Tuesday, August 24, 2010

August Gathering Tonight!

The full moon is rising once again, and the Gathering is about to begin!

As always, please make sure your Clan is on the member list before commenting and read the rules if you have not already. Also, try to keep the fighting to a minimum. Enjoy the Gathering night, fellow warriors!

(The Warrior Code changes will be made September 1st, not tonight as originally planned. I want as many people as possible to vote on the polls before the final decisions are made. If you have not already, please vote on the polls below which propose two changes to the Warrior Code for our forest. This is Blogger Clan history in the making, so don't be left out, it's not too late! Cast your votes now!)


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Anonymous said...

*pads into clearing* Greetings, fellow clans. AspenClan is here! Prey is running well, nice plump rabbits. We are a new clan, but we have LOTS of members! No new kits, but they will be on their way. We have had a little trouble with badgers latley.... but my warriors drove them out. We just has a warrior cermony... Gingerlight and Falconpaw! Other than that, our clan is well.

~Sagestar of AspenClan

squid said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
✠Ember✠ said...

(Speed, MouseClan isn't there yet)

squid said...

(oops srry this is the first time i've commented at a gathering)

✠Ember✠ said...

(Np, just wait till I comment them arriving :) )

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Cloudstar padded into the clearinsg Shadow had come even though she had said no! "My clan is doing well with many new apprentices, kits, and warriors!" She announced proudly.

Shadow licked his paws and sticked close to Cloudstar. He rolled his eyes the whole time.

Braveheart challenged Cloudstar. "If your clan is sooo strong why did you run away like cowards in the last gathering?" He snickered.

Cloudstar narrowed her eyes. "I had my reasons!"

✠Ember✠ said...

Cherrystar leapt onto the Great Stone "Greetings! SongClan is doing well, we have a lot of new warriors, kits and apprentices, prey is running well!"


Brindlestar leapt onto the Great Stone. "MouseClan is doing well! I have had my kits! Ripplekit, Stonekit and Pebblekit! They are currently in camp. We also have many new warriors and apprentices, we are strong and have plenty of prey!"


☪Dream said...

*Markstar padded into the Gathering clearing. he looked around, wondering what the other clans will think. He took a breath and leaped onto the Great Stone. The other leaders looked at him in speculation. Then, he spoke.*

LakeClan is present and well! Though, a moon ago, the day after the Gathering. LakeClan was attacked by BlackClan. It was a viscous and brutal fight. We finally won after a long fight. But not without loss. We lost a warrior, Silvereagle, and two apprentices, Rushpaw and Mallowpaw. But, we also lost a very important cat.

*Markstar looked down. Just the memory of that night hurt.*

Dreamstar was killed by Fierystar. She had four lives left, but he took them all. She died in front of me and Rippleblaze.

*Markstar searched the crowd until he saw Rippleblaze. Rippleblaze was staring up at Markstar, tears lightly coming down his face.*

Before she died. She told me to become leader. So, I stand before you all as leader of LakeClan, Markstar.

Though Dreamstar's death has been hard on the whole clan, and we still grieve every day, we are strong. With many new kits, apprentices, warriors, and queens, LakeClan is going well. There is plenty of prey, and our clan is thriving. We have also had many new joiners. Tonight we have some new warriors sitting vigil in the camp. Also, I hope you all accept me like my clan did.

*Markstar dipped his head, his eyes shining with tears as he talked about Dreamstar.*


✠Ember✠ said...

Cherrystar dipped her head grief in her eyes for the LakeClan cats "Dreamstar was a wise and loyal leader, her death is a loss to all the clans,"


♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Cloudstar nodded in agreement with Cherrystar. Still a little mad at Braveheart.

Shadow rolled his eyes he got a cuff in the ear by Fogpelt. "Pay attention unless you want to get killed!" He hissed to the young tom.
~Fogpelt and Shadow

Dawnstar said...

Dawnstar padded into the claring. "RoseClan has arrived!" she yowled. She winced as she lept upon the Great Stone. She dipped her head in sorrow. "I'm sorry about Dreamstar, she was a great and respected Leader, I expect and am almost certain you will live up to her legacy" she mewed, but gave a sad smile at Markstar. Then she licked her shoulder and hind-leg gashes. "Would the other Leaders mind if I took my turn next?"

squid said...

Skydust smiled when Brindlestar announced their Clan, and padded around to find some of the other medicine cats. She didn't even announce that I got my full medicine cat name a sunrise ago! he thought, a little angry and upset.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Searingstar leaped confidently ontot he Great Stone.

