Saturday, January 30, 2010

January Gathering Tonight!

The full moon is tonight, and it's the first gathering of the new year! As always, please read the commenting rules. Roll play will start in half an hour. Enjoy!


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Snow said...

(Just asking, but what if its already 7:00 where i live? i will wait like until 30 mins though.)

Snow said...

*Frost star charges up the path to the great stone and takes his seat looking at his clan waiting*

Willowfeather said...

She streaks up the hill,her clan following closely by her heels. She dipped her head to the leaders already thier. "Ivyclan is here!" she announced and dissappred into the crowd of cats,then leaping onto the Great Stone.


(Also! On Ivyclan it was the leader is Goldenstar...its not. Its Willowstar)

Snow said...

Greetings Willowstar!
(brb have ta eat)

Snow said...


Brooke said...

SunClan arrived with new cats, and proud, happy looks. Sunstar pounced on the Great Stone. "Hello everyone!" she meowed gracefully. "I'm happy to say that SunClan is alive and well. Our prey is thriving plentifully unlike last year's leaf-bare, and all is calm. We have new cats" as she said that a few cats nodded-the new ones. "and a special thanks to Firefly" she smiled at a silver she-cat that looked very lovely with her big, bright, beautiful eyes. "for saving one of our kits from a terrible fate." Sunstar didn't bother to say why-it'd take to long to explain.


(Oh, my dad who I haven't seen in a week or two is about to come home-won't be on very much, but will comment tomorrow and maybe later tonight!)

Snow said...

K!) Greetings Sunstar! I'm glad your clan is doing well!

Dawnstar said...

Dawnstar darts to the top of the hill, her clan following behind her. She flicked her tail to the others as she leaped up the Great Stone yowling "Roseclan is here!"

Snow said...

*Frost star nodded his head and greeted dawnstar*

Cometsmoke (FORMERLY KNOWN AS ICESTAR) said...

*Redstar stalked up to the rock. pounced and landed on the top. tunnelclan warriors streamed into the claering after him. he nodded at the other leaders and sat dow, waiting for the gathering to start*

Snow said...

Welcome Red star. *says tucking his paws under his tail*

Cometsmoke (FORMERLY KNOWN AS ICESTAR) said...

Tunnelclan is doing well, we have 1 new queen and 1 new warrior. we are thriving, that is all!

Snow said...

Good for u! brb)

Cometsmoke (FORMERLY KNOWN AS ICESTAR) said...

(ok!) thank you. now, froststar, what is your report?

Dawnstar said...

Dawnstar mewed a greeting to Redstar.

Brooke said...

Sunstar smiled at the other Clan leaders. "I'm happy things are going well for your Clan Redstar." she meowed after nodding her head in greeting to the other Clans.


Snow said...

BAK!) oh, My report. *says then straightens up*

Snow clan has many new cats! Our prey is alittle low, but we are thriving!

MadiShae said...

Silverstar rushes into the clearing with cats behind her. She leaps onto the Great Stone and dipps her head to the other leaders. "StreamClan has had many cats join and many apprentices have became warriors. We also have had two litters of kits and two more on the way. This was dangerous for the kits, because of bad weather, but prey is now running fairly well. I have appointed three head warriors. PebbleClan was chased out of their home recently and many of the warriors that have surrvived have became members of my clan," ahe narrowing her eyes as if someone were to object.

-Silverstar of StreamClan

Cometsmoke (FORMERLY KNOWN AS ICESTAR) said...

*redstar narrows his eyes but congragulates her*

Brooke said...

Sunstar smiled at Froststar. "All sounds decent, Froststar."


★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

(Hey guys, just so you know I've got to get off the computer now. Sunstar, you can roll play Silverfang if you want. My StormClan isn't coming because time is paused. See you all tomorrow!)


Snow said...

*nods* I think most clans are doing fairly well these days/

Cometsmoke (FORMERLY KNOWN AS ICESTAR) said...

