Thursday, September 23, 2010

September Gathering Tonight!

As I said in the previous post, I will not be around this full moon to answer questions or to even add new Clans.

But, like always, please read the commenting rules on the sidebar, try to follow the will of StarClan and not fight, and most of all, have fun!


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Dawnstar of SorrelClan leaped onto the Great Stone quietly, waiting for other Clans to arrive.

βяɛɛʓɛ said...

* a black cat with deep purple eyes walked into the clearing, flanked by cats with Shadowed faces. he noticed oly one other leader there, and nodded breifly to her, and sat.*

~!Nightmare of DarkClan!~

Formerly-Sunset said...

Jadestar ran into the Gathering clearing, worried thet they were late. She had a larger group of cats with her than last time, a clear sign that EchoClan had grown. She noticed few cats in the clearing and sighed. Her mate, Greyfoot, purred and whispered in her ear, "See, I told you we wouldn't be late. Everthing is ok, we aren't late, the foxes are chased off, and I'm here with you." Jadestar purred a thank you and licked his ear, then went to her place on the Great Stone. She looked down as her clan took their place beside the SorrelClan and DarkClan cats. She looked over and smiled at Dawnstar, nodding a greeting to her.


[Lauren] said...

Rockstar leaped up the Great Stone. "PineClan is here. We have had a very eventful moon. Tragically, our former leader, and my mate, Petalstar, died, saving cats from the fire that destroyed our territory. She died later that night with her family at her side, and PineClan misses her." He waited for the other leaders to speak.

Formerly-Sunset said...

Jadestar nodded to Rockstar. "We mourn for Pineclan's loss. As for EchoClan, we have been growing well! Foxpaw and Featherpaw have become warriors, Foxfang and Feathernose," she meowed, then looked over at the two new warriors sitting with the other cats. "Also, new cats have joined us, one of them found a lost kit on her first day in EchoClan, so we also have a new kit along with the other new cats. One of our queens, Leafstream, is very close to kitting and her kits could even be born this night. But, I do want to warn the other clans about foxes. A large group attacked us recently, but be manage to chase them out of our own territory and kill a few. But tell your patrols to watch out." Jadestar stepped back, to let another leader speak.


Formerly-Sunset said...

(ill try to be back on later, bye)

♥Warriors101♥ said...

Miststar entered the clearing and leaped up on the Great Rock while her clan mingled with the others. She dipped her head to the leaders that were there and waited for her turn to speak.


✠Ember✠ said...

Arkstar leapt onto the greath stone feeling worried "Um... I am sorry to say Cherrystar has died... I am now leader, we sill miss her greatly,"


Anonymous said...

Heatstar leaps onto the stone "We shall mourn for Cherrystar ... she was a great leader....and you shall do as well as she did,Arkstar.
Our clan is fine and has not much to report except for a fox attack. My warriors have chased it into FalconClan 's territory.


mau5girl said...

Ivystar comes padding into the Gathering with her group of DawnClan cats and looks around at the expressions on the other cats' faces. Most of the cats looked as if they were mourning. Ivystar nodded her sympathy to the cats and leaped onto the Great Stone.

"Prey has been running well in DawnClan. We have named quite a few warriors and apprentices in the past few moons, in fact. Berryfrost has a new litter of kits that will all become fine warriors in their time. DawnClan has been very fortunate, and we haven't lost any cats this moon."

Ivystar swept her gaze over the cats at the Gathering.

"We all grief for Clans that have lost cats this moon."

squid said...

Speedstar bowed her head, and leaped onto the Great Stone. "Cherrystar and Petalstar were great leaders, and we mourn their loss." she meowed, and dipped her head.
"SpeedClan is doing very well! We have five new warriors, and lots of new apprentices! Chillingpaw and Pinepaw are here now, and so are the new warriors, Mistylight, and Thistlegaze!" Speedstar took a breath, and flicked her tail toward the new apprentices.

TheBlondeSmiley said...

Snowdropstar padded in with her clan. She leaped nimbly up the Great Rock. She bowed her head to the other leaders. You will bith make great leaders, Arkstar and Rockstar" She said to them. She raied her voice, "SnowdropClan is doing well. All is calm in our camp. We have three new apprentices joining us, Seedpaw, Puddlepaw and Falconpaw. We also have found 3 kits on our territory which are being nursed by Amberspirit. The are Birchkit, Goldenkit and Snowkit. Thats all" She flicked her tail for the next leader.

abigail viktoria said...

Islandclan is doing well! We have a new medicine cat, Birdflower, and Birdflower has taken on an apprentice, Mudpaw. Prey is scarce, but we are surviving.*shadowstar steps down from the Great Rock*


Prey is running well in Cougarclan! We have a deputy and medicine cat now, and there are lots of new joiners. Starclan has been good to us, there is no shortage of mountain-prey. *stormstar quickly pads off the Great Rock and joins her comrads*

abigail viktoria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Sunstar jumped up. "Lightningclan's doing well. We have 61 members, along with our new deputy, Scareyes."

