Sunday, August 14, 2016

Now, It's My Turn

To all the, maybe, two people who will ever read this, hello again.
That's right, I'm not dead. And I've far from forgotten the glory days of Warriors and all the amazing people I met and the adventures that we had together as a clan and as a community. Occasionally, walks down memory lane have led me back here, as I see they have also done for my dear old friends, Brook and Dawn. Three years ago, I tried to make post here. And the next year. And the next. Somehow I could never complete a post due to that watery haze that I'm sure we've all found in our eyes at some point while browsing through mementos of the carefree days gone past. Even now, nothing I can say could rival Dawn's beautiful words of closure. But it's wonderful to know that all of you are still out there and, deep down, still you, if only older and wiser. I spoke to Brook for some time on my old FB account which has long since been deleted, but I would love to reconnect with a lot of you if/when you see this. I'm sylvinesrevlis at gmail if anyone wants to get in touch and reminisce about the shared passion of our youth as well as catch up on new interests and activities. It would be fascinating to see where you all are in life.
Ultimately, thank you to every single member who has participated on this blog and on StormClan. It sounds cheesy, but you guys really impacted my life in a big way and I cherish the time we connected over a common love. Brook, Dawn, and everybody, I wish you the absolute best. Or, as we used to say (oh, it feels so wonderful to do this again!),
May StarClan light your path!
~~Silverstar (Sylvine)


☪Dream said...

I feel like I'll be one of the only ones to see this.

I said in a previous post I'm not active on blogger anymore, but I'll still browse around occasionally on the different clans and remember everything.

Stormclan was what really introduced me to everything with blogger and roleplaying and I am so thankful for it!

Funnily enough, I still do roleplay (not warriors, but cats... apparently you can never escape) but on deviantArt now. I will say the community here was much nicer. Maybe it was just because we were all younger and more innocent?

I made Lakeclan when I was in gr 6, and now I'm nearly done my second year in uni. Can't believe it's been so long!

I hope everything is going super well for you, and for any other old friends who might see this <3

Natasha said...

Oh my god the last time I came here was 2013 or 2014.
I do still come here every so often, for the memories.
It was a beautiful time, and I'm sure many people come back to see what's what.
I was about 9/10/11 when I was active on here properly, I think.
Man, those were some good times.
Thanks for everything <3
-Former Brightstar of PineconeClan