Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Warrior Code Changes (VOTE HERE!)


Rachel said...

what do you mean?

Catherine said...

I agree with both changes. I mean who ever heard of an apprentice having kits? They are only a bit older than a kit. Also if the clan leader isnt following Starclans rules, than it isnt much fun having and evil leader.

Buzz Girl said...

I do too, although for the apprentices having kits, it would teach them a huge lesson on how to take care of the kit, since they kinda are kits themselves.

Leafstar of RainClan

TheBlondeSmiley said...

I am for both rule changes. Apprentices having kits is wrong. Their too young to understand the responsiblity.

oboe.chick said...

I vote against both of the rules.

Apprentices should not be allowed to have kits, because they are in training to become warriors, and having kits while they are training would slow down their training, so I think they should wait until they are older. Also, they wouldn't know how big of a responsibility it is to raise offspring at such an early age.

I also vote against the second rule because sometimes to leaders have to disobey the warrior code.

-Wildstar of Breezeclan

oboe.chick said...

Oh, sorry! I voted two times! Don't count my second vote!

Anonymous said...

I voted no for the first, and no to the second. :)

Apprentices CAN have kits - it's like teen preganacy - it's just not good.

What if there's an evil leader, like Honey Bee said?

Skinny's Graffiti said...

I vote no for both. Anyways we can't change the warrior code.
~Bumblestar of BeeClan

Dominæthix said...

I vote yes for the apprentice rule, Apprentices shouldn't have kits, they can but it is just not done.

I vote no for the Leader one because sometimes the code must be broken for the well being of the clan.

Shiningstar of LotusClan
Hawkstar of HawkClan
Ghoststar of AuroraClan

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Yes to the first one:

Apprentices are not supposed to kits!

Leaders break the warrior code. Bluestar ring any bells? Pinestar ring any bells? LOL!

Rachel said...

lol, what about Brokenstar? Can't forget that code-breaker

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

(Oops, sorry everyone, I thought I had saved this as a draft... Sorry for the confusion!)

Alado - The Warrior Code CAN be changed. Read Code of the Clans to see how it came about in the first place. Clan leaders MADE the rules and voted on them. We are doing the same here.

I think that Code 13 should be changed. The law came about in the first because of power-hungry leaders (Code of the Clans). Leaders are just cats, and they DO make mistakes. Yes, sometimes cats must break the warrior code for the sake of their Clan, but that is why the change will include, "... as long as they are following STARCLAN...". Our Warrior Ancestors have been known to make exceptions to the Warrior Code if a Clan is in danger. Even if a leader is forced to break some part of the code, they at least need to be under some rule that prevents them from taking total control. It also gives warriors the power to overthrow their leader if they become corrupt, like Brokenstar.

~~Silverstar of StormClan

Excaliber said...

agree with first disagree with second

abigail viktoria said...

Agree with the first and second.


[Lauren] said...

I vote against the first one and for the second one.

~Petalstar of PineClan

Dawnstar said...

(uh, do I have to re-vote here? Cause I posted on the other post about this.)

Dawnstar said...

(Oh wait nvm I just saw you included my name in the list lol)

Summerstar said...

I am for both polls

Watcher Of The Night said...

The Warrior Code can be changed but not by US we are not any of the Erins.

Natasha said...

i got a question!

How did the cats remember all this, do they have cat pencils now?

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Wolf Spirit -
The Warrior Code is passed on from generation to generation, just like stories. Apprentices learn the Warrior Code at a young age and are made to remember it and follow it.

Watcher of the Night -
Please understand that I am not trying to change the code of the series. The Clans in this instance of RPG are descendants of the Clans in the books (Thunder, River, Wind, Shadow, and Sky), and we live in a completely different forest. Now, I have been a fan of Warrior Cats for almost 3 years now, and I strive to make our role-play match up as much to the original series as possible. Changing the Warrior Code has always been the way of the Clans, and since there are more Clans and different territory in this part of the forest, it seems reasonable that some rules will have to be added or changed. However, I oversee the whole process and I will not allow codes to be passed that are completely backwards of the warrior way. The two laws under question right now are both reasonable and could be helpful to the Clans. Understand that we are not trying to rewrite the Warrior Code, just adjust and improve it for our own forest. :)

(By the way, I'm not trying to accuse if you are not, but were you that 'Nightwatcher' from the other StormClan? If you are, I just want to be clear that I'm not mad, I'm just confused what I did to offend you so much, because I don't even know you.)