"Briarclan is here! There was war between us and Brokenclan who have joined with a bnuch of rouges, and they have doubled in size! We had many losses also. Dustymist, Jumpfoot, Spottedclaw, Briarberry and Blazefoot have all joined starclan. As well as our beloved leader, Swiftstar, who was on her last life. We mourn for her loss, but I take my place as the new leader of Briarclan. We will never forget her." he said sadly.

"But I have appointed a new deputy, Ravensoar. And we have too many new warriors to count. Prey is running well this moon." he finished.


♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

"You can go ahead." Her eyes flashed to Shadow who just ignored the leaders.

Shadow looked up at Cloudstar and just smirked.

✠Ember✠ said...

Brindlestar smiled "Oh, there is some information I forgot! Swiftshadow's kits, Leapingkit, Stripekit, and Risingkit are now apprentices!! Stripedsplash has returned, though his littermates chose to become Kitty-pets, we will miss them greatly, Also, my brother, Strongflame and my kit Cloud-dust were killed but we do not knw by what yet! Also our medicine cat apprentice Skypaw recieved his full name, he is now Skydust! Also Briarshadow my mate, has joined the clan! Sorry I forgot I've been a little... distracted lately,"


Dawnstar said...

"RoseClan has been attacked by a large group of rouges that call themselves LavaClan" she spat. "A cat known as Fang leads them, and three of our kits, Dovekit, Robinkit, and Eveningkit, have been stolen, Faithleaf and Lunabreeze have gone missing...I urge other Clans to take precautions. We have been sending cats to try and rescue the kits, but there are too many rouges. Now, on happier terms, Sunpaw, who was carried off by a hawk has returned with a new cat, Straypaw" she finished.

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

"Just get it over with so me and Cloudstar can go on that dumb journey to the unknown clan!" He murmered.

Cloudstar growled softly at Shadow. "Is there anything you want to share with the clans Shadow?" She asked him.

He looked at his paws. "Yes! Just get over with..." Fogpelt slapped his tail over the tom.

"Do not say another word!" He warned the tom. Shadow nodded.

✠Ember✠ said...

Cherrystar looked down

How could I have banished those four, I am sure now they are innocent, after what Arkwater told me about Nightflash...


(Anything going to attack this gathering?)

Dawnstar said...

(I could have Fang and some of LavaClan come if you guys want)

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

(Sure why not)

Shadow settled down and looked at his paws the whole time.

Cloudstar let a sigh of relief as for the first time tonight Shado was silent.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

(I think that's a good idea, but not right this second)

☪Dream said...

(But Silverstar said to keep fighting down...., :/)

Dawnstar said...

A large muscular tom emerged from the bushes snarling, many other cats came from the surrounding area. "Attack the Clans!" he screeched. Dozens of fierce-looking cats scampered into the clearing and began to fight. "What can we do! We're being attacked on the full moon!" Sunpaw wailed. "We will fight for our lives, StarClan must understand!" Dawnstar yowled and launched into the battle, the rest of RoseClan following behind.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...


☪Dream said...

(STOP! We AREN'T going to fight! Silverstar pretty much said no fighting!!!)

Dawnstar said...

(oh nvm cancel that XD)

Dawnstar said...

(i didn't see it til after I posted the fighting comment sorry)

☪Dream said...

(So... should we just have a heated argument?)

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

(Well I'm leaving then...)
Cloudstar looked at her clan. "My clan is leaving now!" She got up and went to her clan.

Shadow grinned. "Finally we leave!" He went over to Cloudstar-

Dawnstar said...

(i don't know...i gotta go soon)

☪Dream said...

(umm... Maplestar, the Gathering just STARTED. That's a little rude. :/ )

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

(No it's not my aunt just had her baby and I gtg now gosh! I wanted to post that on my clan and make it a surprise but now I gtg!)

☪Dream said...


✠Ember✠ said...

Cherrystar sighed putting her head down. Barely noticing anything around her


squid said...

Skydust smiled. I knew she wouldn't forget! "Hey, does anyone know where the other medicine cats are?" he asked.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Searingstar turned around to look at the other leaders, accidentally bumping into Cherrystar.


✠Ember✠ said...

"We are over here!" Nestflame called from the base of Great Stone


✠Ember✠ said...

Cherrystar, being at the edge of the rock, lost her grip on the rock from the bump. She deperatly tried to cling onto the rock but fell over the edge. There was a snap and she lay there unmoving


☪Dream said...

