Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Gathering Tonight

The late Gathering is tonight! On this one occasion, ALL Clans may attend. I want to see how many people out there are still part of this Warrior Cats community. Please review the rules, and comment away!



✠Ember✠ said...

(Wait is it up??? RLY :D)

whisper said...

Im windstar and im leader of yellowclan!

alina said...

(Hello! ;) This is Froststar from WoodClan. Although I'm sure it is evident because of my username O_o.)

☪Dream said...

(Not making a post on LakeClan. Too tiring. xP)

*Markstar padded in with a large group of warriors. he leaped up to the other leaders.*

LakeClan is doing well this moon! We are preparing for the harsh leaf-Bare, and are stronger then ever.


☪Dream said...

(RidgeClan either. ^_^)

*Redstar padded in with few warriors. Her clan looked small compared to LakeClan's.*

Greetings. My name is Redstar, leader of RidgeClan. This is my first Gathering here, and I hope my clan and I are welcome.


alina said...

(Yes, me either. O_o)

Froststar followed by WoodClan advanced farther itno the forest. The Gathering was a close distance; only a few pawsteps from view. Streakclaw followed Froststar, his orange flaming pelt quite noticeable through the green and brown bosage.

kennedy said...

(Hi! :) I'm Duskstar, err, well actually I'm a lot of cats! :D But technically I'm Scarletfur! X_X)

kennedy said...

Duskstar led her cats through a wooded forest. Behind her was Birchfur, Sparrowflash, Creamtail, and several others. Windpaw was still sick, so he couldn't make it.

Brooke said...

Mintstar padded on the Great Stone and dipped her head to the cats. "Hello, I'm Mintstar, leader of SleetClan. My Clan is new to the forest, but we hope you welcome us with open arms." She smiled and stepped back for the others to speak.

Brooke said...

When no cat came up next to her, she padded to the front of the stone.
"My Clan is doing well for being so new. We have quite a few new warriors and we've celebrated an apprentice ceremony very recently," She smiled to Tanglepaw who was sitting excitedly in the crowd. "And prey is running very well."

Dawnstar said...

Dawnstar of RoseClan here! Sick with the Flu, so I didn't make a post on my blog, just wanna let ya know I'm still here ;)

Ugh, gtg Dx I feel terrible!

kennedy said...

Duskstar spoke up, her voice loud and clear, "BrambleClan is thriving in its lake and forested territory. One of our apprentices has fallen ill, but other than that, our health is stable. Thank you for listening to my speech."

Creamtail shifted uncomfortably. 'Why didn't Duskstar tell the other clans about the unknown cat that knocked me out? If she didn't want the others to think BrambleClan was weak, then why did she point out the sickly Windpaw?' the she-cat thought, baffled by her leader's actions.

'Could there have been something else in the dispute that she is hiding from me? I was unconscious. Is it possible I just missed some of details because I was in such a state?' the mentor questioned herself, desperately trying to recall even the tiniest details from the "happening".

whisper said...

Windstar paded up to were the leaders were at. "I am leader of yellowclan and have much to report.
I hope we are welcome her and such and we have a medical cat her name is wavefeather and a deputy flamecloud.I also would like to say all is good prey is running well becaues we come from a distance are clan has no leaf-bare only leaf-fall and new-leaf come to us besides green-leaf Id also like to recoment a place we can all come and chill out. It is called the garden of hope and to my nalege it ia a place were you can reseve the mistical power of wispering from the achent clan noun as wisperingclan.wisperstar has spoke to me in dreams of how this place works elders and warriors can ask permission to go there for a day or twos break it is stolked with fresh-kill and can be used as somewhat a vacation spot for hard working warriors or just a simple spot to get to now a loved one or a mate. You can make it your mates page and also I find it interesting that you can share tongs with starclan in the cave! I have only been chossen to heir aboat this place and hopefully you can find it at your use!" windstar pauesd to breath and then countinued"this is all i have to say hopefully silverstar puts up the address thank you and Id like you to know my comments arnt always this long" she dipped her head and sat to listen to others speak tell her clan needed to leave.

Whistle said...

I am Spinningstar of Tornadoclan. We have much to report. 3 kits were born at Moonrise yesterday. Today, we were forced to change med. cats and deputys because they found a mate/are having kits. Otherwise, our clan is strong and healthy. We are prepared for anything. Our prey stock is full, and we have several new warriors.

abigail viktoria said...

Shadowstar stepped up onto the rock. "Islandclan is still thriving even after the deaths of my mate startail and our deputy Shinestream. Prey is running well, even though it is leaf-bare. We have a good new deputy, Lionheart."

'Lionheart! Lionheart!'

Shadowstar steps off the rock, and Stormstar steps on.

"Prey is running well in CougarClan! I have recently recovered from greecough thanks to our wonderful Medicine Cat Freezefire." Stormstar dipped her head to Freezefire. Even though we are a new clan, we are growing and thriving."

