've had a fox attack two sunrises ago, but they are gone." Petalstar said, dipping her head, looking around with a touch of sorrow in her eyes.

MadiShae said...

*Miststar walked into the clearing and nervously jumped up onto the Great Stone.*

Miststar of CloverClan

Anonymous said...

Pinestar looked away from Mistystar. He now was certain that she knew that something was up. He shielded his gaze from her, determined not to let her know about the pain he was going through. He sat up straighter.

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar dipped her head.*

That is too bad petalstar. I pray to StarClan your clan will have good moons from now on.

*Dreamstar looked around, then stepped forward.*

Clan Leaders. I want to ask something from all of you, if you will let me.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"Greeting Dreamstar and Petalstar." she dipped her head, and when she looked at Dreamstar there was a glint in her eyes.


MadiShae said...

*She looked up to see Dreamstar and waited for her to continue.*

Miststar of CloverClan

✠Ember✠ said...

Brindlestar leapt onto the Great Stone, heavy with kits "MouseClan is doing great! We have many new warriors and Swiftshadow is now expecting kits, and so am I,"

~-~Brindlestar of MouseClan~-~

Cherrystar leapt onto the Great Stone "SongClan is thriving! We did have an outbreak of Greencough though we are recovering well! We found two kits on the Thunderpath and they now joined the clan,"


♥Warriors101♥ said...

Mistystar dipped her head to Dreamstar and Petalstar, noticing how frail the second leader was.


"Hello, Dreamstar and Petalstar." Miststar mewed solemnly.


Hazelberry bristled as LakeClan appeared, still feeling cautious about the battles they had.

~~**Hazelberry of CloverClan**~~

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar nodded.*

I, am asking for forgiveness. My behaviour these past moons has been unacceptable, and I am truly sorrowed by how I acted. I can only wish you can forgive, after the great harm I caused. I do not deserve forgiveness, though I am asking for it.

*Dreamstar looked down.*


*Rippleblaze looked up at Dreamstar, worry sparking in his eyes.*


♥Warriors101♥ said...

Mistystar casted a glance at Pinestar, curiosity still gnawing at her. She looked at Dreamstar and waited for her to continue.


Miststar dipped her head to Dreamstar. "What is it?"


Catherine said...

"Frostclan forgives you."
(I have know idea what you did, but it just seems like the right thing to do!)

Formerly-Sunset said...

(my cats are not at this gathering :(, but everyone keeps saying how cool poplarclan is so i'm going to check it out. btw, Hi! I'm SunsetBubble and I'm new to blogger, nice to meet you.)

MadiShae said...

*She looked at Dreamstar.*

We forgive you.


♥Warriors101♥ said...

Miststar nodded, memories of the fights flooding back to her.


Poppydawn entered the clearing and leaped up onto the Great Stone, waiting for her turn to speak.


[Lauren] said...

"I forgive you..." Petalstar said, slightly confused.


✠Ember✠ said...

"We forgive you?" Cherrystar mewed a little confused she felt no hostility against the LakeClan leader


Brindlestar dipper her head to Dreamstar


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Swiftstar hesitated.

"I forgive you." she said at last, her dark blue eyes s[arking with curiousity.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...


☠♥Maddie♥☠ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Pinestar looked away from Mistystar before saying, "I forgive you..." (I gotta go, guys. Have a great Gathering! Bye! :D)

Catherine said...

"So... Why are we forgiving you? Did you do anything wrong? I don't recall you being mean." Icestar said to Dreamstar, breaking the silence.

♥Warriors101♥ said...

(Bye Pinestar! :()

☪Dream said...

(Last Gathering, she got in a fight with Dewstar of CloverClan. The Gathering before, she killed Ravenstar, by accident. She got in a few others fights. one gathering she lost a life.)

✠Ember✠ said...

(Bye Pinestar!)

Brooke said...