*Markstar gasped and leaped down the rock to Cherrystar.*

Are you okay?!


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Searingstar's eyes widened and he followed Markstar swiftly.

"Great starclan! I didn't mean to push her!"


✠Ember✠ said...

Cherrystar opened her eyes finding herself in StarClan, Fallenlight padded up to her "Greetings Cherrystar!"

Cherrystar purred nuzzling Fallenlight "it's great to see you agaiN!"


Patchfire pushed through the crowd gasping. Her pushed his muzzle into Cherrystar's fur "She's loosing a life," he whispered horrorstruck


Brindlestar watched her eyes wide to shocked to do anything


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Searingstar took a step back.


✠Ember✠ said...

Bridlestar shook her head "How did she fall?"


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Dawnstar of SorrelClan came in and leaped onto the Great Stone.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"I-I accidentally bumped into her." Searingstar stammered.


✠Ember✠ said...

Brindlestar's eyes widened


Cherrystar laughed nudging her brother "Now, can i go back now?"

Fallenlight looked down "Um, Cherrystar, your wounds are very um fatal I guess you would say, your loosing two lives, your going to go back right now but almost immediatly you're coming back here." Cherrystar nodded. She saw the clearing fade, she gasped and opened her eyes in the real world, then her eyes dimmed again and she awoke in StarClan


✠Ember✠ said...

Brindlestar's eyes widened


Cherrystar laughed nudging her brother "Now, can i go back now?"

Fallenlight looked down "Um, Cherrystar, your wounds are very um fatal I guess you would say, your loosing two lives, your going to go back right now but almost immediatly you're coming back here." Cherrystar nodded. She saw the clearing fade, she gasped and opened her eyes in the real world, then her eyes dimmed again and she awoke in StarClan


squid said...

Skydust ran to Cherrystar. "Are you okay? Is there anything I can do?" He asked franticly, glancing at the other medicine cats.

Formerly-Sunset said...

Jadestar padded in with a rather small group of cats behind her. She saw a commotion by the GreatStone and quickly padded over while the other EchoClan cats found a place to sit in front of the GreatStone. "What's going on here?" Jadestar asked. "What did I miss?"


Formerly-Sunset said...

Jadestar saw that one of the leaders was losing a life. Being a new leader with a new clan, she didn't know many of the other leader's names. "What is her name? The leader losing a life?" she asked, a bit emberessed.


squid said...

"We had a little accident, but it's not my place to speak here." Skydust stepped into the crowd of other medicine cats, anxiously waiting on Cherrystar. "Her name is Cherrystar though."

✠Ember✠ said...

Patchfire looked up at her his eyes red 'Yes, her name is cherrystar she was pushed off the great rock,"


✠Ember✠ said...

Patchfire looked up at her his eyes red 'Yes, her name is cherrystar she was pushed off the great rock,"


Formerly-Sunset said...

"Oh. Well...thank you," Jadestar meowed. She lept to the top of the Greatsone and gazed down at Cherrystar, waiting for her to return.


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Rosedawn rolled her eyes at Skydust.

"She's losing a life. You can't help her if she's losing a life!" Rosedawn hissed. "Let her own medicine cats tend to her!"


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

**<>*Rosedawn of LakeClan*<>

✠Ember✠ said...

Cherrystar gasped opening her eyes. Breathing shakily. She rested her head on Patchfire's shoulder too weak to move


Formerly-Sunset said...

"The gathering must go on, I think for the rest of the time Cherrystar should rest, unless she has more to say or thinks she is strong enough," Jadestar meowed.


squid said...

Skydust hissed. "I know that! That's why I stopped myself!" he mewed, trying to stay calm. "And by the way, This is held under a truce, there is nothing in the warrior code that speaks other in a time like this."

He turned to Cherrystar, now awake.

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Dawnstar narrowed her eyes.

"You are a new leader, yes? You should listen to the more experienced leader. A leader is hurt. The Gathering shouldnt go on until the leader is ok."

<>*Dawnstar of SorrelClan*<>

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Dawnstar narrowed her eyes.

"You are a new leader, yes? You should listen to the more experienced leader. A leader is hurt. The Gathering shouldnt go on until the leader is ok."

<>*Dawnstar of SorrelClan*<>

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Rosedawn rolled her eyes.

"You think I don't know that, kit? You didn't stop yourself at all!"