*Redstar steps forward* I..... have something i would like your opinion on, should loners be able to join a clan?

Snow said...

Bye silverstar!)

Brooke said...

*Smiles with respect at Silverstar*


Snow said...

They should. But what has that to do with loners joining a clan?

Dawnstar said...

(To Redstar) Yes, if they are entirely devoted to the clan and the warrior code.

Brooke said...

(Okay Silverstar, thanks!)

"SunClan is going to host winter games soon after this moon." she meowed.


Cometsmoke (FORMERLY KNOWN AS ICESTAR) said...

*Redstar shuffles his feet* Well, we have had 2 loners join our clan. a healthy tom and a queen with 2 kits, i was just going to ask your opinion.....

Snow said...

Really sunstar? Your going to host games?

Cometsmoke (FORMERLY KNOWN AS ICESTAR) said...

Wow! that will be exiting!

Snow said...


Brooke said...

"And loners have joined our Clan" her eyes glanced to a few cats in her Clan. "and can be very useful-they learn fast it seems. We have a few... kittypets in our Clan as well-I'm proud to say."


Cometsmoke (FORMERLY KNOWN AS ICESTAR) said...

*Redstar nods, and he obviously relaxes.*

Snow said...

I see sunstar.

Brooke said...

"I'm sure the games will be fun! All the Clans may come. Some of the hunting games will include digging in the snow!" she smiled with excitement-as if looking into the future.


Cometsmoke (FORMERLY KNOWN AS ICESTAR) said...

When will the winter games be? you should make a blog for it, and then delete it after its over

Snow said...

*smiles* I would like to see if my clan would be able to come to your games sun star. (brb)

Cometsmoke (FORMERLY KNOWN AS ICESTAR) said...

(im sorry! ive got to go :(

Brooke said...

(Sounds like a good idea Icestar/Redstar! They'll be in February (early in the days I believe) because my birthday is on February 12th and I thought it would be fun to make a special. Also I'll be having a big birthday-day on the 13th because Silverstar of StormClan's birthday is on the 14th and she'll be 14 while I'll be 12 on the 12th!)

Snow said...

(AWWW really redstar? ok bye)

Dawnstar said...

Games! That'll be totally fun!

Brooke said...

(Bye then Icestar/Redstar! And I have to go soon too)

Dawnstar said...

(When should I share clan info.?)

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

"SorrelClan has an apprentice who became a warrior yesterday, Featherpaw became Feathershine! Prey is running well for the middle of leaf-bare! I'd like to also make sure that MistClan is okay after NightClan and DarkClan attacked them. That is all." Dawnstar yowled. Some cats chanted Feathershine's name. Feathershine blushed.


Snow said...

(you can share info whenever dawnstar)

Brooke said...

Sunstar nodded. "I'm more sure that it will be fun than this Gathering full of cats." she looked around and saw only a few Clans besides her own.


Snow said...

I'm happy your clans doing well.

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Sunstar, you're birthday is on the beginning day of the winter olympics? Cool..

Brooke said...

"If you don't mind, I'll be sending a few of my cats out around the winter games to let you know when they are coming. If you don't like the idea, you may send a few cats outside our border during border hours and we'd be happy to tell you if we know when we're ready."


Brooke said...

(I didn't notice! Also, it's on Aberham Lincon's birthday :-D)

Snow said...

(coolz) *looks at the leaders and nods head in agreement*

Brooke said...

*Sighs with relief*


Dawnstar said...

(K!) Roseclan has had somes Rouge problems, but are faring quite well and 2 rouge kits have joined. We have 4 new apprentices(including the 2 rouge kits) Brightsong has had her kits, Spottedkit and Mudkit, and prey is good enough, but could be better.

Snow said...


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Great. Be sure to send them at SorrelClan's borders at Ferbruary 12 sounds great, Sunstar

Brooke said...

Sunstar stretches on the rock. "That is all I have to say that needs to be said. SunClan should leave now." she nodded her head to the leaders. "Thank you for sharing info with us."