~~Silverstar of StormClan

Anonymous said...

I vote against the first code addition.

Apprentices need to concentrate on their training and becoming a good warrior/medicine cat before even BEGINNING to think about a mate, let alone kits.

I vote for the second code addition.

If the leader is like Tigerstar, and doesn't follow StarClan nor the Warrior Code, he or she will be leading his or her Clan into trouble.


☪Dream said...
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☪Dream said...
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Brooke said...

I vote for the Existing Code Change.
If the leader is not following StarClan than the other cats need to continue to follow StarClan's ways.

I vote for the New Code Addition.
Apprentices are much too young to have kits. They can't protect the kits, the kits will ruin training, etc. Those things could damage the whole Clan!

I've said my votes in another post but I didn't in this one, so those are my choices.


♥Warriors101♥ said...

Silverstar, is it alright if I change one of my votes? I vote for the code CHANGE

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Do we have to follow the new rules?

Anonymous said...

I love you all, and you're all great Bloggers. Silverstar, I'm just letting you know that i'm leaving Blogger, so you can take PoplarClan off the list. Bye. :(

✠Ember✠ said...

I sort of agree with Aprrentices now having kits. It ruins the training, so I vote


I don't aggree with this one, because if the origanal says the leaders word is law, then it's not really going against the warrior code so I vote


Sparkstar said...

Ivoryclan votes yes for both

Anonymous said...

Hi. I came to apologize for the mean things I said about your gathering. I didn't think some of the rules were fair and I'm sorry I called this blog stupid. Forgive me?


Anonymous said...


because who ever heard of a apprentice having kits?

But also, it would mean more cats in the clan.

But more mouths to feed.


★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Glowstream - Thank you, and apology accepted. I don't mind if you dislike my blog, I just didn't want you to still be sore at me for not letting you replace Ivystar's DawnClan. No hard feelings. *Purrs* :)


★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Maplestar - Well, in a way yes. It will become a part of the Warrior Code for Blogger Clans, but that doesn't mean that there won't be exceptions that allow it to be broken, just like many of the other codes. *Wink*

Destinypaw - LOL of course I wouldn't install any of these rules just by myself. I don't even agree with the first one personally. This forest is for all of us, and we should all be able to vote and adjust the code for our Clans' needs, just like they would do in the series. :)

Pinestar - I am sorry to hear that you are leaving, and you will be missed. Goodbye, and may StarClan guide your path wherever it may lead. (By the way, who will run the backup gathering now?)

Icewind - Are you voting? Just curious.

Lilypetal - What are you votes exactly?


alina said...
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alina said...

Here is my vote:

(By the way, I'm Birchstar Of WoodClan, I just changed my name with the change of leaderships.)

Apprentices having kits- FOR. I don't think apprentices should have kits. Just because they are completing their training, and it's not neccessary.

Clanmates following Leaders- AGAINST. Actually I think the clanmates should have their own reasons for following the leader, because of their beliefs. If the leader is evil or such, then the clanmates should be able to choose if they want to obey or not.

kennedy said...

Hi! Scarletfur here! (formerly DuskstarOfBrambleLCan!) :)

Here are my votes!

Apprentice Rule- For. Apprentices are still in training and are unable to take care of the kits. Plus, they haven't been taught everything they need to know yet, so they wouldn't be the best warrior they could possibly be if they were stuck in the nusery! (that rhymed, odd)

Leader Rule- Against. Because, even if the leader follows StarClan, he/she still could be a horrible leader. And plus, it's fun to make cats disobey their leader! Hehe. :P

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Froststar and Bramblefur - About the second rule, I think you got something confused... It is ALREADY part of the Warrior Code that the word of the Clan leader is law. The suggested change is that cats should only have to follow the leader IF the leader is acting on behalf of StarClan. So the second rule change actually gives the Clan leader LESS power, not more. :)


Anonymous said...

hmm... my vote is for

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Oh, and just saying, on the bottom it says usually not to use 'Spring'. But, springing is also jumping. I've used it before, like "Springfall." Jumping then falling. FAIL!


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

I vote for the addition to the warrior code and the existing code to not be changed.

Apprentices should not have kits because it gets in the way of training. As for having a mate, I think it would be ok to have one.