<>*Rosedawn of LakeClan*<>

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"I'm so sorry!" Searingstar exclaimed to Cherrystar.


squid said...

Skydust turned to Nestflame, a medicine cat. "Have you found any other ailments?" he whispered to them. "I did. Would you like me to share?"

✠Ember✠ said...

Cherrystar felt a growled arise in her throat "Just go back to the gathering! Please give me some space!"


squid said...

"Excuse me, but I am a full medicine cat, if you've been listening at all." Skydust turned and walked away, ignoring Rosedawn.


✠Ember✠ said...

Nestflame rolled his eyes not getting into the fight "Rosedawn, the truce,"


Formerly-Sunset said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
squid said...

"If you have any broken bones, wrap it in cobwebs to keep it in place for a while." Skydust whispered to the medicine cats.

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Rosedawn rolled her eyes.

"He's just became a medicine cat, he should have been taught to mind his own business."


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Rosedawn growled.

"That's not how to do it. We are medicine cats, we should know what to do with herbs!"


squid said...

"My ceremony was delayed. I'm older than you. I was at the gathering when you were an apprentice, but whatever." Skydust mewed.

squid said...

"Well it helped for me, Rosedawn, I don't know about you though, Can't I just say something withour you counteracting?"

squid said...

"And I wasn't talking to you. Nestflame? What do you think?" Skydust tried to keep his claws in.

Formerly-Sunset said...

Jadestar ignored Dawnstar. She didn't like how the other leader spoke to her. More expeirienced or not, a leader is a leader and we are all equal. Jadestar turned to Cherrystar and meowed, "Thank you, Cherrystar," Then, she turned to the clan cats in the clearing. "Not many of you know me, I am a new leader and my name is Jadestar. My clan EchoClan. Though we are a new clan and not the biggest clan in the forest, we are growing and doing well." Jadestar couldn't think of anything else to say at that moment, so she stepped back to let another leader speak.


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Rosedawn spat.

"And you were an apprentice, too."

(Actually, she became an apprentice a few days after he did... and she was part of her Clan as a kit, he joined as an apprentice, and she would've been made an apprentice earlier but Dreamy had to decided the med. cat apprentice.)


squid said...

(Oops! srry! :))

"Okay. What ailments did you find?"

squid said...

"Please stop spitting. You're getting some in my eyes." Skydust twitched his whiskers in amusement.

Formerly-Sunset said...

Jadestar lept down from the GreatStone quietly and quietly snapped to the medcine cats, "Please! Do you three have to be speaking right now? Stop bickering! We're in the middle of a gathering, not sharing tounges!"


✠Ember✠ said...

(No, Nesty and Rosy were apprentices before I even made MouseClan I think, if not he's only like a moon older...)

Nestflame sighed sinking his claws into the ground "I need to talk to me apprentice," He turned to Ridgepaw


Cherrystar coughed, spitting out blood. Patchfire surled around his mate stroking her soothingly with his tail, whispering words into her ear


squid said...

(wait don't u play Brookfall on MouseClan? then we're fellow medicine cats)

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Rosedawn growled. She whispered in Nestflame's ear.

"Why did Markstar have to bring me to this Gathering!"


squid said...

"Jadestar, we're having a medicine cat conversation! That's what we're supposed to do at a gathering! But if you don't like that, then we'll just shut up and stay rivals then."

squid said...

He whispered to Rosedawn, "What kind of ailments did you find?"

(can we stop fighting? or is that Rosedawn's personality?)

Formerly-Sunset said...

"All I'm saying that you are a little loud and it's kinda rude. Keep bicking if you must, but quiet down just a bit!" she meowed, then lept back to the top of the GreatStone.


✠Ember✠ said...

Nestflame put his tail around his best friend's shoulder "Calm down no need for fights, you will anger StarClan, jsut relax,"


squid said...

"Okay. We'll find another spot then, or whatever."

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

(nu-uh, Skypaw joined March 6, Rose and Nest were apprentices March 19th or March 21)

squid said...

(I know i just agreed with you! wait what do you mean by that cuz i just asked u if u played brookfall on Mouseclan?)

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

(no, March 21, and that's Rose's personality. lol, she has a mate and kits. burrnnnnnnn)

alina said...

Froststar padded into the clearing with WooodClan only a few pawsteps behind, "Hello, everyone, WoodClan has arrived."

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

(and I do play Brookfall on MouseClan)

Anonymous said...