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

This is so cool! This is my first Gathering since I created SorrelClan.

Brooke said...

(I'm not sure if that will be the day, but if it's not, it will be around that week! There are a TON of birthdays I have to celebrate: My own (12th), Silverstar's (14th), my friend in real life that lives far away (19th), and my grandmothers (10th)

Snow said...

bak) This is my clans first gathering also!)

Dawnstar said...

(Yeah, same, except with Roseclan)

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Yes, me too. I need to edit BreezeClan. They should be here soon. Bye, Sunstar, Icestream, Dawnstar #2! See you at the games!"

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Yes, me too. I need to edit BreezeClan. They should be here soon. Bye, Sunstar, Icestream, Dawnstar #2! See you at the games!"

Snow said...

?? Awww k)

Brooke said...

Sunstar pounces off the rock and her Clan is soon to follow. "Bye!" she flicks her tail and the Clan runs through the bushes to their camp.

(My dad is almost here, GTG, bye! I may comment with my other Clan tommorrow, but not now)

Snow said...


Dawnstar said...

(One question, do all clans go to the Moontree like Stormclan, or what?)

Snow said...

(nope, they can go to the moonpool, or where ever they go)

Dawnstar said...

(So you can make something up for your own clan, 'cause I got an idea!)

Snow said...

yep, and wats ur idea?)

Dawnstar said...

(The Moon Crystal, It's a huge irridesent crystal reaching the ceiling of a cave. The walls of the tunnel leading to it have mini crystal shards embedded into them.)

Snow said...

(COOL! Best idea i've heard in a while!)

Dawnstar said...


Snow said...


Dawnstar said...

(I'll probably add a blog site or something for it, linked to Roseclan)

Snow said...


☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar padded in, her eyes gleaming, with a few warriors and apprentices following, blood still shimmering on their pelts under the moon's ray. Dreamstar swiftly leaped onto the rock and sat down.*

Welcome clans! LakeClan is well, we have just won a battle, and are still very strong! The prey is scarce, but we are fit! We have many new kits, warriors and apprentices! But luckily, no cats were lost in our battle! StarClan gave the life back to a young kit, when she was killed by our enemy! We welcome her back into life!

We also now have 202 cats! More on the way!

*Dreamstar smiled and sat back down.*


Snow said...

I see.. thats great Dreamstar.. *nods then curls tail*

Dawnstar said...

"Hello Dreamstar" Dawnstar mewed. (A battle with whom?)

Snow said...

(ya who?)

☪Dream said...

(Giant cats(a.k.a lynx's.)but LakeClan won)

*Dreamstar nodded at the other leader's*


Catherine said...

*Icestar bounds up Great Rock*
"Frostclan is here! We are a new clan. We have a small badger den at the edge of our territory so all other clans just be careful."
*Glances at other clan leaders*

☪Dream said...

(you should make a blog for the "Moon Crystal")

Anonymous said...

*Driftstar and DrizzleCLan cats raced in *

Snow said...

*greets frostclan leader*

Snow said...

Greeting Driftstar!

Dawnstar said...

Dawnstar said worriedly. "Are they a great danger to the clans?"(Hello Icestar! Roseclan is quite new too)

Anonymous said...

*dips head to the leader* Greetings. Sorry were late...

☪Dream said...

(ya. they are)

*Dreamsatr shook her head*

I don't think so anymore. The leader was killed, but I'm sure they will be be on the watch..

Greetings Driftstar. How are you?


Snow said...

(Your fine Driftstar, no one cares that much that u were late.)

Catherine said...

"Not very. They are young. We have driven them off with scars they will bear."

Anonymous said...

(I kinda guessed that) im good. And you Dreamstar? How is LakeClan? *he smiled*

☪Dream said...

Don't worry Driftstar, we just got here too, and an apprentice(Emberpaw :D) of yours defeated the giant cat leader. Some looked ready to be warriors.


Snow said...


☪Dream said...