Silverleaf sighed. "Sorry we cannot stay long but we should be going." The cats padded out of the Gathering. Just then Bramblestar and her Clan arrived. Bramblestar looked ashamed and pounced on the rock. "We don't have much prey but we are doing very good in every other area. Our apprentices are doing quite well."


♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Cloudstar padded in with her clan.

Catherine said...

(Ohh gotcha.)

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

"Tropicalclan is doing well we won against Chillstar. I've had my kits Miraclekit, Stormkit, Swiftkit and Shadowkit."

✠Ember✠ said...

Dreamingpaw looked around for someone to talk to, she saw a golden MouseClan warrior, she padded over to him "Hey,"

The tom nodded "Hey. I haven't seen you here before, is this your first time?"

Dreamingpaw nodded "Ya, I'm Dreamingpaw, who are you?"

"My names Lionspirit," Lionspirit mewed

"Nice to meet you Lionspirit," Dreamingpaw purred


♥Warriors101♥ said...

Mistystar gazed around all the clans. Her clan seemed so puny when she looked down at them, smaller then all the other clans. I hope more cats join....Soon.... She thought of what would happen when the Shadow-Stalkers attacked.


♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

How long till I have to leave my clan to find the lost kits. She hissed softly at the thought.

♥Warriors101♥ said...

Poppydawn looked a little anxious as she stepped up to speak. "IvoryClan is doing...Well, we had have some problems with foxes as well, but we are recovering." Poppydawn wanted to still warn the other clans that they didn't show a spark of weakness. "We have many new members, too much to name. Ivorystar couldn't make it tonight, so that is why I am here." She finished, not saying anything about his sickness.


☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar nodded.*

Thank-you. It... means.. a l-lot. A whole lot.


♥Warriors101♥ said...


✠Ember✠ said...

Cherrystar sighed, she wondering if it was wise to leave her clan with so few warriors, and the threat of BoulderClan


♥Warriors101♥ said...


♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Fogpelt kept an eye on his two kits Skypaw and Winterpaw. It was there first gathering and he didn't want them to be scared. A tail rested on his shoulder he looked up it was Cloudstar.

"Don't worry about them." She whispered to him.

Catherine said...

Coalwind watched Icestar warily. She didn't look like herself. Something was wrong...

"I have a question. I'm sure lots of clans are experiencing a drought. What are we supposed to do? We can't just wait for the rain to come. One of our cats died of lack of water." Icestar said to the leaders.

MadiShae said...

Actually, we aren't.


♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

"My clan isn't we have three rivers in our terriotry. Just the other day Springsong found a cave with a stream in it." She told Icestar.

Fogpelt nodded at Cloudstar. That was true Tropicalclan was strong and well feed.

[Lauren] said...

Petalstar sighed. "Rain will come soon. StarClan told me so." She said, trying to hide her sadness.

Catherine said...

"Strange. Maybe its just us. We don't have a drop of water on our territory."

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

"Yet with all the rivers it hasn't rained in a while." She sighed.

✠Ember✠ said...

Cherrystar nodded "We have plentiful water,"


Brindlestar nodded "We have a large river running through out territory, it would take a while for that to dry up," Brindlestar laughed


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Swiftstar's eyes widened in alarm as she saw many big dark shapes slip into the clearing, snarling.

"WOLVES!" she yowled.


☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar titled her head.*

We have plenty of water. We have a stream running right through our camp, a stream running around two of our borders, and a giant lake in the middle of our territory.


(guys, we are gonna do a WOLF ATTACK. Ok? Del is gonna get them to come. :) )

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Fogpelt growled as he saw the wolves. "Don't get involve Cloudstar you just had kits!" He told his sister.

She didn't answer to what Fogpelt said.

[Lauren] said...

Petalstar growled softly, looking defeated before the battle even began.

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar's eyes widened, and she immediately felt the pelt of Rippleblaze next to her.*

Dreamstar. Please. Stay with me.

