Saturday, June 26, 2010

June Gathering Tonight!

OK! The new Clans are added and The Warrior Gathering is updated and ready for yet another full moon! As always, please read the rules on the sidebar carefully and make sure that your Clan is added on the list before you comment. No advertising, and try to keep the squabbles to a minimum.
With that said, let the full moon Gathering begin!


It has been proposed that a rule be added to the Warrior Code. This new rule prevents apprentices from having kits. LEADERS, you are to vote yes or no to this rule by taking the poll on the sidebar. Remember, leaders ONLY, and only cast ONE vote. To discuss this matter further with other leaders, please go HERE. Thank you!

Also, Sunstar of SunClan has asked me to announce that her Clan will be having a contest day on their territory! Sunstar will come back to me soon about the details. All Clans present at The Warrior Gathering are invited!


1 – 200 of 291   Newer›   Newest»
✠Ember✠ said...

(yay!! The gathering is ready!! :) )

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

(I might not come on later so I'll post now)
Tropicalclan is doing well we've had many new kits Winterkit, Leafkit, Skykit, Wildkit, Lilykit, Sunkit,and Songkit. The new apprentices are Dawnpaw, Reedpaw, Cherrypaw, Smokepaw,Berrypaw, Firepaw, and Snowpaw.The new warriors are Mistfeather, Stonecreek, Skyfern, Reedcloud, Amberlight, Marshfur, Coalpelt, and Dreamyleaf. I'm having kits in a few months. Also my clan has been threatned to be attack by Coldclan the day I have my kits. That is all come on lets go Tropicalclan.

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Mapleclan is also doing well we've many new apprentices to much to name and lots of new warriors over twenty new ones. We beat the roughs in the battle.

oboe.chick said...

(I can't come on tonight, so I will post now.)

Wildstar jumped on the Great Stone and began her announcement.

"Breezeclan is doing well. Our clan is thriving and is doing well. We have had no illnesses so far, but that is basically all I have to say. We also have had some new cats join our clan. Thank you."


Sorry I made it so short, I have to go now.

MadiShae said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

Welcome to the gathering. *she dipped her head.*

Yes as Cloudstar welcome.

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...
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♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...
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MadiShae said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

It depends what the rule is.

I don't know would be helpful for the clans.

MadiShae said...

(Read the whole post. Under where it says PLEASE READ!)

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

(I read it about the other gatherings and Starclan watching over)

MadiShae said...


✠Ember✠ said...

(I'm not sure if i'll be on 2night, so i'll post now)

Cherrystar leapt onto the Great Stone "SongClan is doing great! We have many new kits, including my own: Thornykit, Dreamingkit and Arkkit, also, ToothClan our enemy clan, attacked but we have recovered well! We have many new warriors and apprentices also! No sickness has stricken our clan, and prey is plentiful!"

Cherrystar smiled and sat down letting the other leaders give their reports

~Cherrystar of SongClan

Brooke said...

Nightears pounced on the Great Stone with the other leaders. She nodded to them kindly while warriors and one apprentice stood behind her. "Sunstar, the leader of our Clan, SunClan, cannon make it this Gathering." Nightears meowed sadly. "She will be gone for a while, but I was asked to take her place here." She took a deep breath and cleared her throat. "We have made one cat an after long, hard waiting. Also we have more warriors." She bowed and let the other leaders speak.


(I will soon post about the Summer Games at SunClan. I hope you all come! About a week before the Summer Games there will be a post inviting all of the Clans to join. Even though Sunstar is gone at the moment, she will be at the Summer Games hosting them. I hope all of the Clans come!)

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

(About the special event)

✠Ember✠ said...

(ooh that sounds fun lol)

♪~Cloudstar~♪ said...

(Yep it does well I gtg to a party I might be on later or might not bye)

✠Ember✠ said...

(awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Bye!!)

✠Ember✠ said...

Brindlestar leapt onto the Great Stone, her eyes scanning the crowd for Briarshadow "MouseClan is doing great! We have two new warriors! Ravenspirit and Swiftshadow! Also we have four new apprentices, my kits, Lionpaw, Cloudpaw, Flowerpaw and Beepaw! We have scented rougues on out territory, but not many we are able to handle it! That is all NMouseClan has to report!"

♥Warriors101♥ said...