(jay, they were asking Dreamstar about the giant cats...)

☪Dream said...

*dreamstar smiled*

I'm good Driftstar.


Snow said...

*sits down and watches contently*

Anonymous said...

Oh that is wonderful. Yes. Emberpaw is a Seventh cat. He is a prophecy cat. He has this special power to make things happen with his mind. We are lucky to have him.

Dawnstar said...

(Yeah, there isn't a ton of clans who have commented, so your fine.)

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar nodded*

Yes, you are.


Snow said...

(more than 100 comments already here!)

Anonymous said...

(Yea. I had forgetton about the gathering....but then I checked

Snow said...


Catherine said...

"We also have new warriors. Briarmist and Ravenwing are brand new warriors."

☪Dream said...

(lol. I always know when it is. :) )

*Dreamstar sat down and searched the crowd, then sighed*


Anonymous said...

I hope not to many cats are injured in your Clan Dreamstar. We are allies and we will help anyime...

Anonymous said...

*Driftstar looked around(is Fallownose here?)*

Dawnstar said...

Cool! (My prophecy involves a cat who can heal without herbs, and another who can read minds)

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar nodded*

We have three new warriors, who still need to have a proper ceremony. They were quickly made warriors in the midst of battle, but they deserved it. Smokesky, Hazelstream and Larkflight. Only Smokesky was able to be here.


MadiShae said...

She nodds. "It is good that you are now better. When we came, it was a wonder you guys were still fighting. You have a stronmg and healthy clan," she said to Dreamstar and softening her gaze at Sunstar.

-Silverstar of StreamClan

Snow said...

(aww i gtg! byez, maybe be back later!)

*pads out of the gathering with clan*

(maybe i'll be able to come back on)

Anonymous said...

(Oh okay. Bye. Dreamstar is Fallownose here?)

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar smiled and nodded at Silverstar*

Thank-you, and thank-you for the help.


☪Dream said...

(Ya, Fallownose is here, I was deciding is she should come or not...but I decided for her to come!)

Anonymous said...

*Driftstar looked around and spotted Fallownose. And he blushed*

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar tilted her head at Driftstar*

What's wrong?


(Cats can't blush...but their pelt or ears can feel hot...)

Anonymous said...

(Oh okay. Then his ears got my N-nothing. *looks away fromk Fallownose and turns to Dreamstar* Im fine.

Dawnstar said...

I may have to go soon too, I've been on for a while, and I might get started on the Moon Crystal blog...

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar narrowed her eyes then shook her head*

Okay, if you say so, it just...your eyes...they looked like...well the way Ripplestar looks at me...

*Dreamstar's pelt turned hot and she looked away.*


Anonymous said...

Ripplestar? *smiles* Who is that?

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar's head snapped up.*

No one...

*Dreamstar's tail started to bristle, then she calmed down before anyone noticed.*

Who was it that you were looking at?


Anonymous said...

Uhhm. Fallownose. Its nothing. I just reconized her....

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar's eyes lit up.*

Fallownose? She's from LakeClan...but of course, if I question you, you could do the same and ask questions about Ripplestar...

But it's just the way you looked at her that interested me...

*Dreamstar smiled and her eyes glowed playfully*


Anonymous said...

*Driftstar looked at Dreamstar knowing that she had felt the same way about Ripplestar*

☪Dream said...

*dreamstar looked away and closed her eyes.*

Do you want to know...


Anonymous said...

Do I want to know what?

☪Dream said...

*dreamstar sighed and whispered*

About Ripplestar?


Catherine said...

*Icestar's eyes appear clouded, and she visions the stars shaped into a litter of kittens with brown or silver tabby fur. Cedarheart! Was he who she was destined for?

Anonymous said...

Sure. I think I know alittle buit about him though....

Catherine said...

*her eyes re-adjusted and the kittens dissapeared. She cleared her throat and glance at the other leaders, wondering if they had noticed her absence.*

☪Dream said...