*Dreamstar sighed, but nodded.*


*Everlight narrowed her eyes, then saw Bluegaze running through the clearing to a small apprentice. Shadowedpaw... She saw Bluegaze, a blind cat, lead a semi blind cat away.*


Catherine said...

"Wolves! Attack!" Icestar said flinging herself down the rock to help her clan mates.

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Longclaw growled and unsheated his claws.

He hissed at Longclaw not to attack until they came closer.

[Lauren] said...

Petalstar leaped down from the Great Rock. Rockpaw rushed up to her. "Now?" He whispered. She nodded. "Now." She said.

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Cloudstar growled then went over to Longclaw. "Don't fight a wolf with out another cat to help you okay." She told him.

He nodded and went into attack a wolf.

♥Warriors101♥ said...


MadiShae said...

*She heard Dreamstar get hurt and went to help her when something slammed into her, pinning her down.*



♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Fogpelt made sure both of his kits were safe. Before attaking a wolf.

☪Dream said...

*Ridgepaw looked around with wide eyes.*

Nestflame! What do we do!? I haven't had any defense battle training yet!


*Dreamstar leaped from the Great Rock, with Rippleblaze by her side. She looked around, then saw Markspirit fighting a giant wolf by himself. She was about to go help, when she saw Fleckrain and Rainingblaze running over to help.*


☪Dream said...

(Dreamstar isn't hurt? Do you mean Oceanstar?)

✠Ember✠ said...

Dreamingpaw looked around in shock at first she didn't realize what was going on. She felt teeth grip her scruff at first she thought it was wolf but she realized Lionspirit had thrown her out of the way from a wolfs snapping jaws. Lionspirit was now locked in battle with it "Y-you saved me!" she mewed. She leapt onto the wolf helping him


Cherrystar yowled her eyes met with Patchfire and they both leapt onto the same wolf


Brindlestar growled leaping onto a wolf


♥Warriors101♥ said...

Miststar growled and hurled herself at a wolf.


Fear shone in Mistystars eyes. No....I can't fight! What if I loose a life?! Then everything would be over....



♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Swiftstar snarled, leaping off the rock and flying in the air, aiming slightly right of a wolf, and her way past it she hooked her clans in it's forelegs, sending it spinning.


✠Ember✠ said...

Nestflame looked around "We and the other medicine cats should make a safe place where they can take hurt warriors,"


✠Ember✠ said...

(sorry, none really)

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

(Nope all of my toms are getting mates or have crushes)
Cloudstar helped Winterpaw who was pinned by a wolf. "Don't get hurt stick with your dad!" She hissed at the young apprentice.

She nodded her eyes wide with fear.

MadiShae said...

(Oh, yeah, Oceanstar. My bad. I thought she was cause Rippleblaze was like, "Stay with me." So I thought she was dying. =D)

☪Dream said...

*Ridgepaw nodded, and looked around for the other medicine cats.*


*Sparrowstreak snarled, and gripped onto a wolves flank. Then, he felt a pelt pressing into him. He choked for air. Another wolf was squishing him as it backed up from a cat who it was fighting. He tried to yowl for help, but he only lost more air. he then felt the wolf move away. The wolf he was gripping to, shook him off. He slid to the ground, his vision going black.*


(Em, he's dead. :P )

[Lauren] said...

Petalstar lunged at a wolf, Rockpaw at her side. She clawed at it ferociously.

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

"Dreamyleaf use your powers make the trees come to life!" She hissed at her former apprentice.

Dreamyleaf nodded. "But I can't be attacked if I do I won't be able to contorl the trees." She told Cloudstar.

Cloudstar nodded and stayed by Dreamyleaf.

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

He launced at wolf scratching its eyes.

MadiShae said...

*Stormwater lunged directly at a wolf's throat, but was swiped away.*


☪Dream said...

(Um... Maplestar.... this battle if for cats.... it's more fun if only the cats fight...)