Miststar emerges from the ferns and leaps up to the Great Stone, anxiously waiting for Dawnstar to arrive. She then steps up to speak. "We have many new members, which I can not all name. My deputy, Russetfur has moved into the nursery and my head warrior, Thunderstorm is now temporary deputy. And we have two missing kits, please be on the look out in your territories." She finishes and some clans gasp, but still cheer for Russetfur. Miststar says nothing about the Shadow-Stalkers.


MadiShae said...

(W101, thanks. I don't think it should be a part of the warrior code.)

✠Ember✠ said...

(ya but it's kinda like a teen havng a kid, they shouldn't. but they always break the rules, it COULD be a rule, but u could break it.... i guess)

✠Ember✠ said...

Patchfire smiled at Cherrystar then looked around for somene to talk to


♥Warriors101♥ said...

Iceshadow scanned the area and went over to Patchfire. "Hi, I'm Iceshadow" He mewed.


MadiShae said...

Stormwater shushed his apprentice, Otterpaw, and told him to be patient and wait for more clans to come.

-Stormwater of CloverClan

✠Ember✠ said...

Patchfire dipped his head to the MistClan warrior "Hey, I'm Patchfire, from SongClan,"


✠Ember✠ said...

(Is Berrysplash at the gathering Madi?)

MadiShae said...

(Of course! She's the medicine cat!)

♥Warriors101♥ said...

Pumaclaw sits where the other deputies are, near the Great Stone.


✠Ember✠ said...

(lol :P )

Berrysplash sat under the rock where the other medicine cats sat, she felt proud, she sat up her tortoiseshell fur glowing

~Berrysplash of CloverClan

✠Ember✠ said...

"I'm Cherrystar's mate!" Patchfire purrs proudl thinking of their kits


♥Warriors101♥ said...

Iceshadow looked at the tom a little weirdly. (lol) "Miststars my mate...." He meowed, feeling a little awkward.



MadiShae said...

Stormwater, hearing, rolls his eyes at his overly pride.

-Stormwater of Cloverclan

♥Warriors101♥ said...

(Dawn is posting soon, dunno who's going)

✠Ember✠ said...

Patchfire looked down feeling silly "Sorry..." he muttered

♥Warriors101♥ said...

Iceshadow laughed. "Its ok, the she-cats think were stupid already" He joked, trying to cheer him up.


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Dawnstar emerges from the bushes with a SorrelClan patrol behind her, and she jumps up onto the rock. "SorrelClan is doing well, we have had lots of new warriors and apprentices lately, and besides a missing kit, everything is fine!" Dawnstar announced and sat back down. She dipped her head to Miststar. "How is MistClan doing?" Dawnstar asked.


MadiShae said...

(Stormwater is a GUY.)

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

(making the post right now! :P)

♥Warriors101♥ said...

"...Fine." She answered Dawnstar. "You have a missing kit too? I was wondering if you have seen two of our kits... Or at least scented them...."


✠Ember✠ said...

Patchfire smiled "Ya,"

~-~Patchfire of SOngClan~-~

✠Ember✠ said...

(Star girl, did u read the post below?)

Summerstar said...

ForestClan is doing well.

♥Warriors101♥ said...

She sighed. "Ripplekit and Stonekit"


The porfecy said...

VineClan has been very good. We have many new members and lots of new kits. We have had tons of food and water.


✠Ember✠ said...

Cherrystar sighed sadness filling her eyes "I am sorry, i hope you find the kits soon,"


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

(Luna is my name in RL, and warrior cats don't know Spanish!)

Dawnstar sighed. "Yes, my sister's kit, Heatherkit, left a few days ago, and I was going to your border to talk to you..." Dawnstar sighed again. "We have a rogue problem in our territory, I am suspecting them or HawkClan."


♥Warriors101♥ said...

(I agree with Star Girl, sorry Silverstar! Just my opinion :) )

Blossompaw proudly marched into the clearing, it was her first gathering and she wanted to look mature. But she finally got over that idea and went in search of other apprentices from other clans.

~~**Blossompaw of SorrelClan**~~

♥Warriors101♥ said...

Miststar eyed Dawnstar with interest. "How many sunrises ago, do you think?"


✠Ember✠ said...

Cherrystar sighed looking for someone to talk to


♥Warriors101♥ said...

(how about six?? That's when we posted :P)

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

(right! nvm! Im deleting that comment... :P)

"A few, about six." Dawnstar meowed.

✠Ember✠ said...

Brindlestar looked into the crowd of clan cats

Where is Briarshadow??


♥Warriors101♥ said...