And the word of the clan leader is the warrior code. It's a stupid rule, because if you have to listen to he leader, and have to follow the warrior code and there's a decision to be made, what then? But it shouldn't be changed to what that is "the word of the clan leader is to be obeyed as long as they are following starclan and the warrior code" it should just be removed.

Searingstar of Briarclan
Blazingstar of Flareclan.

♥Glowstream/Shinepaw♥ said...

:) Thank you :)

I'm gonna join with my other Clan PetalClan. I don't think it's been taken.

--Glowstream in a different account

alina said...

I see, Silvertstar. Just got a little confused with the rule. ;)

Here are my reviewed votes:

(By the way, I'm Birchstar Of WoodClan, I just changed my name with the change of leaderships.)

Apprentices having kits- FOR. I don't think apprentices should have kits. Just because they are completing their training, and it's not neccessary.

Clanmates following Leaders Rule - FOR. The clanmates should be able to chose if they wish to follow the leader's rules on their terms. If the cat is a fellow-StarClan believer, and if he/she thinks all is right, then mostlikely the cat will obey the leader.

THank you for explaining the 2nd rule a bit more in depth.

kennedy said...

Hi! Scarletfur here! (formerly DuskstarOfBrambleClan!) :)

Here are my votes!

Apprentice Rule- For. Apprentices are still in training and are unable to take care of the kits. Plus, they haven't been taught everything they need to know yet, so they wouldn't be the best warrior they could possibly be if they were stuck in the nusery! (that rhymed, odd)

Leader Rule- For. Cats shouldn't just obey any leader, the leader should be respected.

(I changed my vote on the second poll.)

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Apprentices having kits- I think they should because then it would teach them a lesson, to wait until becoming a warrior!!!

Clanmates following Leaders Rule- Well, it depends. Leaders could break the code, and some maybe wouldn't. I would still have to say yes for this answer too.

Thanks!!! :)

(Also, on here, please don't delete Dragonclan, or Sharpclan!!!! I'm so sorry that I couldn't attend Gatherings, my summer is getting busier and busier getting ready for school. Also in the summer, I took hockey camps throughout the whole summer[seriously, I'm not lying] and those camps only ended a week ago, and after hockey camps ended I took golf lessons too. I'm so sorry and I will try my best to make it to most of the Gatherings!!!)

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Amberstar - No need to worry, I only delete Clans who have been away for over 4 months without a notice. I obviously don't mind people having to take breaks or be busy... I haven't even POSTED on my own Clan in ages, if that tells you anything. So no need to worry. :)


♥Glowstream/Shinepaw♥ said...

I think Apprentices should be able to take mates, but only if they're a certain age, like Ferncloud and Dustpelt, they became mates before Ferncloud was a warrior. So I'm against the addition.

I agree with the code change for #13 :) I'm for that one.


Sally said...

I say yes to the first one, because in the series apprentices never have mates or kits and since we try in these Clans to be as much like the original series as possible, I think it is a good addition.

I also say yes to the other one because warriors shouldn't have to follow their leader if it is un StarClan-like.

Also Silverstar, when is StormClan going to be open again? I haven't been able to get on in AGES it keeps saying that the blog is open to invited people only.

Akire Flickerclaw said...

I vote yes for both, I think they are very good ideas, especially the first one, as cats are actually unable to have kits until they have reached the age of three anyways.

Akire Flickerclaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lexii said...

Silverstar, I would just like to inform you I will be Deleting VineClan. So I was wondering if you could take it off the side bar where is say's come to VineClan. Soon I will be making another clan so when you read this please check the Join Here or put your clan here.

Thank you,

Anonymous said...

I agree with both changes.

Betta Shark said...

I vote against the new rule (the one about apprentices), cuz if they're stupid enough to have kits while they're still apprentices, then they should learn from their mistake. But I've NEVER heard of an apprentice having kits.

I like the code CHANGE though. Cuz if this was a real rule in the books and stuff, no cats would've followed Brokenstar.

~~~~~Leader of Birchclan
~~~~"When the leaders tire,
~~~then will rise Fire. If the ~~new leader has a star,
~the clan will NOT get far."

Formerly-Sunset said...

Yes and Yes to both!!

~>SunsetBubble aka Jadestar of EchoClan

Jodie said...

Yes and Yes