A long-furred dark ginger tabby she-cat with white markings padded meekly into the gathering, followed by a short trail of cats. She jumped onto the Great Rock, and swallowed nervously. "Lightningclan is here. I have things to say." She looked around at the cats around her. "Spiderstar...was...was killed by wolves." Her cats murmured words of mourn as she continued. "Be careful. The pack might still be around.
Lightningclan now has 61 members." She waved her tail so the next cat could speak.

squid said...

(hey! :D just kidding. i thought med cats were'nt supoosed 2 have kits... also can they stop fighting and hissing at eachother?)

Skydust looked around, trying to see their medicine cat.

alina said...

Froststar leaped up beside the other leaders. It felt strange to be perched this high, far away from the warriors below.

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

(they arent, but she fell in love, left the clan, had kits with her mate, came back.)

squid said...

Skydust dipped his head in grief. "Spiderstar was a great leader." he mewed

Formerly-Sunset said...

"So who are you? The new leader? You name is?" Jadestar asked the cat who spoke for LightningClan.


✠Ember✠ said...


Nestflame sighed


Cherrystar coughed again, feeling weaker. "Gazedawn! Mstpaw! Help! She's close to loosing another life!


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Gazedawn rushed over to her.


squid said...

"Are you sure I can't do anything to help her?" Skydust mewed.

(100 comment! woot!)

kennedy said...

Duskstar walked into the gathering area, nodding to the cats who were already gathered. The BrambleClan cats spread out, chatting to the other clans. Making sure her clanmates were settled, she headed towards the other leaders.

(Silverstar- I changed my vote on the second poll, just so you know.)

squid said...

(oopsies i didn't see Delaney's comment)

sia said...

Petalpaw looked around her first gathering! So many people to greet she started wandering off.

(I am petalpaw right?)

alina said...

"My clan has been growing fairly well." Froststar commented glancing down upon her cats.

Giving her chest a quick lick she continued, "The previous leader, Birchstar, has died. Her deputy, Goldenash, was also murdered." Froststar's eyes still shimmered with strength. Flicking her tail, she mewed, "Next leader please."

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Mistpaw walked up behind her mentor.

"I don't have any herbs."


(what are ailments..)

Anonymous said...

The she-cat looked at Jadestar. "I am Sunstar." She stared at the leader loosing a life. It scared her, to see some cat dying, even if they were coming back. It seemed eerie die, then come back. And give part of your life to Starclan. She shivered, and sat down.

squid said...

(it's the bundle of herbs or type of poultice you use to help the cat)

✠Ember✠ said...

"Then get her water!" Patchfire yowled


✠Ember✠ said...

"Then get her water!" Patchfire yowled


kennedy said...

Sparrowflash looked around for any familiar warriors from other clans. He spotted a WoodClan cats talking on the edge of the crowd, and walked over to them.

alina said...

Froststar glared at the BrambleClan cats. 'Our closes neighbors.' she thought. They could be planning an attack, how else would've Goldenash died?

squid said...

Skydust spotted a bush of burdock nearby. He darted toward it, and came back with a pawful. "Eat this." he told Cherrystar, who was barely concious. He becan to make a poultice and rubbed in on her chest to help breathing.

Formerly-Sunset said...

"Then welcome, Suntar. And through I didn't realy know Spiderstar, I'm sure he was a great Leader. I mourn for him, and hope I don't have to mourn for Cherrystar," Jadestar meowed, glancing down at the weak leader below. She looked up at the full moon in the clear starry sky, there where no sighns of the gathering ending yet.


squid said...

(can Skydust help Mistpaw and whoever save Cherrystar?)

Anonymous said...

Sunstar bowed her head to Jadestar, then turned and backed down to help Cherrystar. "Anything I could do?"

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

(I thought coltsfoot helped breathing.....)

squid said...

(yeah, that's what I meant i accidently typed that in)

alina said...

Hollowpath noticed Sparrowflash heading towards her.

"Hello, Sparrowflash," Hollowpath mewed, curtly. 'Should we trust Brambleclan?' She questioned to herself. 'For the time being, it would be best not to.' Hollowpath answered.

✠Ember✠ said...

Cherrystar shook her head pushing away the herbs drowsily "I trust my medicine cats Skydust,"


kennedy said...

Duskstar closed her eyes, thinking through what she was going to announce to the other clans.

"Greetings, cats. I am here to tell you how BrambleCLan is fairing. We are well, having many apprentices and warriors. We have a sick cat, but it looks not to be greencough, or whitecough. And we haven't had many problems. And may StarClan light your path," Duskstar meowed, nodding to the leaders and cats.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Gazedawn worked alongside Skydust.


squid said...