Miststars fur stood on end. "Th-that's the same day that MY kits disappeared!" She meowed, shocked, could this mean something?!?!?!


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Dawnstar fur stood on end. She looked at the other leaders. "Excuse us for a minute." Dawnstar meowed, walking away to another spot where no leaders were sitting. "Do you have any.. threats? Besides enemy Clans, but like, other cats? No foxes or badgers could've done that." Dawnstar growled under her breath.


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...


♥Warriors101♥ said...

Miststar sighed, she had to tell her. For the sake of her kits. "Shadow-Stalkers" She whispered. "There kind of like rogues"


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Dawnstar narrowed her eyes. "This is getting weird." Dawnstar muttered. "We have to work together to find the kits, for all we know, they could be dead." Dawnstar sighed.

MadiShae said...

(Where I am, it's only 5:18)

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

SIlverstar of DappleClan looked around for someone to talk to.

<>*Silverstar of DappleClan*<>

✠Ember✠ said...

Cherrystar blinked hoping someone would tak to her soon


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

(where I am it's on 3:19!!!!!)

✠Ember✠ said...

Cherrystar turned to Silverstar "Greetings,"


♥Warriors101♥ said...

Miststar shook her head. "Think positive" She meowed to Dawnstar. "I think only me and you should search, I wouldn't want to put my clan in peril, they may be beyond the territory."


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Silverstar padded up to Cherrystar. "Hello." Silverstar murmured.

<>*SIlverstar of DappleClan*<>

♥Warriors101♥ said...

(its 6:22 here)

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Dawnstar nodded. "We both have connections to the kits, Heatherkit is my sister's kit, Ripplekit and Stonekit are your kits. "


✠Ember✠ said...

"I hope your clan is well," Cherrystar smiled, thinking of her kits, and hoping ToothClan didn't invade when they were parctically unprotected


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

(and the same state, I won't say anything else)

♥Warriors101♥ said...

"How about I meet at your border or something tomorrow and we can search??" Miststar asked, feeling awkwardish.


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Silverstar sighed. "They are. My sister has recently had kits." SIlverstar closed her eyes and (began to meditate JK) sighed.

<>*Silverstar of DappleClan*<>

[Lauren] said...

(HEY! :D)

♥Warriors101♥ said...

(you didn't have to change your cats name...)

♥Warriors101♥ said...

(Hi Laurea!!)

✠Ember✠ said...

"Congrats!" Cherrystar smiled


☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar padded into the Gathering. She nodded to the other leaders, and leaped onto the Great Rock.*

LakeClan is present, and we are doing well! Prey is thriving, and we are all healthy! Breezeshade was killed by a BlackClan cat, and we grieve for her. Frostysky and Everlight have had kits. Frostysky's kits are Wrenkit, Rushkit, Owlkit, and Berrykit. Everlight's kits are Daykit, Arcingkit, and Shadowedkit.

*Congratulations spread through the clans.*

We also have found 4 new kits. Sunnykit, Mossykit, Mistykit and Bluekit.

That is all.


♥Warriors101♥ said...

(WOOOO!!! 100+ COMMENTS!! 101!! lolz)

✠Ember✠ said...

(Hey petal!!!)

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...


MadiShae said...


Dewstar, leader of CloverClan, padds in and jumps onto the great rock. She dipps her head to the other leaders and says, "Our clan comes in peace out of the respect of the full moon." She nodds to her clan and continues. "We are new and StarClan has blessed us with plenty of prey and a strong youth as well as senior warriors."


Lexii said...

"I am the Medicine cat of BreezeClan. There was an out break of Greencough and are herbs were stolen. Many cats still have it and I was taking care of them they are sleeping in there nests now so I can't stay for long.

✠Ember✠ said...

(Hey dream!!)

☪Dream said...


[Lauren] said...

Petalstar ran in with her Clan. "PineClan is here." She announced, leaping up the Great Stone. "We are doing well. We have over 175 members and greenleaf has brought us lots of prey." She waited for the other leaders to speak.


☪Dream said...


♥Warriors101♥ said...

(acadia, are you rosepetal or Mistleaf??)

[Lauren] said...

(Hi dream! :D I'm almost done packing :( )

✠Ember✠ said...

Brindlestar nodded at the new leaders "Hello!"


MadiShae said...

She narrows her eyes at the brightness of the moon. "So, what do you guys think about adding an additional rule to the warrior code?" she asks.