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar snarled.*

This is like the Giant Cat attack all over again!

*Rippleblaze nodded, and pressed against her.*

But this time, I'm here. And you're not going to die.

*Dreamstar stiffened, and nodded.*


♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

"I can't do it I'm not strong enough." Her eyes were watery.

"It's okay you tried."

Whitecloud came in with Mapleclan. She saw the wolves and she called on her apprentice. "Hurry help the injured cats!" She got some cobwebs and went around helping cats.

✠Ember✠ said...

Strongspirit fought a wolf snarling she ducked under its giant paw and slashed it's muzzle


Frostysky looked at Falcon, "Make sure You keep Berrypaw and Owlpaw safe, I'll fight with Wrenpaw and Rushpaw!"

Wrenpaw nodded at her mother and all three she-cats feicly attacked a wolf


Falcon nodded "Ready?" he asked Owlpaw and Berrypaw they nodded and jumped on a huge silver wolf


Cloudfire growled leaping on a wolf


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Briarberry clawed at Swiftstar's wolf, sending it's blood spraying.


[Lauren] said...

A huge wolf lunged onto Petalstar, clawing her viciously. She managed to throw him off. She ran over to Rockpaw, her entire body filled with pain. She gave him a look, and he instantly knew what was about to happen. He murmured comfortingly to her as she closed her eyes, and her breathing stopped.

☪Dream said...

(no... he was gonna die anyways...)

*Jayflight ran over to Nestflame and Ridgepaw. he panted.*

Anything I can do?


MadiShae said...

*Miststar finally slid out from under the wolf and darted up onto it's back, clawing fiercely.*


☪Dream said...

(... I play Ridgepaw/Jayflight. Ridgepaw, no. He's 6 moons. Jayflight, no. He's not a full med cat... but my cats aren't looking for anyone.)

Catherine said...

My med cat is a girl but she is probs going to die soon. her apprentice is a tom though.

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Cloudstar was fighting then she was in Starclan. "Why am I here I'm suppose to be down there fighting!" She hissed at the cat.

"No you can't fight as soon as you go back you will lose a life. You need that life for your great journey." The cat growled at her.
~~The cat

Cloudstar hissed in annoyence. "Just send me back there if I lose a life oh well!" She told the cat.

"Very well it's your lose!" The cat growled.
~~The cat

♥Warriors101♥ said...

Pumaclaw snarled and leaped at a wolf, claws stretched out in front of him. He raked his claws across its face and felt the blood soak into his paws. Blood clouded the wolfs eye and blinded him for a moment. Pumaclaw lunged at it bowled it over.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Gazedawn ran over to the other medicine cats.

>Gazedawn of Songclan<

☪Dream said...

*Everlight growled. She wanted to fight so badly! But she couldn't. Then, she saw a silver shape moving through the crowd towards her. She gasped, and stood up.*


*The large silver fox stopped in front of her.*

Ever, You're still alive.

*His eyes shot to Bluegaze, and they narrowed.*

You are still in danger Ever.

*Everlight snarled.*

I told you, my name is Everlight

*Flint rolled his eyes.*

:~~Flint, Everlight:

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Cloudstar woke up right as a wolf lunged for her thoart. She closed her eyes afraid for what was to come.

Maplestar saw Cloudstar being attacked and pushed the wolf out of the way. "You okay?" She asked the she-cat.

She nodded. "Thanks for saving my life." She told her.

✠Ember✠ said...

(aww not I gotta kill Maple :P)

Mapleberry yowled in grief "How dare you!" she cried looking at her brother's still body. She leapt on the wolf who had killed him, the wolf only snarled and rolled on it's back, Mapleberry heard a crack and she yowled in pain her breathing began to shallow, she struggled to her feet nearly collapsing again she leapt on it, clawing at it's muzzle but the wolf bit her stomach Mapleberry cried out in pain already weak she looked at the blood she swallowed and the wolf shook her off, she fell to the ground still her eyes fixed on StarClan and didn't move again


☪Dream said...