Stormstar steps of the Great Rock.

StormySkies said...

Brookstar lead her growing clan up towards the clearing, and leapt on the Great Stone herself. "FalconClan is growing! We have a new litter of kits, Cherrykit, Mousekit, Stormkit, and Briskkit, who's mother is Poppyleaf! We also have a new deputy, Nightclaw! Prey is running well for leaf-fall, and though a badger invaded we drove it out swiftly, onto EchoClan territory. My apologies, Jadestar," the leader added with an apologetic glance at the black she-cat.

squid said...

Swiftclaw lead SpeedClan to the gathering, and padded up onto the Great Stone. "It's nice to see that everyone is benefitting from the weather." he began. "Speedstar has had three wonderful kits a sunrise ago, and she is unable to attend. Her mate, Stripestorm, is also the deputy, and he and Darkeyes have great responsibilities tonight, so I am taking over since I'm Speedstar's brother."

Swiftclaw cleared his throat. "We have three new warriors, and the kits I mentioned. Lilypetal is representing our Clan as the medicine cat tonight." he flicked his tail to the small gray she-cat sitting next to Skyheart, and stepped back from the Great stone, letting someone else speak.

Brooke said...

Mintstar couldn't help but smile at all of the good news. She couldn't help but wonder where LostClan was though. The Clan that she had tried to become allies with, but betrayal was the only thing the leader brought.
*No Mintstar!* She thought to herself angrily. *Just be happy they haven't shown up.* The thoughts that clouded her mind quickly blew away.
Mintstar padded to the front of the rock and meowed, "I know I my Clan isn't very old, but I have been a leader for longer than you know." The cats in the crowd looked puzzled. "That is another story for another day, but for now I must say that there is something important that we shan't hesitate to speak of." She paused for a moment and her expression turned serious. "The fall of the Clans." The last words she spoke seemed to be a cold breeze floating through the air, but all could hear it.

Anonymous said...

Sunstar padded up and smiled. The loss of Spiderstar was still making her clan weary and distressed, but they were doing well anyways.
When Mintstar said something about the fall of the clans, her eyes widened. "What do you mean, 'Fall of the clans'?"

Brooke said...

Mintstar cleared her throat and looked at Sunstar. "Many Clans have been dying out." She meowed. "Loss of prey is the least of their problems. It's betrayal, anger, and the fact that leaders are sometimes unaware of their duties. Look at this gathering." She looked around at the rather small crowd of cats. "Isn't the crowd usually much, much bigger than this?"

whisper said...

"plz continue I most know more." windstar mewed she was a new clan and wanted to know more.

✠Ember✠ said...

(Srry, late, but I didn't have much time on here)

Brindlestar padded in her head still pounding "MouseClan is doing great we have many new warriors and prey is thriving,"


Arkstar leapt up "SongClan is growing we have many new cats and we are adapting well to our new territory


Brooke said...

Mintstar dipped her head for Brindlestar and Arkstar to speak, then she continued. "The Clans used to thrive beautifully. Clans roamed all around the forest. If you wanted territory, you had to either fight for it, or be lucky enough for the owner of the territory to allow part of it to you. Now cats are losing faith in StarClan. Entire Clans are now just rogues who've run away from home. We need to find some sort of solution to this and soon."
She hoped she was sounding serious enough for these Clan cats. All of them seemed so much more sure of themselves than her.

alina said...

Froststar dipped her head to the leaders. "WoodCLan has been flourishing, and by flourishing I mean we are doing quite well. My assumption is that we are doing better than most currently are." The ivory she-cat shot several scowls to the cats beside her. "Other than a few deaths, nothing serious has occurred as of late."

Formerly-Sunset said...

Jadestar padded into the clearing and leapt up the GreatStone. "I appologize if my clan is a bit late, but EchoClan have arrived. Much has happened to us in the past few moons! Even though the weather getting colder, our clan has grown greatly, with too many new cats to count. Even I have had four heathy kits. Sadly, our medicine cat apprentice, Harvestpaw, was murdered by a cat from our rival clan, ThistleClan," she annouced. She sat on the rock and glanced at the other leaders, waiting for them to speak.


Formerly-Sunset said...

(LOL, a badger in our territory? Oh crud!!)

Crowpaw sat looking around, looking for another apprentice to talk to. Being the newest EchoClan cat, he hardly knew cats in his own clan, especially other clans.


Scartail looked up at the leaders, waiting for the next one to speak. She heard cats whispering around her and heard someone say that a badger was chased into EchoClan territory. She shivered at the thought of facing a badger. She glaced at her her tail, a long scar streatching over it, that gave her her name. A badger gave her that scar, and she would hate to have to fight another badger.


StormySkies said...

Talonstrike (from echoclan) narrowed his eyes at the badger comment. How dare FalconClan chase a badger into THEIR territory?!