☪Dream said...

(good for you Petal)

[Lauren] said...

"What rule?" Petalstar asked.


☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar nodded.*

Yes. I think it suits. I have heard many apprentices with kits, and it interferes with their training.


♥Warriors101♥ said...

Miststar nods to Dawnstar and heads back to the Great Stone. "I agree both ways, but I think it should be added. The kit would get raised wrong, the mother would be too young and not nourish it right." She meows to Dewstar.


♥Warriors101♥ said...

(read all of this post, Petal)

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Dawnstar followed Miststar. "It depends." Dawnstar sighed.

<>*Dawnstar of SorrelClan*<>

[Lauren] said...

(*sigh* So much work lol)

♥Warriors101♥ said...

(its is apprentices should be able to have a mate+kits)

♥Warriors101♥ said...

(yeah, I'm lazy too lol XD)

MadiShae said...

Dewstar stepps up. "I disagree. I think that if they choose to do that, their punishment (instead of being thrown out of the clan) would be trying to take care off their kits at such a young age," she glances around. "It would teach them a lesson as good as a training session. They could grow up to be wiser warriors who know what they are doing."


[Lauren] said...

(Sure. I'm in. *votes yes*)

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar rolled her eyes.*

It interferes with their training. How can they train, if they have kits?


✠Ember✠ said...

Brindlestar nodded "I also think this new rule is nessacery, I cannot, have my apprentices training interfered by them having to nurse kits,"


♥Warriors101♥ said...

"I half agree, but Dreamstar is right. It would affect their training and the kit would grow up being inexperienced, and be a bad mother or father."


MadiShae said...

"It will take longer to become warriors, yes, but I'd rather take that then being thrown out of the clan," she meows, quite calmly.


☪Dream said...

Why would they be thrown out of the clan? Just make sure they don't. They may love a cat, but they can't have kits.


✠Ember✠ said...

"They'd have to care for them until THEIR kits were six moons, then do their training with them!" Brindlestar pointed out


♥Warriors101♥ said...

"There are other issues too, not just being far behind in their training." She pointed out to Dewstar, tail flicking from side to side.


☪Dream said...

It's not right for apprentices. If my apprentices ever did that, they would be thoroughly punished.


MadiShae said...

"Plus, it's not like we're promoting apprentices to have kits, but I do not want it to be law. I don't want them to have kits, but it's their decission."


☪Dream said...

How is is their decision? Their life will be ruined. Cause they will care for the kits for 6 moons, and then they'll train with their kits.


MadiShae said...

"Thrown out of the clan!? That's whats supposed to happen, but of course never happens. If it's a law, then what are you going to do? Cats are going to break that law whether or not, just like other laws!" she finishees, standing up.


✠Ember✠ said...

"But, if it was part of the warrior code, it would discourage them from doing it," Brindlestar pointed out


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...


☪Dream said...

Apprentices are very irresponsible. And what if they break the code by having kits with a loner? It's just mortally wrong.


[Lauren] said...

"If an apprentice has kits, their punishment should be to care for and train with their kits. It'll teach them to be responsible." Petalstar said.


☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar rolls her eyes.*

I wouldn't throw them out of the clan. Unless they try to kill me. That is not what is supposed to happen.


✠Ember✠ said...

Cherrystar growled "No! Breaking the warrior code does NOT get you thrown out of the clan! You may get punished! But not thrown out unless you did something worthy to get you into the Dark Forest!"


☪Dream said...

Apprentices can't train then! If every apprentice had kits, then how would we get new warriors!?


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Dawnstar flicked her tail. "They should not be able to have kits. They may break the code and have kits anyways, but the leader has the decision of what their punishment will be."


[Lauren] said...

"Even then we don't throw cats out of the Clan!" Petalstar said.


♥Warriors101♥ said...

"They could wait till their warriors, its only a few moons!"


☪Dream said...

Apprentices are too young to have kits!

*Dreamstar shook her head at the thought that some cats didn't mind this.*


MadiShae said...

"First off, it's not like apprentices are having kits left and right! And I am sure, I would punish my apprentices somehow, but not severely. It should be up to the leader of the clan to decide if they have a punishment and what it may be," she finishes in snarl.


[Lauren] said...

"And it's not like making this an official warrior code rule will really stop it from happening. Cats break the warrior code all the time." Petalstar pointed out.


♥Warriors101♥ said...

"And it would influenced their kits to do the same."


