Saturday, January 30, 2010

January Gathering Tonight!

The full moon is tonight, and it's the first gathering of the new year! As always, please read the commenting rules. Roll play will start in half an hour. Enjoy!


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☪Dream said...

(...there's a battle...)

[Lauren] said...

Petalstar snapped back into reality. She had to fight or she would look suspicious. "Fight for your lives!" And the lives of others...Petalstar thought as she dove into battle.

Buzz Girl said...

RainClan is here! My name is Starleaf and I am the deputy for RainClan. I don't know where Rainstar I will speak on her behalf.
*nods appreciation to other leaders*

Primrose said...

Raystar watched as Runningfall struggled with a huge cat. "Look out!" he screeched as it lay a huge paw down.


Buzz Girl said...


☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar yowled and jumped back, clawing the faces of the giant cats. Then Dreamstar saw a mass of cats come in through the shadows...then Dreamstar felt a warm pelt at her side. The cat hissed and sprang onto the big cat like all of StarClan, dreamstar was memorized. The cat snarled and chased the giant cat away*


☪Dream said...

8dreamstar turned to Starleaf*

We have toi fight! We are fighting for our lives! these giant cats will kill us all! StarClan is not ending the gathering now are they! They want us to win!


Primrose said...

Onyxclaw looked at Starleaf. "Like we have a choice!" He hissed.


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

"All right. Now I can go back." Dawnstar meowed impatiently. She squirmed away from Sweetnose and attacked another cat with all four of her daughters, Songpaw, Starlingpaw, Dovepaw, and Larkpaw. Starlingpaw scratched the big cat hard on his nose while Songpaw clawed his back and Dovepaw and Larkpaw where confusing him by clawing his front leg and then moving over to back leg before he turned around.

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
[Lauren] said...

Darkpaw sliced her claws down the spine of one of the cat lynx things (lol). Cats were giving her suprised looks. They didn't know she could fight like that. She looked at Petalstar. She looked distracted. What was wrong?


Buzz Girl said...

Snowfoot leaped into action...but the cats were too strong for such a new warrior. One of the big cats took her by the scruff and flung her to the ground...leaving her for dead.


Primrose said...

Onyxclaw raced over to Petalstar. "I have to get you out of here!" he spoke to her.


MadiShae said...

"StreamClan attack!" she yowled and threw herself into the crowd of lynx. (Still got 7 lives!)


[Lauren] said...

"I'm fine!" Petalstar protested quietly, wondering if Onyxclaw knew. She looked at Rockstorm. He wasn't dead yet, so Onyxclaw didn't kill him yet (LOL!). Was it really obvious?


☪Dream said...

8dreamstar sprung back into battle. She looked at the cat fighting with her to realize that it was Ripplestar. Dreamstar's heart stopped as she watched him get flung back again and again by the big cats, but he never gave up...*


Primrose said...

Raystar ripped his claws down the face of a huge cat. It yowled in pain. "That't right, you better get out of here!" He hissed to it.

~Raystar (got 8 lives)

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

The giant cat gave up as Songpaw plunged for his neck. He fell on Larkpaw, who was scratching his flank. The giant cat was dead, but so was Larkpaw.
"Larkpaw? Larkpaw, wake up!" Dovepaw whispered as Foxclaw and Russetfur lifted up the dead cat's body and hauled it away. Larkpaw's flank was moving slower and slower until it stopped.
"Larkpaw!" Dovepaw yowled. She lay down on her twin's body. Starlingpaw and Songpaw just stared. Dawnstar looked down at her daughters with greif in her eyes, but then another cat came lumbering up.
"Dovepaw! Get up, and help me kill this cat!" Dawnstar screamed.

Buzz Girl said...

Starleaf saw her daughter fly to the ground and as Snowfoot became unconsious. Starleaf's soul turned to stone. "No..." she thought. "Not Snowfoot." Starleaf, furously attacked who could be her daughter's murderer. She took the death bite to the cat's neck. Starleaf avenged her daughter's possible death.


Primrose said...

Onyxclaw grabbed her by the scruff. With an effort he threw her to a nearby bush. "You have to stay out of this battle!" He yowled to her.


[Lauren] said...

Petalstar rolled her eyes. It must be obvious. "I'm fine!" Petalstar protested, slicing her claws down a lynx's back. "I promise." she said softly, her eyes sad,scared, and determined at the same time

[Lauren] said...