(aww. :( and wolves are like, 4 times bigger then a cat... Maplestar....)

[Lauren] said...

Rockpaw gently shook Petalstar's lifeless body. "Petalstar...wake up..." He begged.

✠Ember✠ said...

Nestflame nodded to Jyflight "We need to make a safe place for injured warriors!" he mewed to all the medicine cats


♥Warriors101♥ said...

Mistystar took a deep breath a swiftly jumped off the Great Stone and onto a stone black wolf.


Miststar slid under a wolf and sliced its stomach mercifully. She hissed but got knocked from behind. She shook her head and got up and spun around. A HUGE wolf was standing over her, prepared for the kill. Miststar shut her eyes, and she was soon in a starlit hollow.


[Lauren] said...

(LOL how many leaders are losing lives? Petal only has ONE LIFE LEFT!)

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Maplestar made sure her kits were near her. "Don't go anywhere with out me!" She told them. They nodded at her and went back to attack wolves without her. Ugh they never listen to me!

Cloudstar growled and clawed at a wolf.

"Cloudstar I've come to help you!" Lightkits whispered to her.

Cloudstar gasped it was Lightkit her dead sister. "I need all the help I can get." She told her.

(Omg the power went out in my house and theres a thunderstorm going on)

☪Dream said...

*Everlight flattened her ears to her head, and snarled.*

I don't need your help Flint. How you here to save my from these wolves?

*Flint only laughed, but didn't respond. There was a hidden glint in his eyes.*


♥Warriors101♥ said...

(lol Miststar was getting annoying so I want her to die XD)

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Swiftstar spat out a mouthful of blood, not her pown *gross* She dug her claws into the wolf's spine, and bit into it's ear. Growling, the Wolf rolled over, driving the breath out of Swiftstar.


♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Cloudstar froze in panic. What am I doing fighting? I've kits still in the nursery...

Catherine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
♥Warriors101♥ said...

Miststar looked up at the starry cats. "Please! Send me back! I have too....." She pleaded but I white tom held up his tail. Patience, Miststar... You have lost some lives.... Miststar looked up in fright. "LiveS?!" She gasped. "How many?!" She demanded.
Two... Now be wise with your battle tactics...


Catherine said...

Icestar clawed at a wolf and thred to get a good grip. Beside her she saw Dreamcloud go down and not move. "No!" She cried. Her sister! Then a wolf crashed down on top of her. But before anthing could happen, it was thrown off by Coalwind and Suneyes. "Thanks." she rasped. "It's for the kits." Coalwind whispered. "You know." She said before her mind went blank.


Icestar looked up. Dreamcloud stood above her. "Dreamcloud." she sighed. "Shh.. rest." She stepped back for Icestar to see an even more solid figure of herself. Then she blanked out again.

~Icestar of Frostclan~

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...
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♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Cloudstar went over with Fogpelt. "Tropicalclan may have to retreat to not lose any cats." She told him.

Fogpelt nodded and made sure his kits were still safe.

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Maplestar got up. "I can't lose another life." She told Whitecloud.

[Lauren] said...

Petalstar's eyes opened, shining with starlight. She still hadn't recovered from losing a life TWO DAYS AGO, so she was still very weak. "Thank StarClan..." Rockpaw murmured. "How many?" He asked. "One..." Petalstar choked out.

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar leaped at a wolf, she saw Rippleblaze do the same. But before he was able to land on the wolf, another wolf grabbed him in it's jaws. Dreamstar yowled in agony, and leaped onto that wolf, and clawed at its eyes, anything to get it to let go. Finally, the wolf let go of the slightly battered Rippleblaze. It snarled, and grabbed her only slightly, and threw her, before leaping at a different cat. She slammed into the GreatRock. She gasped in pain, then her eyes dimmed.*


(wow... dangerous battle for the leaders. They are all like, losing a life. :P )

Catherine said...