Skydust padded away, feeling unwanted, and took the herbs with him.

Formerly-Sunset said...

Fallenpaw made her way through the crowd of cats to a place where she could see Cherrystar more clearly. She was worried about what would happen to Cherrystar. "Is she going to die....again?" Fallenpaw asked.


Jadestar gazed down at her apprentice. "The medicine cats are doing what they can, young one," she meowed.


squid said...

"If you need help don't ask me, becuase I've dealt with this before with Honeyice, and I know what to do."

kennedy said...

Sparrowflash narrowed his eyes at the WoodClan cats. "BrambleClan is well, but it doesn't look as WoodClan is, heh?" the dark-gray cat laughed.

alina said...

Froststar casted a sideways glance towards Duskstar. 'Nothing too suscipious," she thought silently to herself.

She politely waved her tail towards Duskstar, so Duskstar wouldn't notice.

alina said...

Hollowpath spun around, "Nasty flea-brain."

She shook her head, "Sparrowflash, you are to young to understand anything, I see."

She gave him a long look, 'He doesn't know anything.'

kennedy said...

"Heh? I'm right, aren't I WoodClan? BrambleClan at it's best, WoodClan at it's worst, such a coincidence...hahaha!" Sparrowflash chuckled, arrogantly.

✠Ember✠ said...

Cherrystar rolled her eyes "So you get upset because I wish to have cats I am familier with help me? I am more than sure you CAN do this, but this is my clans problem, not MouseClans,"


Formerly-Sunset said...

Fallenpaw turned and looked at the disrespectfull warrior. "Don't you know what the word 'truce' meens? No fighting, no chalenging!" she meowed.


alina said...

"You're a fox-brain." Hollowpath muttered darkly under her breath.

"I wish not to see that smile of yours, creep. Please leave." Hollowpath lowered her head, trying to hide her amusement.

kennedy said...

"Hollowpath, Hollowpath," Sparrowflash meowed, brushing her face with his paw, "Aren't I right? I think, I think you're the young one."

squid said...

"I never said it wasn't! And I'm not upset, I'm confused!" Skydust flashed. "I'm just saying I know exactly what to do!"

kennedy said...

"I'm not scaring you, am I young one?" the BrambleClan warrior hissed, blinking at Hollowpath.

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Mistpaw looked at Cherrystar.

"Cherrystar, maybe SongClan should leave so we can treat you back at camp. The Clan still needs to sit vigil for Reedblaze." Mistpaw meowed, her eyes shone with grief for her kin.


squid said...

This time Skydust rolled his eyes, but sadly. Does the warrior code mean nothing to anyone anymore? he thought.

alina said...

"Actually, you're mistaken. I could be your mother." Hollowpath chided, brushing Sparrowflash's paw away.

"Save it for someone else," she whispered into his ear.

Formerly-Sunset said...

Fallenpaw rolled her eyes. Her first gathering was exciting, but she didn't want it to end because of two bickering warriors. She could easily tell that Sparrowflash and Hollowpath could pop out their claws at any moment.


kennedy said...

"Well, I guess I should be going, I don't want to frighten you too much, now do I?" Sparrowflash laughed in Hollowpath's ear, then with a swish of his tail he disappeared into the mob of cats.

squid said...

"I know how you feel. Everyone fights these days." Skydust appeared behind Fallenpaw. "I can read cats' emotions. I"m a medicine cat."

alina said...

Outraged, Hollowpath bit down onto Sparrowflash's tail.

"Don't mess with me, Sparrowflash."

She laid her tail across his pelt, and murmured, "You're no good."

squid said...

(I g2g bye, but I might come back occasionly see ya)

✠Ember✠ said...

Cherrystar nodded "The cats here are getting way to fussy," she growled "SongClan! Follow me!" She leaned against Patchfire and led SongClan out


alina said...

Seeing that Sparrowflash had left, Hollowpath spun off to see her clanmates. "What is his problem?" she hissed.

Formerly-Sunset said...

Fallenpaw glanced at the sky which suddenly had more clouds than she remembered. "StarClan are angry! Hollowpath! Sparrowflash! Stop that!" she meowed.


alina said...

(Bye, see you later.)

squid said...

"Are you a medicine cat?" Skydust asked Fallenpaw.

alina said...

"Hmph. Fu..Fu..Fu." Hollowpath chuckled to Fallenpaw.

