Monday, July 26, 2010

July Gathering Tonight!

The July Gathering is tonight! Chatting may begin now!

All Clan cats, please check out the post below and vote on the possible changes to the Warrior Code.

As always, review the rules and enjoy!


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☪Dream said...

( )

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

(i liked the one two gatherings ago. CUZ I WASN"T HERE FOR THE LYNX ONE)

✠Ember✠ said...

waiting for the bleeding to stop***

♥Warriors101♥ said...

Hazelberry tried to breath, but her vision began to blur and her breathing became more shallower.


♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

I hate saying this words "Tropicalclan retreat!" She yowled to her clan.

Firetail heard Cloudstar and ran out back to camp.

☪Dream said...

*Grayshadow watched the clan retreat with fear.*



♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

"NO we need all the help we can get!" She called out to Cloudstar.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Swiftstar fought more fiercely then ever, ripping her claws down the wolf's belly after darting under it.


♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Maplestar shook her head. "Braveheart go back to camp and get all the warriors and apprentices!" She told him.

He nodded and went back for help.

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar stood up, her paw slightly twisted at an angle.*

The clans. Some are leaving. Is this what StarClan wants!? we're supposed to stick together!

*Rippleblaze nodded.*

I know. Come. We are both hurt, the medicine cats are close.

*he then led her to the medicine cats.*

:~~Rippleblaze, Dreamstar:

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Maplestar raked a wolf in the belly. Before running back to her mate.

✠Ember✠ said...

Brindlestar looked at Brackentail "Can I go back NOW! This is rediculas!"

"You broke four ribs from that fall, and your spine is slightly cracked that will take a while for you to heal! I know, i want you to save him too, he's my kit too," Brackentail mewed. Brindlestar blinked, she felt guilty bt she had almost forgotten they were his kits


☪Dream said...

*Markspirit then saw Dreamstar, and ran over.*

Dreamstar! Are you okay? Rippleblaze, you too?

*Dreamstar nodded.*

We are fine.

*Markspirit sighed in relief.*

:~~Dreamstar, Rippleblaze, markspirit:

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Whitecloud watched some clans leave. "Anyone injured need help?" She asked.

Maplestar nodded. "Lionpaw has three depp claw marks!" She told her.

Lionpaw limped over to Whitecloud.

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Daisypaw hid behind a cat she didn't know. "I'm only an apprentice how can you tell me to fight!" She hissed back.

Maplestar called on Daisypaw. "Hurry help Whitecloud with Lionpaw."

Catherine said...

Seapaw arrived with a couple warriors. Silvercloud, Ravenwing, Emeraldsong, Ivyfang, Shadownight and Waterpool. All the cats left at camp. They all lookde startled, but started fighting right away. At first Coalwind was relieved, but what was six more cats against a pack of wolves?

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Braveheart came back with all of the warriors and apprentices.

Maplestar smiled as she saw more cats rush in. "Thank Starclan we might win this battle." She murmered.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Floe was knocked aside by a huge wolf, it's claws already clotting her ear, she breathed heavily, knowing one of her ribs was broken. Spitting out a mouthful of her own blood, she charged at the wolf again.


✠Ember✠ said...

"Cowards! How dare you leave!" Patchefire growled at the retreating clans


Lionspirit began to stir, he blinked opening his eyes coughing. He looked at Dreamingpaw "T-thank-you," he mewed his eyes glowing.

"I was just returning a favor," Dreamingpaw purred burying her muzzle in his fur, realizing what she was doing she got up "Sorry,"

Lionspirit blinked utterly surprise he tried to stand up, but his shoulder stuck out at an odd angle he groaned "Dislocated, I think,"


✠Ember✠ said...

Ravenpaw fought beside Floe looking at her worried "Are you okay?!"


♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Snowflower was the only warrior form Tropicalclan left. She hadn't heard Cloudstars call. She jumped on a wolfs back.

Maplestar rushed over to Snowflower and bite the wolf in the ear.

♥Warriors101♥ said...

Hazelberry tried to breath one more time, but then her vision turned black and she went unconscious.


♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Braveheart fought side by side with Jetstream.
~~Braveheart and Jetstream

Whitecloud took Lionpaw over to the other injured cats.

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

(I gtg bye)

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"Of course!" she hissed though gritted teeth, the wolf pinned her down and she bit deep into it's paw.