(Yeah I know my med. cat just died. Tradgic)

♥Warriors101♥ said...

(epic battle lol)

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

(Yeah :P)
Dreamyleaf was thrown into a tree.

Cloudstar ran over to the she-cat. "Dreamyleaf! Are you okay come on wake up." She touched her fur it was still warm. "Thank Starclan."

Dreamyleaf tried to wake up but she couldn't everything was dark.

Catherine said...

(We really need to start getting rid of these wolves before all the leaders lose their lives. This battle could take forever)

✠Ember✠ said...

A wolf shot out a paw at Lionspirit it caught his neck and he collapsed to the ground Dreamingpaw yowled grabbing his scruff "You saved me, now I'm gong to save you," she mewed, dragging him away from the fighting "How am I supposed to get him to the medicine cats?" she began to lick the three scratched where the wolf had hit him. Lionspirit was unconcious and was loosing blood. What was Thornypaw always going on about that stopped wounds bleeding? she continued to lick the wounds trying to stop the bleeding


Thornypaw ran up to the medicine cats "I have a little training as a medicine cat, like I know a few basic herbs, would you like me to help?"


[Lauren] said...

(I know and i GTG in 5 mins!)

Rockpaw pressed against Petalstar. "It's okay. I'm here." He murmured.

(anyone notice anything ODD about their relationship?)

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...


Swiftstar choked from the hot fur, stuggling to breath, The wolf's weight pushed down, and she felt a sickening crack, then all went black.


Briarberry saw her leader go limp and snarled at the wolf, it charging towards her and she started clawing it, it tearing at her ear. It would be scarred for life.

I hope the wolves ignore swiftstar while she's losing a life....


♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Maplestar got up. "Whitecloud go help Dreamyleaf I need to help other cats!" She went back into battle.

Whitecloud nodded and ran over to Dreamyleaf. "She's still alive you might need to tak her back to camp." She told Cloudstar.

Cloudstar nodded. "My camp is closer Longclaw take her back to camp!" She ordered the young tom.

He nodded and took Dreamyleaf away.

✠Ember✠ said...

(Maybe I should have Brindle loose a life :P)

Brindlestar clawed a Wolf's flanks


Catherine said...

Frostleaf tackled a wolf. Big mistake. The wolf tried to snap at her throat. She scratched it across the nose and tried to wriggle free. The wolf closed its jaws on Frostleaf's throat and everything went black.

~Frostleaf of Frostclan~

♥Warriors101♥ said...

Pumaclaw clawed a wolfs flank and the wolf bit Pumaclaws paw. He thrust his paw back in pain. He limped over to the medicine cats, showing them his crushed paw.


[Lauren] said...

(Im leaving now. Bye. :( )

Catherine said...

(Yes laurea, yes I do... LOL)

Catherine said...

(AWWW! Bye bye!)

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Whitecloud looked around for any injured cats. "I need to make sure Braveheart is okay!" She looked around for her brother.

♥Warriors101♥ said...

(Bye Laurea! :()

☪Dream said...

(It needs to go on for longer, like the lynx attack! XD)

*Rippleblaze struggled to sit. He had fallen to the ground, and faintly saw dreamstar. he looked around, then saw her by the great Rock. he got up, and ran to her. Though he could barely wrun because of his wounds.*


Catherine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Catherine said...

(Alright, Fine.)

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Cloudstar limped over to Fogpelt. "You know I can't lose a life!" She hissed at him.

"You still have eight!" He exclaimed.

"Four I will lose in this journey!" She said journey in a sour voice.

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
☪Dream said...

(no. Stop making them die then.)

♥Warriors101♥ said...

(noooo we control them, they don't have to die)

✠Ember✠ said...

(bye :()

Another wolf yanked brindlestar off the wolf, throwing her into the air, she landed with a sickening crack "NO!" she cried knowing what was about to happen thinking about the kits. The wolf put a paw on her neck digging it in. Her eyes gleamed with pain then nothing


Cheryl Wang ♥ said...