Formerly-Sunset said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
squid said...

Skydust wanted to claw Hollowpath. Instead, he gritted his teeth.

kennedy said...

"Oh, and if you're that old, Hollowpath, you should be an elder. Hollowpath, the elder! Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Oh should I check you for fleas? Hmm, Crankypath? Hahahahahaha!" Sparrowflash said, over his shoulder.

Just then an elder from another clan overheard the BrambleClan cat.

The elder growled, "Watch your words, or I'll claw your eyes out."

"Sorry, sorry! Parden me!" Sparrowflash laughed, blinking his eyes innocently.

"You're nothing but havoc, Sparrowflash," Dovesoar mewed to her brother.

Formerly-Sunset said...

Fallenpaw shook her head. "No, but Jadestar is my mentor," she meowed.


squid said...

Skydust jumped out and cuffed Sparrowflash, not hurting him. "Are you mousebrained? This is a gathering!"

alina said...

"Fu.Fu.Fu. Sparrowpath you are really a piece of junk. Useless." Hollowpath sneered.

(Gotta <3 Suigintou. Heh.)

Formerly-Sunset said...

Fallenpaw lept over and stood beside Skydust. "He's right! Stop fighting!" she meowed, then glanced at the full moon. The clouds drew closer to it.


kennedy said...

"Be back later, cats!" he called out and went other to a small bush, shifting his eyes. Just then, Duskstar appeared out of thin air.

"I'm gonna have it, StarClan sacrifice me now!" Sparrowflash shrieked.

Buzz Girl said...

(Sorry for the quick post but I'm expecting company soon...I might be on later)

Leafstar sat upon the Great Rock. "RainClan is thriving! We have 2 new warriors, Mintyleaf and Brambletail, and 3 new apprentices, Joypaw, Rainpaw, and Applepaw. There are also more kits on the way. However, we have greencough in the camp. There is also whitecough. But I am certain we will come out strong!"


alina said...

"Ha! Sparrowflash!" Hollowpath laughedish/shrieked.

Her eyes glowed, 'Looks like I won this time, junk.'

kennedy said...

"And fu to you Hollowpath! EEEEEEEEEOOOOOWWWWW!" he screamed, darting away into the forest.

"Duskstar, I'll never do it again! Just don't kill me!!!! OOWWWW!!!!"

Formerly-Sunset said...

"Surves him right!" Fallenpaw spat.


kennedy said...

"GAHHHH!!!! HELP ME!!" Sparrowflash wailed, like a kit.

"Told you," Dovesoar whispered to herself.

"You can proceed with the gathering now," Spruceflower meowed, "Duskstar will take care of the mouse-brain."

alina said...

"Heh...." Hollowpath glared where Sparrowflash had been. She huffed, "Hmph."

'Nice job, Hollowpath,' she thought to herself, her eyes lighting up.

kennedy said...

The gathering went on, only to be interrupted a few times by Sparrowflash's shrieking. X_X

Formerly-Sunset said...

Jadestar stepped forward. "I almost for got to mention, we have a queen exspecting kits in EchoClan. They're dew any day now and we are delighted to have more cats coming into our ti-...I meen not that large clan," she meowed. She didn't want to give away that her clan was so small.


Formerly-Sunset said...

(gtg, might b on later. bye!)

alina said...

Froststar spotted Hollowpath's pelt. 'What in the world is she doing?'

"Hollowpath." Froststar beckoned.

Hollowpath turned to face her leader, staring directly into her deep green eyes.

"Sorry, Froststar. Missed you there." Hollowpath squinted, sarcastically.

"Hmph. I see, Hollowpath." Froststar swished her tail rapidly.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Searingstar leaped back onto the Great stone, his eyes burning in shame.

I killed Cherrystar!


alina said...

(Bye, SunsetBubble.)

kennedy said...

(Birchstar- Fu, fu, fu.....Suigintou is awesome! But Souseiseki is better! Kanaria rocks, too!)

Duskstar came back a few moments later, licking her pelt clean. (That explains itself....X_X)

alina said...

(Scarletfur-Fu...no one is better than Suigintou. Hah...Hah...Hah. Oh, and I'm Froststar not Birchstar btw.)

kennedy said...

(Bye, Sunsetbubble!)

kennedy said...

(Froststar- Oh yeah. And Boku is better! Heh, heh!)

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Dawnstar licked her chest.

"SorrelClan, it is time to leave." Dawnstar announced, and left with her Clan.


alina said...