(Oh, and I think I have to leave at the next hour. 18 mins)

MadiShae said...

He flung himself into battle. He clawed at the giant cats side, but was thrown aside by another. He tried to battle, but a giant cat stepped on his hind leg. The giant caat ran away with some help from cats from IvyClan.


☪Dream said...

*As Dreamstar watched Ripplestar fight, she didn't notice the giant cat coming up behind her. Ripplestar spun around to face Dreamstar, he was smiling, but his smile soon turned to anguish. Ripplestar yowled and plunged towards Dreamstar as the huge cat brought his paw down upon Dreamstar's head. Dreamstar's eyes turned to horror as she looked up and caught a glimpse of the paw, as it smashed into her body...*

:~~Dreamstar, Ripplestar( of MarshClan):

Primrose said...

Onyxclaw couldn't stifle a smile, "Why do you have to be so stubborn?" He mewed. He helped her with the lynx she was fighting.


MadiShae said...

She stopped in horor as she saw a leader just about to be crused by a giant paw and slid off a lynx's back.


[Lauren] said...

Petalstar smiled at him. "Don't tell, okay?" she said, fighting. "And don't kill Rockstorm!" She didn't know if Onyxclaw would kill him, while he was still in the mood for fighting.


Buzz Girl said...

Starleaf rushed over to where her daughter was lying in the blood-stained grass. "Snowfoot?!?!? SNowfoot, wake up!" Her other sons, Ashtail and Patchfoot had come by their mother's side. Cloudfoot, Startail's mate had come too. Snowfoot looked up, smiled, because she saw her family together for the last time, took one last breath and died.

Primrose said...

Raystar looked behind him to see Dreamstar's head about to be crushed. "Look out!" He yowled.


☪Dream said...

*Ripplestar yowled in pain, but not of his own. He snarled and leaped onto the giant cat and ripped at the cat's throat. The giant cat reared up, almost throwing Ripplestar off. Ripplestar snarled again and bit into the cat's throat.*

:~~Ripplestar(of MarshClan):

MadiShae said...

"StarClan help us," she yowled to the sky.


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

"Come on, Dovepaw! We cn't lose you as well!" Songpaw tried to coax her sister off Larkpaw's body.
"Fine. Just please don't move Larkpaw's body off with all the dead bodys. Dawnstar's daughter isn't just any dead cat." Dovepaw whispered. She turned and fought the lynx as if her life depended on it (cuz it did!). Songpaw and Starlingpaw fought just as hard. The lynx turned on Dovepaw. He lunged for her throat and Dovepaw tried to fight back and just when the claw almost teared her throat out, a silvery spirit came beside Dovepaw, and fought with her. The lynx fell to the ground, dead.
"Larkpaw helped us." Songpaw meowed. She and Starlingpaw raced off to help Foxclaw fight a big cat, and Dawnstar just stared.

Buzz Girl said...

All of Starleaf's family, with Snowfoot on their side, healthy in StarClan, helped Dreamstar and all of the other cats of the Clans.


Primrose said...

Onyxclaw smiled at her. "I would never tell. And no matter how I feel about you, I wont kill your mate." He mewed quietly.


☪Dream said...

*The giant cat gasped, and fell backwards. Ripplestar clawed the cat's throat,and leaped off. He ran to dreamstar's crushed body.*

Dreamstar!? Dreamstar! Don't die! Please don't die!

:~~Ripplestar(of marshClan):

[Lauren] said...

"Thank you." Petalstar's eyes flickered in amusement. She ran over to help LakeClan and the other clans.


MadiShae said...

(I'm gonna stop commenting and am just gonna watch. It's like being atthe movie theater!)


☪Dream said...

( in know!)

*Ripplestar yowled in grief and licked Dreamstar's body*

Please don't die!

:~~Ripplestar(of MarshClan):

[Lauren] said...

"Dreamstar?" Petalstar murmured, looking over Dreamstar's body. She tried hiding the pain she was in as a kit kicked in her belly. She stiffened. It really was true...


Primrose said...

Onyxclaw watched her go. He couldn't help thinking that maybe Rockstorm would die. No, he wont on my watch. I wont let Petalstar lose another loved one. Onyxclaw thought. He threw himself back into battle.


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

"StarClan will help us with all their might, especially the ones who passed in this battle! StarClan is always watching us, and they WILL help us!" Dovepaw yowled. "My sister, Larkpaw died and she helped me and my sisters defeat a lynx that tried to kill me! No matter what happens, StarClan is still watching us!" Dovepaw screamed loud enough so all cats could hear her.