Rachel said...

Shimmerstar padded up. "We haven't much news. The Clan is well-fed," she dipped her head and backed up.

♥Warriors101♥ said...

(sorry, late lol)

Miststar nodded. "Sorry for you loss, Arkstar and Rockstar. We will miss them greatly." She turned her attention to the cats below. "MistClan is well, prey is a bit low, though. We also have a few missing cats. Please be on the look out."


Charisma said...

Featherbreeze looked around the gathering.
~Featherbreeze from SpeedClan

Formerly-Sunset said...

(lol WAY late on this)

Jadestar remembered the last gathering, her first as leader of EchoClan, and how Cherrystar had fallen from the Great Stone, and now she was dead. She nodded to the other leaders. "Let us mourn for all losses, and I'm happy to hear good news from other clans," she meowed. Jadestar waited with the other leaders, for other clans to arrive. After a while, no one came and the Gathering seemed to be over. She stood up and meowed, "EchoClan are leaving now, farewell." She scrambled off the Great Stone and led her clan home. Greyfoot was happily at her side, and Jadestar was happy the gathering was more peaceful this time.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Searingstar leaped onto the Great stone, more cautious because of what had happened at the last gathering.


Dominæthix said...

Shimmeringstar raced in with her clan, "ShimmeringClan has had an attack from a band or rouges but we have fourght them off and are stronger than ever! We have had plenty of new warriors and apprentices that I cannot name them all!" she yowled before leaping down.

Enduringstar trotted in unhurridly, "LizardClan is growing! We have some new kits born to snowstorm! A snake had bitten one of our warriors but he has nearly recoverd" she yowled with pride, knowing her clan was the only one who knew the seacret of curing snakebites

Brooke said...

This is so odd... I didn't get a post noticed about the gathering! And I think no fighting is messing up the gathering... how odd.

✠Ember✠ said...

Brindlestar leapt on "MouseClan is doing well, we have many new warriors and apprentices!" she smiled at her clan "Also, I am sorry to hear the loss of Cherrystar and Petalstar, they were grat leaders, Rockstar and Arkstar will do well though,"


✠Ember✠ said...

Brindlestar leapt on "MouseClan is doing well, we have many new warriors and apprentices!" she smiled at her clan "Also, I am sorry to hear the loss of Cherrystar and Petalstar, they were grat leaders, Rockstar and Arkstar will do well though,"


☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Featherstar stepped forward as well."Lifeclan is well.This past moon four new kits have been born.They are Honeykit,Ashkit,Wolfkit,and Fernkit.We also have had many more cats join us."He added fiercely to show that Lifeclan was not weak."But sadly our apprentice Tigerpaw died in a Rouge attack."He said hoping the other clans would sit silent for a while.

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

( Forgot to add me other cats )

Snowfern sat uncomfortabley in the clearing,glancing at Nightmare.This can't be right.Why isn't Starclan covering the moon just because he is there?
~Snowfern of Darkclan

Icefang looked at the ground.He still felt bad about following Nightmares orders for the battle.
~Icefang of Darkclan

And I can't remember if Honeydew and Nightslash get to come.....

~*Dream*~ said...

Dreamstar of StreamClan walks into the clearing with some of her warriors behind her. "I'm sorry I'm late." She leaped up on high rock with the other clan leaders." StreamClan is growing, but we would be open to any warriors who wish to join. We have two new kits, two apperntices, and two warriors. Their names are, Cherrykit, Rockkit, Freatherpaw, Lionpaw, Tigerspark, and Bambletalon." She smiled and the four young warriors that where here and step back to let the other clan leaders speek.

☜♡☞☼cнιℓєpαη∂α☜♡☞☼ said...

Featherstar,Snowfern,and Icefang nodded to show their approval.

mau5girl said...

(sorry this is kind of off-topic, but...)

Silverstar can you add my Moonfall to your list of medicine cat gathering places? The link is:


Primrose said...

What happened to the October gathering?

alina said...

I have no clue, truthfully. O_o Hopefully this November there will be a gathering.

StormySkies said...

Brookstar bounded onto the Great Stone. "Like Streamclan, FalconClan is growing bigger and stronger! More cats are joining, including Poppyleaf, a queen with kits, which means that we will grow! I am here under the truce of the full moon, and under starclan's watchful gaze."
She then bowed her head and stepped back.

Anonymous said...

Heatstar jumped onto the rock "Fireclan is fine"

Whistle said...

My name is Spinningstar! My clan, Tornadoclan, needs members. I was also wondering if I could be added to this website.

☪Dream said...
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Whistle said...

Are we having a gathering tonight? It's a full moon!