Sunday, November 15, 2009

Warrior Code

Over the moons, the warrior code has gone through many changes. Code changes will be proposed on the full moon. Clan leaders, if you think there should be a change to the warrior code, post your idea here. These are the current rules in the warrior code:

1: Clan cats should defend their Clan even at the cost of their own life.

2: Clan cats should not hunt or trespass on another Clan's territory.

3: Elders, queens, and kits should be fed first in the Clan.

4: Prey should not be killed for sport and StarClan must be thanked for its life.

5: Kits must be six moons old before they can become apprentices and be assigned mentors.

6: New warriors must sit a silent guard over camp and reflect on their new duties.

7: A warrior cannot become deputy without mentoring at least one apprentice.

8: When a Clan leader dies the Clan deputy must take their place as leader.

9: If a Clan deputy dies or retires the Clan leader must appoint a new one before moonhigh that night.

10: Every full moon all the Clans will meet in peace.

11: Clan boundaries are to be checked and marked daily and intruders to be chased off.

12: Warriors should always help a kit in danger even if it belongs to a different Clan.

13: The word of the Clan leader is to be obeyed.

14: Warriors should not kill in battle unless the opponent is outside the warrior code or threatening their life.

15: A true warrior rejects the ways of kittypets and other cats outside the Clan.

16: Medicine cats must not take mates or have kits.

17: Medicine cats must meet every half-moon to speak with StarClan.

18: Warriors must not take mates from outside their Clan.

Keep in mind that rules #1, #2, #10, #16, and #17 are warrior laws are not to be changed.

(For those of you who think the Warrior Code should not be changed, read 'Code of the Clans' to see how the Warrior Code came to be in the first place... Clan leaders voted on new rules. And yes, I know that the rules here are not worded exactly like they are in the books, but I have been a Warrior fan for over 2 years and I have NOT left out anything and have NOT added incorrect rules.)


(See latest update post)


☪Dream said...

I think, and a few other people, that a new rule should be added. In quite a few places now, apprentices have been having kits. I think this is totally wrong.

Teller of the Foggy Water said...

Dreamstar, I totally agree. Apprentices are able to give birth to kits, but they just don't. This is just the same as teenage motherhood! A new rule should DEFINATELY be added.

~Berrystar of DustClan

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

OK, I will announce this idea at the next Gathering.


MadiShae said...

I disagree. I think that if they choose to do that, their punishment (instead of being thrown out of the clan) would be trying to take care off their kits at such a young age.

MadiShae said...

It would teach them a lesson.

♥Warriors101♥ said...

I agree with you guys, but also Madi.

✠Ember✠ said...
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✠Ember✠ said...
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✠Ember✠ said...

I agree they should wait until they are warriors, it's just kinda gross for them to have kits soooooooo young

MadiShae said...

Well, honestly, they aren't THAT old. What, they train for six moons? End their training at 12 moons old. If they have it from 6-9 moons, yeah, that's young. Firestar got apprenticed early. After nine moons, it's not bad. Plus, they probably won't end up having them until after 12 moons.

♥Warriors101♥ said...

still.... I mean, look at it in OUR world.... (may sound weird)

Summerstar said...

Apprentices really shouldn't have kits. That is really wrong. They are only like six moons old and that is too young to be having kits.

MadiShae said...

Yeah, I know, but does it matter THAT much to cats?

MadiShae said...

This isn't our world.

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Well, in some cases (Dream *wink wink nudge nudge*) apprentices can have kits, like if they leave before they recieve their warrior name then they become like 15 moons, and they have kits, like Ravenpaw could have kits with a she-cat!

Sparkstar said...

Well they should be able to chose and if they want to have kits then mabey they should leave the clan until the kits are ready to be apprenticed or they can just wait for their warrior names.


★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Here is how I see it; Kits are apprenticed at 6 moons of age, just before the time they are able to have kits of their own. I do agree that it is way too early, and not only that, but having kits of their own would interfere with their training to become warriors. If it were just for this, I would vote for the rule.