Buzz Girl said...

Starleaf watched in horror as Larkpaw's sisters tried to cope with out her. She glanced over at her own sons, fighting because they wanted to avenge their sister's death. Starleaf shot up a prayer of protection for Snowfoot in StarClan.
She heard a yowl coming from Ashtail. "Starleaf! Look out!!!" She looked up and saw a lynx coming in for the kill.

Primrose said...

Raystar raced over to Dreamstar. "No..." He whispered.


[Lauren] said...

(UGH! g2g in 5!!)

"Can you do anything?" Petalstar whispered gently to Onyxclaw.


MadiShae said...

He thrashed Starleaf aside. "Watch where your goin," he growled.


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

"Mother! Let's go get that big one!" Dovepaw meowed to Dawnblaze. Feathershine, the new warrior, and her former mentor, Bouncewhisker, where fighting it. They needed more help.

Primrose said...

Onyxclaw felt a hard paw slam down on his chest. Its claws dug in, he moaned in pain as it began to crush him.


☪Dream said...

*Ripplestar's eyes clouded with grief as he saw no movement from dreamstar. He just hoped that it wasn't her last life(which it's not!). Ripplestar lifted his head and yowled, for he knew not how many lives she was losing.*

:~~Ripplestar(of marshclan):

Buzz Girl said...

Lucklily for Starleaf, CLoudfoot was right behind the lynx. He lept on to his back and bit his throat open. The great cat fell backward...DEAD.
Starleaf purred her thanks to her mate. She hoped she wasn't giving away her secret to Cloudfoot. She wanted to tell him at the right time.
(and I do agree with the movie! Im shaking in my seat!)

MadiShae said...

(Aww. . . . . RippleXDream)


[Lauren] said...

"Onyxclaw!" Petalstar breathed, wondering if she could get through the next moons without him. She jumped onto the lynx that was crushing him. It turned to face her, and it started crushing on her, but she didn't care. She had 7 more lives to lose, maybe her kits would be ok.

MadiShae said...

(That remind me of the Swifter Wet Jey Mop comercile. Love stinks. Starts to sing that song.)


Buzz Girl said...

Ashtail shot up a prayer to StarClan about Dreamstar and that they would protect the cat he loved...who was back at camp.

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Dovepaw and Dawnstar raced up to the biggest lynx of all, where cats of all Clans where trying to kill it. Songpaw raced up. She started attacking. Starlingpaw and Foxclaw came on her heels. Dawnstar bit his leg so hard that he almost lost his balance and fell over. Dovepaw scratched his belly and cats started to join. With the cat's belly exposed, he was weakened by much.

Primrose said...

Onyxclaw opened his eyes to see Petalstar under the massive paws of a lynx. "NO!" He yowled tears rolled down his cheeks. He raced forward and ripped the lynx's throat open. It turned on him.


☪Dream said...

(lol. I know.)

*Ripplestar breathed in and out and snarled. She still wsn't moving, so Ripplestar leaped up and faced the fighting crowd. Ripplestar snarled quietly and leaped onto a giant cat, ripping open it's throat and killing it. Ripplestar leaped onto another and id the same. Rippelstar snarled, his eyes were red with grief, and all he wanted now was revenge.*

:~~Ripplestar(of marshclan):

Primrose said...

Onyxclaw felt the huge body of the Lynx fall over on him. He wriggled out and ran to Petalstar. "Are you ok?" He mewed.


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

"Hmmmm. This can't be her last life. I once thought I wanted to be a medicine cat, and i learned enough to know that she is not dead, Ripplestar. She'll be fine." Dawnstar meowed. Ripplestar sighed in relief.

MadiShae said...

A lynx knocks Ravenpaw down. "Watch where your gin," he growled, pouncing on it's leg. This caused the giant cat to fall down.


[Lauren] said...

"Onyxclaw, you mouse brain!" Petalstar murmured to Onyxclaw, though she was probably acting dumber than he was. She got up and attacked the lynx again. Wasn't being leader about sacrificing all you had for those you love? Her mind snapped into reality as a lynx clawed her belly. Blood trickled slowly out. "ONYXCLAW!" Petalstar cried, panicking.

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

"Mom! Mom. help us! We really need your help! Now!" Starlingpaw yowled. She and Dovepaw and Songpaw were trying to fight a lynx on their own. They were losing. Badly.