Hollowpath confronted Sparrowflash. "I see your still here, Sparrowjunk. Heh." Hollowpath cackled/laughed. She smirked at him, her eyes buring with fury.

✠Ember✠ said...

Brindlestar sighed the gathering was getting crazy "MouseClan we are leaving,"


kennedy said...

Sparrowflash flicked a random rose petal at her.

(Heh, heh!)

kennedy said...

"Sparrowflash, don't get in anymore trouble. We are leaving soon anyway!" Spruceflower reminded her clanmate.

alina said...

(Bye, everyone that is leaving.)

"Stupid rosepetal!"

Outraged, Hollowpath unsheathed her claws.

"Don't flick things at me! Especially rosepetals, mouse-brain!"

kennedy said...

Sparrowflash meowed, "You are an interesting piece of junk."

Looking away, he threw more random rose petals at her, then whistled innocently.

kennedy said...

(Froststar- it's a cat version of Suigintou!)


kennedy said...

(Gonna go watch Tokyo Mew Mew! Good bye!)

alina said...

"Don't call me junk! That's my catchphrase!"

(You steal catchphrases just like Kirakishou...)

alina said...

(Okay. Bye.)

♥Warriors101♥ said...

(ack, sorry that I came late. What did I miss??)

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"Briarclan is leaving!" Searingstar announced, signaling for his cats to follow him as he leaped of the rock.


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

(Nothing, W101. Gatherings suck without fighting.)

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

(gtg bye)

Brooke said...

Spottedstar padded through the clearing, her warriors behind her. There weren't many, but they were all strong and healthy. Redpaw, a small apprentice, padded quickly, excitement showing in his eyes.
Spottestar joined the other leaders. "TawnyClan is here!" She announced. "I am Spottedstar and this is my Clan. We are new to the forest but we are strong. Prey is thriving in the forest." Spottedstar nodded for the other leaders to speak.


Brooke said...

(Sorry I'm a little late. I forgot all about the Gathering. Is anyone still here or did everyone leave? And also, she never said "no fighting", she said keep it to a minimum."

TheBlondeSmiley said...

Snowdropstar leaped onto the Great Stone. "SnowdropClan is healthy and growing fast. We have 6 new apprentices. Seedpaw, Puddlepaw, Falconpaw, Gladepaw, Seapaw and Mythpaw. Gingerpaw and Wolfpaw have been made warriors. They are now Gingerswoop and Wolfshadow" Snowdropstar stepped down to let the next leader speak.

Dominæthix said...

Shiningstar pads in, "LotusClan is doing well! We have Oakkit, Weaselkit, Brightkit and Frostkit born to Foxtail and Nettleheart. Pondleap, Doveshimmer and Timesong have been named warriors and I am expecting Twilightfeathers kits" she meows before letting others speak.

Shiningstar of LotusClan

Dominæthix said...

Shiningstar nodded once and let her clan back.

StormySkies said...

(sorry i'm so late
i totally forgot
is it like finished already?)
Brookstar charges into the clearing, and leaps onto the Great Stone. "Greetings! My name is Brookstar, and my clan, FalconClan, is new in this forest. However, we are growing and we are all full-fed."

Brooke said...

Spottedstar smiled at the other leaders. "It seems all our Clans are well. StarClan has blessed us this green-leaf!" The crowd of cats murmured with agreement. "Is there any other news?"


(It's okay. Gatherings usually continue the next day-hopefully it'll continue)

abigail viktoria said...

Sorry about missing the gathering again. I was watching Spiderman with my sisters. (I know that's not a very warriorly excuse)


☪Dream said...

*Markstar nodded.*

LakeClan shall be leaving.

*He leaped down from the Great Rock.*


♥Glowstream/Shinepaw♥ said...

(I didn't have time yesterday Pretend this was last night!)

Shinestar padded up to Great Stone, her Clan, PetalClan seating themselves in the crowd.

"We have lots of new warriors I'm happy to announce!" Shinestar mewed her small voice echoing around the clearing.

"We have Songbreeze, Navyclaw, Foxheart, Swamptail, Leafsong, Skystorm, and Willowfeather!" The new warriors beamed and some stared at their paws in embarassment.

"There has been a Twoleg Bird Crash on our territory, and we have took in a weak family of tabbys. The she-cat has 3 new-born kits."

Summerstar said...

I deleted my clan to make a new one

Dominæthix said...

Oh and I deleted AuroraClan.

Gathering ended at 200 posts :D

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