☪Dream said...

That's like asking a kit to have kits! They can wait a few moons to have kits! I loved Cloudriver since I was a kit, but did I ever have his kits as an apprentice? NO! Even when i was a warrior, he was killed before we could have kits.


MadiShae said...

She smiles at Pealstar. "That's what I said! It shows them responsibility to takre care of kits at such a young age. It's a lesson a warrior needs and is worthy of. Responsibility."


☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar snarled.*

Apprentices are meant to train, and become warriors, where they serve their clan by fighting, and mating. But how can they serve their clan if they can't even fight!?


♥Warriors101♥ said...

She narrowed her eyes at Dewstar. "No need to fight, it is the night of truce."


MadiShae said...

"Petalstar, you are, like, my best friend now! That's exactly what I thik!"


☪Dream said...

They are not warriors though! They are apprentices, in training to serve their clan!


[Lauren] said...

"I think we should add the rule to the code, and if an apprentice breaks it, we should punish them like how we would punish them if they broke any other rule." Petalstar said.


[Lauren] said...

(LOL madi, they're BFFs :D)

✠Ember✠ said...

Cherrystar growled "Well I think it is appalling SOME leaders do not think that apprentices not even being discouraged NOT to have the is wrong!" she unsheathed her claws


☪Dream said...

Yes. It should be a rule, because then it may not happen as likely, but if it does. Punish them as we think is right.


♥Warriors101♥ said...

Miststar turned to the warrior in the crowd. "Hush, this is the leaders business. Are you leader?" She narrowed her eyes at the cat.


✠Ember✠ said...

not to have kits***

MadiShae said...

She sighed and lowered her tail. "But, do you guys even punish your warriors when they take mates outside their clan? Not really. Dreamstar, Rippleblaze is a part of your clan, but only because you broke the code. But you two shared love, and if that's what an apprentice seeks, let it be. Otherwise, you shouldn't be here."


☪Dream said...

*Rippleblaze sighed. Dreamstar was getting worked up. She was still emotional from their chat earlier. He looked around, and leaped up onto the Great Rock, some cats growled, because he was not a leader, but he ignored them. he padded to Dreamstar, and pressed against her. He whispered in her ear.*

Don't worry. I agree with you. Many do.


♥Warriors101♥ said...

Dewstar, is that what we are discussing?" Miststar hissed.


☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar spun around and snarled at dewstar.*

You think I wanted him as a mate!? All my kits died when they were born! I highly suggest not to break the warrior code! Don't you ever mention that!


♥Warriors101♥ said...

"Where is your leader? Dawnstar! What kind of warrior is this?" She was mostly mad at Oceanspirit, the word of the leader was the code.


[Lauren] said...

"Okay. I think we all need a nice, deep breath before we continue." Petalstar said to the leaders.


☪Dream said...


*Dreamstar snarled*


MadiShae said...

"No!" she hissed to Miststar. "But isn't that just as bad!? Especially a clan leader setting a bad example!"


✠Ember✠ said...

Falcon growled "Warriors are old enough to make their own desicions apprnetices are barely any more than kits!"

~-~Falcon of LakeClan~-~

♥Warriors101♥ said...

Miststar eyed Rippleblaze, her eyes telling him to calm his mate down.


☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar snarled.*

Answer me!


MadiShae said...

Dewstar hissed and arched her back. "Only if you think this should be part of the warrior code when you don't seem to always follow it!"


☪Dream said...

(why do we have to delete it? Silverstar doesn't mind.)

[Lauren] said...

(Silverstar LIKES drama!)

♥Warriors101♥ said...

(lol yeah, it makes gatherings fun!! lol)

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar snarled.*

That's not what I asked!

*Dreamstar took a step forward.*

I am perfectly fine as clan leader! I have set no example! Don't you ever say my judgement is wrong!


*Rippleblaze stepped forward, his eyes burning with hidden fury.*

We have done nothing wrong Dewstar! StarClan said it was my destiny! And I will do as told by my leader. Not you!


♥Warriors101♥ said...

(who volunteers to break Dreamstar and Dewstar apart when they start fighting?? lol)

☪Dream said...

(lol. Dreamstar is like, super mad cause Dewstar pretty much said she wasn't fit as leader. or a good leader. lol )

☪Dream said...

(why would you get in trouble??? ....)

☪Dream said...

(Umm.... Maybe someone from lakeClan.)

☪Dream said...