However, we must take into consideration that in some cases, warrior ceremonies for certain apprentices are very delayed. For example, in the series, Sandstorm and Dustpelt, though OLDER than Firestar and Graystripe, were made warriors AFTER them, simply because they had not fought in the battle.

I do think it is a bad idea for she-cats to have kits during their apprenticeship, but it is quite different for toms. For another example from the series, Snowfur received her warrior name before Thistleclaw, but the two already had a relationship. It couldn't do much harm for a tom apprentice, warrior age himself, to father the kits of a she-cat warrior, since he would not be the one raising them.

So basically, there is an upside and a downside to this law. I personally have not seen much of this problem in the Clans, but I agree it needs looking into. I have thought about this, and I have decided to vote 'no' to the law. It should be generally understood that apprentices don't have kits, just as it is generally understood that warriors cannot retire at a young age out of laziness. I agree that a young she-cat caring for kits along with her apprentice duties would be punishment enough... As for a tom, I see no harm in him taking a young warrior as his mate. So my vote is 'no'.

~~Silverstar of StormClan

✠Ember✠ said...

The law really isn't that they cant have a mate it is that they can't have kits... Cause one of my cats loved a tom, and she was on;y an apprentice, and i waited till she was a warrior to have kits

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Yes, but having a mate and having kits sort of go hand and hand, if you get my meaning. I meant that it would probably be OK for a TOM apprentice to have a mate and kits, but a she-cat really should wait until her training is done.


✠Ember✠ said...

ohh, yea, i guess

Dawnstar said...

I vote yes, but what Silverstar is saying is a good idea. We could tweak the rule a bit so it says she-cat apprentices can't have kits, but tom apprentices can father kits with a she-cat warrior. Or something like that.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm saying no. It should be noted that it is not very good (It's like teen pregnancy people!), but allowed in sertain cases. It's hard to decide. It's like yes and no at the same time. But I vote no.

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Well, so far the polls are 30 'yes' votes, and 20 'no' votes. Remember that the rule has to win by 20 votes, but so far it looks like everything is pretty evenly matched at the moment. Only time will tell if this rule will be approved.


☪Dream said...

On the top, and just saying, it says at least 29 clan leaders have to vote on the poll. not 20 more votes. :/

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

That was a wording error. But since 60 people voted, and there were only 6 more 'yes' votes than 'no', I think we can consider it fairly tied at the moment. I have a plan for the next Gathering to change the current law addition rule and help decide once and for all if it should be added to the Warrior Code.


Natasha said...

But Madaie Shae Then the kits would suffer!

Natasha said...

Brightstar stands up, "I think a new rule should be added that all cats who join a RP clan should go on atleast twice a week unless holidays, sick relative etc because it isn't fair on clan leaders making a clan and peple join but never go on!"

Catherine said...

I agree with both changes. I mean who ever heard of an apprentice having kits? They are only a bit older than a kit. Also if the clan leader isnt following Starclans rules, than it isnt much fun having and evil leader.

Brooke said...

19: Apprentices are not allowed to take mates or have kits until they become warriors.
:I agree with this rule:

13: The word of the Clan leader is to be obeyed as long as they are following StarClan and the Warrior Code.


✠Ember✠ said...

I agree with the change to the leader rule!

and I like the new addition, but I think it is fine for an apprentice who is old enough to be a warrior, to father the kits of a wariror, but she-cats should wait until they are warriors

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

(Paw, that CANNOT be part of the Warrior Code. We cannot tell people how to run their Clans. If YOU want to do that with your own blog, that is fine. But the Warrior Code applies to all Clans, and we cannot force people to exile members if they don't want to. The Warrior Code goes beyond RPG anyway.)


SarveniRaven said...

I have a completely different subject to bring up. If both the leader and the deputy die in battle on the same day, and there are several senior warriors that could do perfectly well as leader, how would the next leader be chosen? Maybe we should add something to the code specifying that. Just a suggestion...

☪Dream said...

Well, the medicine cat goes to the Moonpool(or whatever), and asks StarClan. That's how the new leader is chosen.