StormySkies said...

Brookstar bowed her head as Jadestar mentioned Harvestpaw. "A medicine cat apprentice, a great loss. I am sorry for her death," the silver, white and black tabby leader said solemnly.

abigail viktoria said...

"It is true Mintstar. Many cats have left my clan. The fall of the clans is beginning faster than you can imagine." Shadowstar mewed solemnly.

Anonymous said...

Lilypetal nods her head, and stood proudly next to Skyheart.

(ps sorry this is late!)

Brooke said...

Mintstar looked at all of the cats with worry. What if the Clans would soon be gone for good?
"Leafbare is here," She began sadly. "But prey is running well in, what seems like, all Clans. I believe StarClan has decided to give us a break. We must stock up though, for even StarClan can't make a good thing last too long. We must keep our Clans up and running, and continue to fight no matter what happens. I am sorry to say that most Clans, including my own, have decided to allow rogues and kittypets join. I know it isn't in StarClan's favor, but I'm sure they understand how badly all Clans need warriors."

Brooke said...

Mintstar dipped her head and meowed, "SleetClan must be leaving now. It's late and we mustn't keep the rest of the Clan waiting." She padded off the rock and summoned her warriors to follow her. In a matter of moments, she was in the forest and out of sight with her Clan.

whisper said...

"wait I have an idea!" she yald to the leaving leader. "we promise to uphold the warrior code when we join a clan so why dont we promise to keep are clan well and thriving and to make it were warriors most promise to come on or they will be banned?" windstar looked around hoping everyone heired her correctly.

Brightlegs said...

Hi! My name is Brightlegs and I would like to join the gathering. My Clan is called SwiftClan. The leader is Fiercestar. My link to blog is from one of my followers.

Primrose said...

Heyo, its Ivorystar from Twilightclan. We missed this gathering, but we'll be at the next one for sure! Thanks for coming back!)

StormySkies said...

Brookstar dipped her head to Windstar. "I do believe that would be nice if more cats... er... came on, but are you sure that would work? It is true that people are not coming on as often, but people also have their lives. Nowadays, everybody is busy. And we must accept that several, if not many, clans will shatter or break apart because of it. I know that Miststar of CloverClan as shut down CloverClan, and that many other clans have done so to. So, it is something unavoidable. Perhaps when the clans truly fall, another generation will come to revive it once more."

whisper said...

"people most egnalege the responsebility of having a clan and not take to much fresh-kill from the pile that they can not chew." windstar mewed to brookstar
"I can understand if somthing comes up but they most ecleast have a bck up plan?"

Brooke said...

Mintstar thought for a moment, then meowed, "I think that no matter 'back up plan', or motto, Clans should stick to their duties no matter how many cats become rogues. Yes, it is true that many are busy, and that is why it is called the Fall of the Clans. All we can do is hope that our friends return." She blinked at the moon, which was still as clear as it had ever been.

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

(I started to post my entrance then I'm like... oh right. SorrelClan DIED! xD)

oboe.chick said...

Wildstar jumped onto the Great Stone and addressed the other clans.

"Breezeclan is doing well. Prey is running a little low but that is just because leaf-bare is here. We had a fight with a clan called Yellowclan, but we have recovered from it and all of our cats are doing well. One of our kits became an apprentice today, his name is Goldenpaw. That is basically all the news that needs to be taken care of. Thank you." Then Wildstar jumped from the Great Stone and sat down.

-Wildstar of Breezeclan

whisper said...

Yes and I am this yellowclan but we are friends know >< (fall of the clans that sucks and thats all I can say now...)

StormySkies said...

(oboe.chick, the leaders stay on the Great Stone until the Gathering is over)

Brookstar nodded at the two leaders. "Of course, I come on six days a week, so I always keep up with the posts. However, I believe that we must accept the fact that this generation is aging... we will be busier in the future, and will lose our interest. We must make the most of it while we can."

Catherine said...

(Ahhh Im here, just late. Yeah, about a week late...)

alina said...

(Let's toast to a new start for all the clans! :D)

kennedy said...

(Yippee!!! *high-fives Froststar*!!!)

whisper said...

>< cheers!

StormySkies said...

(XD cheers!!!!!)

StormySkies said...

I'd like to welcome all the new clan leaders new on blogger! Also, it's a brand new year, and a new start for all the clans! So..... WOOOO!

Brooke said...

Silverstar's profile says she's coming back to blogger!! Is this true?


Hi ! I'm Shinystar of TrickleClan !

kennedy said...

(WHOOO!!!) (

(Hmm. I didn't know Silverstar was coming back. Let me go check her profile.)

kennedy said...

(Well, Silverstar posted on Randomness. But, I'm not a member so I can't comment.)

(WHOOOO!!! Again.)

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Yes, I am returning. But shh... I have a secret plan. ;)


Anonymous said...
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