What do you know about him?


Catherine said...

*Icestar glances and her gaze meets Cedarheart's clear green eyes, watching her with wary, caring eyes.*

Catherine said...

(Ummm, is anyone here?)

MadiShae said...

"Your welcome. It's almost like attacking if I didn't help," she said. She hears Driftstar and Dreamstar talking and just ignores what they are saying, trying not to eavesdrop.


Anonymous said...

Flamestar led SquirrelClan up to Grat Rock and glance around. "All is well in SquirrelClan! Prey runs well and we've had plenty of new joiners. I am sorry I have taken so long to arrive"

Primrose said...

Singestar hoped on the Great Rock. Her cats crowded around. She nodded to Icestar. "Hello Icestar." She greeted.

~Singestar of Emberclan

Anonymous said...

Uhhm. WEll he was your mate and something about Soaringheart being flys around...(sorry I was on another clan)

♥Warriors101♥ said...

Darn it! I like, missed the gathering! Someone told me it was tomarrow :(

Well, MistClan couldn't come anyway...

Primrose said...

(I mean he. Sorry I have to many girl leaders, lol)

Catherine said...

"Welcome, Flamestar and Singestar." Icestar said, her eyes still slightly clouded, fixed on something that wasn't there.

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar smiled and nodded*

I never wanted any of it to happen. But StarClan don't mind too much...we're both's more forbidden then anything else. I had five kits with him...four was only fair, that's the only punishment I ever got from StarClan...and maybe Soaringheart...he doesn't like me. I see him when I need a break...I regret everything...I really do.

*dreamstrar sighed and closed her eyes. She knew only Driftstaer could hear her.*


[Lauren] said...

(Silverstar I thought it was tomorrow! I checked earlier and you said this was tomorrow! LOL!)

Petalstar leaped up the rock. "PineClan is here. We have several new cats and about 138 members." She dipped her head, waiting for other leaders to speak. She looked up to the moon, making sure it wasn't red like last time.

(Sorry Miststar! Before the site said it was tomorrow!)


Primrose said...

Singestar took a breath to give his report. "Emberclan is well. Prey is running nicely and we have many new cats." He said loudly.

~Singestar of Emberclan

Anonymous said...

Oh. *sighs* Thats terrible that four died.

Primrose said...

"Greetings Petalstar." Singestar mewed. "I'm glad to hear Pineclan is well." He smiled politely.

~Singestar of Emberclan

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar smiled and nodded*

Yes, but it is fair. StarClan say it is forbidden, so it is. But they allow it...


Catherine said...

"Welcome Petalstar." said Icestar, meeting Petalstar's gaze evenly.

Anonymous said...

Yes...but to loose a ki9t is like to loose a peice of you life...*he sighed*

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar nodded to petalstar*

Have you been having some problems in your clan? With a few kits or apprentices or something like that?

*Dreamstar purred. (lol, Strikepaw and Darkpaw. lol)


[Lauren] said...

Darkpaw looked down at her paws. Petalstar tried to not glare at Darkpaw. "What do you mean?" She asked, though she already knew the answer. How did Dreamstar find out? Darkpaw had to stifle her laughter.

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar purred ton Driftstar*

How would you know that? You're a tom...I've lost all of my loved first love...he was murdered by one of my own clan mates. I killed that clan-mate, and I haven't seen him in StarClan, ever. I've lost more then half of all of my kits. It is terrible, but as long as you have one cat loving you...


Dawnstar said...

(I added the Moon Crystal blog, even though I'm no good at it and can't even make it look awesome!) :(

☪Dream said...

Oh, well I heard a lot of yowling coming from just sounded like you, not like a fight....

*Dreamstar purred*


☪Dream said...

(You want me to give you a background and header and stuff?? For the Moon Crystal?)

[Lauren] said...

(lol. Pfft no!)