☪Dream said...

*Rippleblaze then saw Quiverstar. Quiverstar looked over at that second, and ran to him.*

Rippleblaze!? Are you ok?

*Rippleblaze nodded.*

Just a little bruised.

:~~Rippleblaze, Quiverstar:

*Everlight narrowed her eyes, then saw Bluegaze tense up.*


*Flint smirked.*

What, is the blind cat a Searcher now?

*Everlight looked at Flint to to Bluegaze. Then, she felt Bluegaze push her out of the way just as Flints jaws snapped where Everlight just was. he whispered in her ear.*

He... led this attack! he's trying to kill you Everlight! StarClan never chose him, he killed the fox they chose!

*Everlight's eyes widened, then she yowled, and pushed bluegaze away. She looked around.*

Bluegaze, get Shadowedpaw. We got to get to safety! I can't fight!

*Bluegaze nodded.*

You take Shadowedpaw. I'll stay and fight. I'm the second best fighter. GO!

*Bluegaze spun around, jsut as Flint launched himself at the tom, and clawed the silver foxes eyes as Everlight ran with the semi-blind apprentice.*

:~~Bluegaze, Everlight, Flint:

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Briarshadow noticed Brindlestar lying on the ground and rushed over to her.



☪Dream said...


✠Ember✠ said...

Dreamingpaw looked at him "You can lean against me" she mewed. Lionspirit nodded and leaned againt her, where he leaned her pelt felt hot and she could feel his ears turning hot. Suddenly a wolf lunged at them Dreamingpaw swerved trying to avoid the wolf, she dragged him by scruff behin some trees


✠Ember✠ said...

Ravenpaw bit the wolfs neck "Get off her!" he growled


Brackentail nodded "Go back now,"

Brindlestar nodded "I love you!" she purred. The clearing faded and woke up "Br-briarshadow?"


♥Warriors101♥ said...

Mistystar looked up from fighting a wolf who had just scampered away. She saw a blind warrior fighting a silver furred wolf. She thought of helping him, but he looked fine. She continued to look on to see if any cat need help.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"You've lost a life." Briarshadow observed, his eyes dark with worry.


Floe rolled away from the fox while it was distracted, it reared up on it's hindlegs at Ravenpaw, but she swept her legs,, kocking the two legs away and sending the wolf crashing down.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

(em when should feather and frosty have their kits!?!?)

✠Ember✠ said...

Ravenpaw heard the wolf fall he leapt on it clawing in deep


Brindlestar nodded "Five left," she whispered "But the kits, are fine," she purred wincing as she sat up licking his cheek


✠Ember✠ said...

(Right now?!?!)

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"Should i get you to a medicine cat?" he asked.


Floe remembered her past, back when she was in Brokenclan, and remebered there was a point in every cats back you could kick and they would die instantly. She leaped up in the air, kicking out with one of her hind legs right at the point in the wolfs back, digging her claws in to. amd rolled to the ground, the wolf falling, dead, behind her, but she knew it left her Hind paw badly damamged. And she knew she had thought about her past, and now Ravenpaw probably knew.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

(no like thurs or fri?)

✠Ember✠ said...

Birchstorm fought the wolfs feircly, he wondered how Mapleberry, Sparrowstreak and Finchpeak were doing. He jumped onto a wolves back it rose on it's hind paws trying to shake him off but he leapt off butting into the wolfs exposed stomach making him fall to the ground winded. He dug his claws into the wolf's stomach making him flee. As the wolfs left he saw two still bodies, he went closer and sadness engulfed him "NO! MAPLEBERRY!!!! SPARROWSTREAK!" he cried


☪Dream said...

*Bluegaze leaped up, and spun in the air, clawing Flint's back.*


(where is everyone!?)

☪Dream said...

*Fincpeak heard Birchstorm yowl. She ran over, then stopped dead. Mapleberry and Sparrowstreak... were dead...*


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

( "HERE!" Everyone said.

>Everyone< )

✠Ember✠ said...

(oohhh I thought u said should they have there kits oops sorry del XD Um Thurs, cause I might not be able to get on Fri)

Brindlestar purred "I'm fine, we need to kee fighting,"


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Briarshadow nodded.

"Okay." Briarshadow/


✠Ember✠ said...