Tigerstar of Birchclan appeared late at the Gathering, and noticed a pack of wolves. He ran into battle and tackled a muscular, black one.


Anonymous said...

*Driftstar padded up to the high rock looking alittle imbaressed that he was late.*

Sorry...*mubbles looking at his paws*


(anyone still here??)

Catherine said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


*Driftstar charged at a wolf *

(didnt know that was happening)


♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Maplestar looked around at the battle. "Jetstream!" She ran over to her mate. He was okay not a scracth on him.

"Sorry I just got here Bluepaw didn't know how to change the moss for the elders!" He told her.

☪Dream said...

*Rippleblaze nudged Dreamstar, who then started to breathe frantically. She choked out a few words.*

I... lost a life.


♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Cloudstar looked around. "Fogpelt run back to camp and take your kits I can't watch any of you die!" She choked out the last word.

Fogpelt shook his head. "Skypaw Winterpaw go back to camp!" He told his kits.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Swiftstar woke up and saw Greystar.

"Your getting closer to the prophecy, Swiftstar." he chuckled.

"Now your down to two."

Swiftstar opened back up her eyes, feeling refreshed and started clawing at a wolf with Briarberry.


♥Warriors101♥ said...

Hazelberry got knocked over from a wolf and she struggled to get it off of her, but she knew she would loose. She could never beat a full grown wolf!

~~**Hazelberry of CC**~~

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Cloudstar rolled his eyes. "I told you to go back to camp!" She hissed at him.

He ignored her and went to fight the wolves.

Catherine said...

Coalwind saw Seapaw looking frighted and confused. "Go get more cats from camp." He ordered.

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Fogpelt ran back to camp. "Hurry cats need help now!" He called out.

~~In TC camp~~
Miraclekit ran up to Fogpelt. "Is mom okay?" She aksed him.

Fogpelt nodded. "Now run back to the nursery."

Anonymous said...

*Driftstrar hadnt really have the strength to fight these wolves, with just driving Sharp off he was still oretty weak.


(still have to post sharp thing(

✠Ember✠ said...

Brindlestar woke in StarClan Brackentail was padding toward her "Brackentail!" she cried "My kits!"

Brackentail licked her cheek "Do not worry, the kits will be fine, I will make sure of that," Brindlestar nodded thaking him.

"I only have five left, and i am loosing lives quickly,"

Brackentail sighed "Just calm down, Brindlestar, things will be fine in the end,"

"How are my kits?! You know the ones in the battle,"

Brackentail sighed, he showed her Beeflight, who was fighting with all the strength of TigerClan, then of Lionspirit, three deep gashes in his neck, a SongClan apprentice desperetly trying to stop the bleeding
"NO!" she yowled "NO NO NO! Let me back! Lionspirit needs me!"

Brackentail shook his head "I cannot, Brindlestar your wounds have not healed yet,"


"I can't Brindlestar, not yet,"


Catherine said...

(This is the most epic gathering ever)

☪Dream said...

(No, the lynx Gathering was WAY better.)

Anonymous said...

(and i missed most of it too! >:( )

✠Ember✠ said...

Dreamingpaw thought,

WHAT WAS IT THAT STOPPED BLEEDING?! she thought, she saw the moonlight make something glint, Cobwebs! That was it! she took a pawful of them and pressed to Cobwebs to his wounds, it began to soak up the blood. She layed down next to him waiting for him to lay down


♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Chillstar apperead by Cloudstar. "I know you will never like me but you have to look." He told her.

She nodded and woke up in Starclan.

"Those are your kits now this is what will happen to them if Tropicalclan doesn't retreat." He told her. He showed him images of Miraclekit leaving camp. Stormkit dieing. Swiftkit going missing. Shadowkit never to be seen again.

She gasped. "Thanks Chillstar for warning me."

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