Darkpaw looked around. Some cats were looking at her curiously. She flaunted her scars badly, hoping her reputation would travel through all the Clans. Petalstar shot her a glance. "Oh. Um...we've had some...difficulties...but nothing we can't handle." Darkpaw was turning hot from trying to keep her laughter in.

☪Dream said...

*Strikepaw smiled when she heard what Dreamstar said.*


Anonymous said...

Well I usta have amate and three perfect kits. But they left me. Completly left me. I woke up and they were gone. No on heard from them..*sadness clouding his eyes*

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar looked down.*

I'm sorry. That's so best friend turned on me when I became deputy instead of her...she killed almost all of my family and loved ones...I don't hate her for it. I miss her friendship...


Anonymous said...

Oh. Thats terrible too,.....*frowns*(I gotta go) Well I have to sorry, *sneqaks a glance at Fallownose then he jumps off the high rock and him and DrizzleClan run out of the gathering*

☪Dream said...

(Bye Driftstar, see you tomorrow!)



☪Dream said...

*dreamstar purred when she saw Driftstar quickly look at fallownose. Dreamstar looked down at Fallownose and saw that she had seen. Fallownose's eyes were shining with happiness. Dreamstar shook her head. Forbidden love was so nice, but horrible cause you couldn't be witht eh one you love...*


[Lauren] said...

Darkpaw looked at Strikepaw mischieviously and wondered if Petalstar and Dreamstar would continue talking about them.


Primrose said...

Singestar watched as Drizzleclan left the gathering. "We must go too. May Starclan light your paths!" He leaped off the Great Rock. Emberclan raced off to their own territory.


☪Dream said...

*Dreeamstar turned to Petalstar*

So, your clan's fine?


[Lauren] said...

"Um...yeah!" She said, not meeting Dreamstar's gaze. Darkpaw looked at Strikepaw and unsheathed her claws out of habit. She hoped the moon turned red. That would be cool. "Is your clan fine?"

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar nodded*

We just won a fight against giant cats. No cats were killed, a miracle I think.

*dreamstar smiled*


Primrose said...

Raystar hoped up on the Great Rock. The rest of Cottonclan crowded around it. "Greetings." He dipped his head to the others.


☪Dream said...

(Dawnstar, you there? You want me to give you a background and header and stuff?? For the Moon Crystal?)

*Dreamstar nodded to raystar*



[Lauren] said...

"Greetings." Petalstar said to Raystar. She turned to Dreamstar. "That is a miracle." She agreed. Darkpaw looked around, wondering what kind of trouble she could start.


Primrose said...

"Cottonclan is doing well. Prey is running well. Also we defeated Rogue Pack after a long battle." He mewed to the others.


★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

(Singestar, I had NOT put your Clan on the 'OK to join' list. Once again, please READ the instructions. Sorry if I sound snappish but I hate it when people don't follow the simple instructions. It makes it all the most complicated.)


[Lauren] said...

(omg. this is sage? LOL i had no idea! I have something to ask you!!!! It's IMPORTANT)

"Glad to hear it!" Petalstar said to Raystar. "We also beat foxes and rogues that came into our camp."


Primrose said...

(Ok, jeez sheath your claws. I didn't know you don't need to rip into me.)

[Lauren] said...

(Oh hi Silverstar! I thought you said the Gathering was tomorrow! Sorry for the confusion!)

[Lauren] said...

(Raystar, were you talking to me? I was just gonna ask a question...)

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar sighed and looked around.*


Primrose said...

Raystar flicked his ears, "Really? That's very good to know. The rogues that attacked you could have been the same ones as the ones we fought." He mewed.


Primrose said...

(no I was talking to Siverstar)

[Lauren] said...

"Could be." Petalstar thought aloud. "Have any of you been seeing kittypets? We seem to have many." She asked the other leaders.

(Raystar can I ask you something? *giggles*)

Primrose said...

Raystar shook his head. "No kitty Pets on our territory." He meowed.


(whats the question?)

[Lauren] said...