Birchstorm looked at his sister with wide eyes "I can't... belive it," he cried, tears thretening to overcome him


☪Dream said...

*Finchpeak lowered her gaze.*

They died bravely, protecting their clanmates.


✠Ember✠ said...

Birchstorm nodded closing his eyes "Thats how they would have wanted to," he mewed shakily, dragging Sparrowstreak and Mapleberry's body away from the fighting "May StarClan laught your paths," he mewed licking down their fur until it was glossy, "They dies like true warriors,"


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Floe didn't look down at her paw, but just store into blank space, and collapsed on the ground.

"Poppypaw, Poppypaw wake up!" Frozenpaw's paw shook her, and she opened her eyes. Frozenpaw was staring at her, her eyes widened with fear.

"A patrol is coming, it's too late to run!" she exclaimed, and five cats crashed from the bushes, Adderpaw in the lead.

"Run!" Floe exclaimed, but Frozenpaw bared her teeth.

"We will stay and fight." she growled, and flew right into Adderpaw, and the tussled to the ground. After a few heartbeats her sister was limp on the ground.

no, I can't take it any longer! she said, and bolted, far away, the echo of her future words still echoing.

My sister died, protecting me from brokenclan


(lol i was bored, so a flashback was in order!)

☪Dream said...

*Finchpeak nodded, and noticed the fighting was starting to break up. Many wolves were either dead, or gone. But many cats were also dead.*


✠Ember✠ said...

"Floe!" Ravenpaw cried pulling her under the trees "Floe!" he cried


♥Warriors101♥ said...

Mistystar looked battered up a frail, she had many wounds scattered over her body and her eyes were dull. But they brightened when she realized the battle was coming to an end.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

(lol raven can hear all of her flashback XD hahaha)

✠Ember✠ said...

Dreamingpaw looked at Lionspirit, she knew then that, she felt something, she didn't know what, but something, she dragged him over to Brindlestar "Here, his shoulder is dislocated,"


Birchstorm looked at his sister "This was awful," he mewed his voice quivering


☪Dream said...

*Bluegaze snarled at the silver fox, Flint.*

Who was it you killed? WHAT WAS HIS NAME!

*Flint laughed.*

Apollo. He, was actually a wolf.

*Bluegaze snarled.*

Foxes... are always the worst!

*Flint, laughed, and leaped at Bluegaze.*

:~~Flint, Bluegaze:

(no one help him...)

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Floe ran.

"Copperpaw? Heatpaw? Frozenpaw?!" she called out to the darkness.

"Where are you?"


✠Ember✠ said...

Cherrystar predded against Patchfire breathing heavily, she looked at Patchfire and he lick her cheek, "Everything will be okay,"


✠Ember✠ said...

Ravenpaw layed next to Floe his his fur brushing hers listening to her memories


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Frozenpaw came up to her, suddenly bigger and older.

"I missed you, Poppypaw." she said.

"Frozenpaw!" she exclaimed.

"No, now it's Frozenstar" she said.


Swiftstar snarled at a wolf that had fled from her.

The wolves are still here...


☪Dream said...

*Bluegaze's sightless eyes widened. Then, he heard a loud snarl. He closed his eyes tight, but felt no teeth close around him. He kept his eyes closed, and looked into Flint's mind. He then saw a VERY large, completely white wolf. He gasped, as memories of THINKING Flint had killed this wolf, flooded to his mind.*


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"Frozenstar!?!?" she exclaimed.

"But, you were dead, Frozenpaw!" Floe exclaimed.

"I'm not, but you'll be." Frozenstar said, leaping onto Floe.


(lol a dream battle)

✠Ember✠ said...

Ravenpaw felt tears come to his eyes. Was Floe going to live with BrokenClan?! "Please don't leave me," he whispered


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

snarling, Floe tried to pull her sister from her back.


☪Dream said...

*Bluegaze took a few steps back from the battling pair. He saw the same name flash through Flint's head, many times. Apollo. This was the wolf he THOUGHT he had killed!*


☪Dream said...

*The white wolf snarled.*

You thought I was dead, didn't you Flint!? Well, I am guided by StarClan, and StarClan work wonders. Everlight never should have be raised by the likes of you!

*The white wolf growled.*


*Flint flattened his ears to his head.*

Apollo. I do believe Ever turned out just fine.