♥Warriors101♥ said...

(how about Dreamstar+Dewstar decide??)

[Lauren] said...

(I think everyone here needs chill pills :P)

✠Ember✠ said...

Cherrystar growled her claws sctartching the rock "I took a mate outside the clan!" she growled


MadiShae said...

She calmed down quickly, but her eyes reflected the fury that Rippleblaze had. "Dreamstar ISN'T a bad leader. Everyone makes mistakes. I'm just saying, from the things you've done, I don't think you deserve a say in this matter."


♥Warriors101♥ said...

(how about Rippleblaze because you play him and Madi can pick someone from CloverClan)

♥Warriors101♥ said...


☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar snarled, her claws digging into the rock.*

I have no say in this? You're implying I shouldn't be leader!

*Dreamstar took another step forward.*

Well guess what. I have ABSOLUTE say in this! Because apprentices are apprentices. I am a leader.


✠Ember✠ said...

Cherrystar's eyes widened "Just because Dreamstar made a mistake she can't think of the well being for ALL clans?"


[Lauren] said...

(Oh gosh. I have a feeling I should just go pack xP)

MadiShae said...

(Ember, you play CloverClan's medicine cat, I pick you. BTW, Dreamstar, I totally respect you, this is Destar talking, not me. :))

☪Dream said...

(Cause it should be someone from their own clan. And not Rippleblaze, he's mad that Dewstar is offending Dreamstar's judgment. ;)

☪Dream said...

(I know Madi. lol. It's fun.)

☪Dream said...

(It's funny when Dream freaks outs. ;) )

☪Dream said...

(Star Girl, we ARE, but we think it should be someone from our own clans!)

♥Warriors101♥ said...

(So Cloversplash and who else?)

MadiShae said...

She tried digging her claws into the rock. "I'm implying what I said. Not that you are a bad leader."


☪Dream said...

(Grayshadow can do it.)

✠Ember✠ said...

(lol I do, should berrysplash break it up?)

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar rolled her eyes and snarled.*

You're saying my judgement is wrong, just because I took a leader as a mate!


MadiShae said...

(Yeah, I know! yep, Berrysplash can do whenever Grayshadow starts breaking them up.)

✠Ember✠ said...

Cherrystar snorted "Right, like when you find that perfect tom who is a loner, kkitty-pet or from another clan you wont do ANYTHING to be with him?" Cherrystar growled at Dewstar

☪Dream said...

*Then, the clouds passed.*

☪Dream said...

(DON'T make clouds cover the moon! They'll just leave again.)

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar nodded.*

I tried. I tried my best. And this isn't about me!


(Should they start fighting?)

MadiShae said...

She closed her eyes and clamped her teeth together. "No, your judgement is fine, but everyone has their own opinions and yours, on THIS matter, shouldn't seem to count."


[Lauren] said...

(hey guys, I might head's killing me and I have to pack and all that jazz *shrugs*)

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar snarled.*

Yes. It. Does! I have done nothing wrong!

*Dreamstar took another step forward. Now she was only a leap away.*


MadiShae said...

She flashed her eyes open. "Stop repeating yourself. I NEVER SAID YOU WERE A BAD LEADER!" (Yeah)


♥Warriors101♥ said...

Pumaclaw pounced on the rock, prepared to help his leader.


(don't worry, he won't do anything)

✠Ember✠ said...

Cherrystar growled "Well too bad Dewstar cause guess what? He opinion DOES matter to a lot of cats," her gaze flickered to Patchfire


[Lauren] said...

(BRB guarantees about coming back...)

✠Ember✠ said...


☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar snarled and nodded.*

My opinion is as important as yours!

*She took one more step forward.*


MadiShae said...

"I don't want to fight. I've worked hard to get here," she says, staring at Dreamstar hardly, but it seemed her mind was already made up.


☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar snarled.*


✠Ember✠ said...

Beetlenose nodded "But I will not get into this battle,"


✠Ember✠ said...

Cherrystar growled wanting to fight Dewstar herself. But knew Dreamstar had it under control


MadiShae said...

Dewstar stared her down. "This is a battle no one will win," she says and launches herself at Dreamstar just as Dreamstar leaped at her.


☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar pushed her long legs off of Dewstar's side, then leaped as dewstar rolled. Dreamstar grabbed Dewstar's shoulder, and bit into Dewstar's ear.*


♥Warriors101♥ said...

brb dudes, dinner!

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