(Well, I was thinking, on PineClan...Petal can be having kits again....and they could be Onyx's... LOL!)

"Oh." Petalstar said. "Maybe you should be on the lookout. They could move around with their Twolegs."


Primrose said...

Raystar nodded. "Good idea, I'll keep my eyes open." He mewed.


(yeah! That would be cool!)

Primrose said...

"How is Pineclan doing these days?" Raystar questioned.


[Lauren] said...

(Okay, is it okay if they all die? LOL. So Petal can be insane again, and because StarClan is punishing her)

Petalstar tensed for a moment. Time seemed to stop for a second and her vision became blurry. She dug her paws into the rock to steady herself.


☪Dream said...

*dreamstar's eyes clouded with worry as she saw Petalstar tense*

What's wrong?


(Don't make them all die! Make one live and that one be special!)

[Lauren] said...

Petalstar shook her head to try to clear it. "Oh, we're fine..." she murmured distractedly. Darkpaw looked up at her mother confusedly. What happened?


Primrose said...

(awww, yeah that would be ok. Poor kits.)

Raystar looked worriedly at Petalstar. She seemed to have lost herself in her mind. "Petalstar?" He mewed.


Primrose said...

(darn my comment came to late, lol)

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

(ok, im back)
*A strange rustle came in the bushes. it got louder and louder and louder until*
"THE GIANT CATS THAT ATTACKED US!" Wailed a cat from LakeClan. "And this time a bigger group! A LOT BIGGER!!" the cat yowled. All the cats snapped their heads towards the big cats. The big cats swung their heads to look at all the cats and the lynxes attacked.
"Oh no! SorrelClan! Attack the big cats!" Dawnstar yowled. She jumped down fro the rock and started to shout orders to her cats, and she was helping Cloudfeather attack one of the cats when another when apperead when Dawnstar wasn't watching. The cat attacked and flung Dawnstar across the clearing where she hit her head on a rock, and started to lose a life.....

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar tensed. this couldn't be happening! What was StarClan punishing!*


Primrose said...

Raystar hoped to his paws. "Cottonclan! Attack!" He yowled. He jumped off the Great Rock and raced to help Scorchpaw who was being attacked by a huge cat.

~Raystar (well this was unexpected lol)

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

"Dawnstar?" Bluefeather looked at her sister.

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

"Dawnstar?" Bluefeather looked at her sister.

[Lauren] said...

Petalstar looked down at her belly. No...She thought, fear scent flowing off her. Not now...She couldn't fight, but what would she tell the other leaders?


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

"Great StarClan, please make sure this isn't Dawnstar's last life!" Songpaw, one of Dawnstar's daughters whispered.

☪Dream said...


*dreamstar shrunk back. Then closed her eyes and leaped into the crowd. The giant cats were everywhere, and they wanted revenge. Dreamstar snarled and was thrown back.*


Primrose said...

onyxclaw raced up to Petalstar. "What do we do! Give us an order!" He yowled over the sound.

~Onyxclaw of Pineclan

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

"It's all right. I'm fine." Dawnstar woke up. She looked around for Sweetnose, and spotted her with Moonpaw and the other medicine cats in the bushes. Sweetnose took one look at her and ran over with herbs in her mouth. She and Moonpaw dragged Dawnstar into the bushes where they applied herbs.

[Lauren] said...

Darkpaw looked at Strikepaw happily. This was action. She sprang into battle, claws unsheathed.


alina said...

"Hello, WoodClan has arrived," I announced proudly. "My clan is doing swell, even though the prey is scarce," I stated. "How is all the other clans doing?" I added. The moon glimmered in the dark sky, cats of all types were shadowed by the glory. I saw WoodClan's cats puffed in fame, and the pelts sleek in the moonlight. I nodded hopefully, "Even though the winter is bitter, I see sunlit times ahead," The cats circled around me
chorused blissful comments looking through the bleak days. I signaled to the other leaders after I was finished. (I'm shutting down WoodClan for the winter, check out

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