Anonymous said...

Woah whats happening
am i late?

Primrose said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
☪Dream said...

*Ripplestar yowled*

So! How many lives IS she losing! She's hasn't made any move for a while and she's not breathing!

*Ripplestar hung his head and padded back to dreamstar, and buried his head in her pelt(wow...this is the second gathering where she has lost a*

:~~Ripplestar(of marshclan):

MadiShae said...

(It also reminds me of the part in Night at the Museme 2, where the angels start singing ?Love Bug and Love Stinks.)


Anonymous said...

Berryclan! attack the lynx!
Berrystar yowled as she launched herself on to he lynx

☪Dream said...

(Don't even try to join in Miststar/ would be too confusing..)

[Lauren] said...

(lol. One, Onyx doesn't know they're his, does he?
2. Petal didn't say that)

Petalstar tried to keep her breathing steady. She tried to escape the crowd and finally breathe.


☪Dream said...

(Well neve rmind, but it is confusing...I know! Lol! Did you ever notice that the angels are the JONAS BROTHERS!!! lol)

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Dawnstar heard her kits wailing, but Feathershine came to the rescue. All that was on Dawnstar's mind right now was Petalstar's kits. Petalstar wailing for Onyxclaw, because a lynx had clawed her belly. She needed serious help.

Anonymous said...

call me Berrystar

MadiShae said...

He rushed over to Starlingpaw to help, while the lynx was getting up. "What do you need me to do?" he asked.


Anonymous said...

Ciderpaw help everyone!

i am really lost okay anyways we have a ton of new warriors and apprentices and Amberlcan is continuingly pressing us on our borders and attacking our patrols

[Lauren] said...

Rockstorm raced over to Petalstar. She looked terrified. Only a little bit of blood was trickling out of her belly, and she never got scared in battle. "I'm here. What happened?" He asked her gently. "I can't say now. I need help." she whispered.

[Rockstorm (petal's mate)/Petalstar]

☪Dream said...

(What abourt Dreamstar! She is losing two-three lives!(havn't decided...) lol)

*Ripplestar closed his eyes. He couldn't just stand here and let her death, is she did die, go unavenged. He needed to help. Ripplestar padded away from Dreamstar's body, feeling the rush of warm air as he felt Shrewpelt, Dreamstar's son, race to Dreamstar's side. Ripplestar looked up and looked around for a suitable opponent.*


Buzz Girl said...

Starleaf got up and glanced over at Cloudfoot. All her love for him overwhelmed her as she thought of how proud he would be after he discovered her secret. All of her love turned to stone as she saw him fall underneath the lynx's weight...and she was mortified as she saw him stay still.


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

"This lynx is young and tricky. He almost killed Songpaw. Evem Feathershine can't trick him." Starlingpaw explained breathlessly. She saw a twinkle in Ravenpaw's eyes and started to fall for him. She just kept on looking until the lynx started attacking her.
"Snap out of it, Sis!" Songpaw yowled.

Anonymous said...


[Lauren] said...

(OMG! I G2G NOW!!!!!! BYE!) Rockstorm tried fighting and comforting Petalstar at the same time. He wondered what was wrong with her and what he could do to help.

MadiShae said...

"Well, what do need?" he asked Starlingpaw, dodging a lynx's paw.


Primrose said...

Onyxlcaw raced over to Petalstar. "I got it!" He hissed to the others. "I'm a medicine cat. Let me do my work." He flicked his tail to the others.

~Onyxclaw (He's very prickly lol)

Anonymous said...


☪Dream said...


*Ripplestar snarled and launched onto a lynx that some apprentices were having trouble with. he snarled and ripped into the lynx.*


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

"Don't just stand there, Berrystar! We need help! All Clans are fighting except yours! Dawnstar yowled. She looked at her Clan struggling in the midst of blood and bodys of dead cats.

Primrose said...

awww, bye. :( )

MadiShae said...

He stood there brethlessly. "Um, uh. . . . ." he started, but slammed into her as a lynx almost swiped her.


Buzz Girl said...

Luckily for Cloudfoot...he was terrific at playing dead. He got up as the lynx turned away and gave him the death blow to the neck. When he made sure that Starleaf was ok, he padded over to her and started licking her face clean of Snowfoot's blood(if you don't remember...she died). Starleaf started purring as her mate told her that he would love her no matter what happened. Starleaf then knew that her secret wouldn't be a secret for long.