*Apollo snarled.*

You, were going to kill her!


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Floe could feel blood drip down her back, and she opened up her eyes and jumped up, on full alert. The wounds from her sister still there.


✠Ember✠ said...

Ravenpaw heard Floe stand "Floe!" he purred


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"Frozenstar." she growled, seeing a flash of grey and white fur, then it dissapeared.

"Where'd she go!?!?"


✠Ember✠ said...

Ravenpaw narrowed his sightless eyes "Frazenstar isn't here Floe, we are at the gathering"


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"She was." Floe said, baring her teeth.

"She attacked me."


✠Ember✠ said...

"No, I was laying beside you the whole time. SHe wasn't here,"


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Floe shook her head. "She gave me these." she said, pointing her tail along the fresh clawmarks on her back.

"I can still smell her."


☪Dream said...

*Then, Bluegaze heard a ripping noise as flesh ripped. He heard Flint yowl in pain.*

Everlight should be... dead. She's much too powerful.

*Apollo snarled.*

Everlight, SHALL LIVE!

*The, there was a loud thud, and silence. Bluegaze's mind went completely black. he jumped when he felt a tail brush his shoulder. The tail was much too large, and... bushy? to be a cats. He looked into this creture's mind. Apollo*

Bluegaze. Are you okay?

:~~Bluegaze, Apollo, Flint:

Anonymous said...

Pinestar jumped onto the back of a wolf, raking his claws down its spine. He then remembered a fighting move his mentor had taught him: he clawed at the wolf's ear, tearing into the delicate ear skin and sending blood splattered over his muzzle. He let out a yowl of triumph, and rolled to the ground. Pinestar dashed under the wolf's belly, scratching the sensitive stomach with his claws. He saw the wolf lower himself to the ground, trying to kill Pinestar, but he made it out from underneath thw wolf just in time.

Anonymous said...

*trying to crush Pinestar

oboe.chick said...

(Sorry, I wasn't able to make it to the Gathering last night!)

Wildstar jumped onto the Great Stone and quickly told everyone Breezeclan's announcements.

"Breezeclan is doing well and we have lots of prey. Our deputy, Russetfur, is not able to be here tonight because she is taking care of her new litter of kits. That is about all of Breezeclan's news. Thank you."

-Wildstar of Breezeclan

TheBlondeSmiley said...

Snowdropstar led her clan into a blood-covered clearing. She let out a battle cry and her warriors streamed into battle with the wolves.

Brooke said...

Bramblestar an her Clan left.

βяɛɛʓɛ said...

Shadowfrost pads in alone, with no one behind him, just as the clans are leaving.
"froststar is away, DarkClan is thriving, and we are strong."his eyes glinted nervously as he turned back towards his territory.
~!Shadowfrost of DArkClan!~

☪Dream said...

*Bluegaze nodded, then padded away, with Apollo following. he heard Dreamtar yowl to leave. Then, LakeClan left, with one VERY large white wolf following.*


Anonymous said...

(Growl...I'm late again! D:)

Spiderstar watched all the fighting. She was frail, she couldn't fight. Not after Lightningclan's whitecough breakout. She took a deep breath, and launched into battle.

Sunpaw, a new apprentice, gasped as Spiderstar jumped at a wolf. She hissed, trembling, and clawed at one herself.

Dominæthix said...

(I bit late but)

Shiningstar of LotusClan arrives with her clan, "The Clan is doing wonderful! I would like to welcome two new apprentices, Pondpaw will train to be a warrior and Streakpaw will train to be a medicine cat" she yowled.

Hawkstar of Hawkclan steped foward, "My clan is doing well, unfortunantly Serpentfang has died in kit birth but her kit, Snakekit has survived. Mousetail has had her kits, Srikekit, Dreamkit and Mistykit. That is all" he meowed

Ghoststar steps foward, "My clan is doing well and prey is running"

Summerstar said...

Nothing new in ForestClan (I really need more members)

Sparkstar said...

Wolfstorm walked in proudly with his head held high. I vote for both of the codes and we have a few new warriors, Swiftcomet, Lynxclaw, Patchedtail and Silversky. Our head warrior Shinestream left for another cat in a different clan so our new head warrior is Mistypebble.

Wolfstorm of Ivoryclan

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