Monday, November 22, 2010

A New Beginning

Dear Gathering goers,

I am sorry for missing the last gathering. I was gone last month, and all this week I have been unable to prepare for the Gathering too. But I have NOT forgotten about this community. A make-up gathering will be hosted tomorrow.

Also, I plan on making a complete new look and layout for this blog, perhaps a new URL as well. The Clans are dying, but great changes are coming before Christmas. :)



Whistle said...

Wow, cool! May I also introduce a new med. cat website, I made it because I can't seem to find a Starclan blog that's active. Excuse me if there is one, though.

StormySkies said...

awesome! falconclan is still up and running, tho only me and two others come on...

squid said...

I'm excited. I always look forward to good drastic changes. :D

Yeah, I know what you mean, Brookstar. A lot of people don't come to SpeedClan anymore, but a few people are still RPing...

whisper said...

Ya my first gathering for yellowclans going to be aswome and new>< ~windstar

sia said...

Can you delet gemclan i dont do anything on there anymore I'll probabley make another diffrent clan so thanks.

Whistle said...

Spinningstar is new and all o members are active, if you guys wanna come to my blog and RP :O

alina said...

WoodClan is still running, albeit everything that has been happening. I am glad the Gathering is still up, and I'm hoping this'll bring life back to the clans!

Brooke said...

I'm so excited for the new changes, Silverstar! I'm sure you'll do an amazing job. I would be surprised if I wasn't surprised. The blog designs you've done for me are beyond amazing and I'm sure you can do some awesome stuff here.
I've decided to keep up my new Clan, SleetClan, even if only a few cats comment. I vow to make the experience for the cats that DO comment, a great one!

Merry Christmas Silverstar! StarClan lights your path!

abigail viktoria said...

Cool! Yeah its true. Cats hardly come on clans anymore. :/ Oh well. Looking forward to the changes! Merry Christmas!

Shadowstar and