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

(Scarheart, is this okay? kinda like the idea of more forbidden love.)
"We need...." Starlingpaw started. She sighed. The look in Ravenpaw's eyes was so cute, so comforting. She almost started to space out.

Primrose said...

(gatta go bye!!!!!)

Buzz Girl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar was yowling. She was in front of a group of StarClan cats, including Cloudriver, her first mate. Dreamstar wanted to go back down, but they wouldn't let her until the battle was over. She needed immediate care, and she wouldn't get that in the middle of a battle.*


MadiShae said...

(Yeah! Ravenpaw is from IvyClan, just so ya know.) You okay? he asked, staring into her eyes. (Love stinks. Lovestinks. Ya Ya. LOL)


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

"Ahhhh! What did you do that for?" Songpaw meowed to Ravenpaw. The cat he thought was a lynx that he pushed Starlingpaw into wasn't a lynx, it was Songpaw. And she could tell something was going on.....

Buzz Girl said...

It looked like the last lynx was killed. Starleaf took a moment to survey the damage. "We need medicine cats...and fast"she thought. Many cats lay dead or dying. The lynxes had turned a peacfull meeting into a bloody fight.


MadiShae said...

"Um, oops," is all he could say, his ears getting hot.


☪Dream said...

*Ripplestar snarled and ripped into a lynx's throat for the last time. That was the last lynx...*


☪Dream said...

*he stood and panted. Numerous bodies were strewn across the forst floor, many dead, but some still breathing, but writhing in pain. A lot of lynx bodies were also there, but more warriors. Ripplestar sighed and searched to where Dreamstar was, he hoped she was breathing now.*


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

"I'm fine. We need to get somewhere where they won't bother us." Starlingpaw whsipered. How could she choose? She already knew she loved Ravenpaw, but she couldn't leave DOvepaw and Songpaw. Especially not Songpaw. She looked at her sisters, and then snapped back into the real world.
"Look out! Let's go help our Clanmates!" Starlingpaw yowled.

☪Dream said...

*Ripplestar found Dreamstar to see that she was still not breathing. He licke dher nose, knowing that it was probably a farewell. Then, Ripplestar felt a burst of warm air come onto his face. He opened his eyes and saw that Dreamstar's eyes were open, wild and frantic. Ripplestar's eyes widened,a dn he yowled in happiness.*


MadiShae said...

"Ok," he said, but than whispered into her ear,"eet me behind the Great Stone. Now," than he rushed behind it.


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

The last lynx was gone. Now Starlingpaw could mourn for Larkpaw, or go with Ravenpaw. Ravenpaw or Larkpaw? Songpaw would miss her dearly, and so would Dawnstar. It would be embarrasing for a leader's daughter to switch Clans, but it was possible.
"Can I go with you? Dawnstar and my sisters will miss me, but I love you. I can't break the warrior code with forbidden love, but I can switch, and I think IvyClan will be my new home tonight." Starlingpaw whsipered.

☪Dream said...

*Ripplestar licked Dreamstar's forehead as she started to calm down.*

I...I thought I had lost you.

*Ripplestar murmured into Dreamstar's ear, and then he felt eh warm caress of dreamstar's tongue on her cheek.*

If I die, I will still be with you...


MadiShae said...

He looked startled, but nodded. "Are you sure? You'll leave everything behind. And. . . . Skypaw likes me. I think she's pretty, but. . . . and so does Moonpaw. I like you. A lot, but are willing to do this. We just met," he said, even though it was true love.


MadiShae said...

(Love Stinks is still playing in my head.)


☪Dream said...

(rolls eyes)

*Dreamstar tried to get up, but realized that she couldn't. She sighed and laid her head back down. Ripplestar purred and licked her cheek, love filling his eyes*


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

"Yes. I can't tell my sisters, but I can tell Larkpaw's body. I am surely sure. Moonpaw and Skypaw may like you, but you like me, and we belong together. True, my mother won't like it, especially becuase she is a Clan leader and it would be embarrasing. But when it's true, it's true, and love will do anythingfor it's way." Starlingpaw meowed. Little did she know, SOngpaw was eavesdropping.

Buzz Girl said...

Starleaf looked around searching for her family and her Clanmates. She saw them all, leaded by her beloved Cloudfoot. She would have to find all the dead in her Clan, then take them home, and visit the Moonpit. She would become their leader.
P.S. that isn't the secret that she is keeping from Cloudfoot
P.S.S. Rainstar might quit Blogger


❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Songpaw heard Starlingpaw of SorrelClan (aka her sister) and Ravenpaw of IvyClan whispering. Starlingpaw was going to leave SorrelClan! How could this happen?

MadiShae said...

(Keps playing the song over and over. :) I'm immuature for 11 aren't I?)

"Ok," he meowed confitly. "Come with me, and I'll talk to Willowstar. Don'y worry."


☪Dream said...

(How can Starleaf become leader...her name would be STARSTAR....)

MadiShae said...

(That's funny. Starstar. Giggles. WHY WOULD RAINSTAR QUIT BLOGGER??)


☪Dream said...

(sigh. I gtg to have a shower at 11:41pm very soon...I couldn't leave the battle any sooner! :( )

Buzz Girl said...

Ashtail looked around for make sure she had survived the lynxes. She emerged out of the smoke...looking as beautiful as ever. She was limping as she padded towards him. Her fur glowed in the moonlight. "Ebonytail," he breathed. "I never want to lose you. I love you. And I hope you love me too."

Buzz Girl said...

(I think I'm going to ask StarClan to change my name when I become leader)


☪Dream said...


*Dreamstar sighed and purred. She ached all over, and right now only wanted to rest, but whenever she closed her eyes, Ripplestar would make her open them again, saying "that in your state, a simple rest could mean your last.*


MadiShae said...

(Starlingpaw? U still here?)

Buzz Girl said...

"Ashtail loves me?" Ebonytail thought to herself. This was the best feeling she had ever experienced. The cat she loved since she was a kit loved her back. She had no idea what to say. Her voice cracked as she said, "I love you too Ashtail. I was afraid StarClan was going to take you away from me when you were trying to save Starleaf. But they granted my wish." Her feet lifeted off the ground as Ashtail began to lick her face. They walked away, their tails interlocked, and their hearts in love...forever.


Buzz Girl said...

Ravenpaw...Iwish you and Starlingpaw the best.
(I love that song Love Stinks!)

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar sighed and smiled up at Ripplestar who was busy telling some warriors of his clan what to do. Lots of cats were hurt, and were being carried back to there own clan. Dreamstar lookked around to see Shrewpelt and Fallownose helping some hurt cats, bluepaw and Everpaw were also helping cats, mostly from lakeClan.*


MadiShae said...

(I know!)


MadiShae said...

Bye peeps!

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar then heard Ripplestar whisper into her ear*

I'll never leave you...I swear...

*Dreamstar purred, the winced in pain as Snowshine applied some poultices. Snowshine was talking to Ripplestar, and told her that it would be best not to move Dreamstar tonight. great, dreamstar thought, I have to spend the night in a clearing filled with blood and dead lynx's... But Ripplestar nodded and lied down beside Dreamstar*


(I gtg to now. Bye!!!)

Buzz Girl said...

I guess this means that the gathering is over... See ya peeps!!!

Sandstar said...

*Sandstar rushes down the hill to join the rest of the clans. she pauses to make sure the rest of her clan made it down with her.* 'thonclan has arrived'Sandstar anounces to the other clans as she joins the rest of the leaders.

oboe.chick said...

Wildstar runs into the clearing with her patrol of cats and jumps onto the Great Stone.

"Sorry I am late. Breezeclan's prey is thriving and our clan is doing well. It has grown up to 163 cats. We had a battle with a clan called Darkclan. We were ambushed and a kit named, Patchkit, had died. We have had numerous amounts of warriors and apprentices be appointed and I can't name them all, so any cat in Breezeclan that has been made an apprentice or warrior in the past few days, please stand."

A few of the cats stand up, and the cats from the other clans meow congratulations to them.

"Well, that is about all for Breezeclan. Thank you."

Wildstar jumps of the Boulder and sits by her clan to listen to the next leader.


Brooke said...

Lionstar of WillowClan was soon followed by the rest of her Clan. She pounced on the Great Stone and smiled. "WillowClan is here. For the most part things are okay, but my deputy has been catnapped." she felt great sadness for the Clan's loss, though she had all but given up on finding the warrior.


(Sorry I'm late-sometimes people comment later on)

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

(Wow, another very eventful Gathering! Next time I'll bring StormClan. I can't beleive it! Over 300 comments again! Wow, we are SO obsessed, LOL!)


[Lauren] said...

(lol I know! And of course all of the action happens after I leave! :D)

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

(Yeah, I've been missing out, too. I can't wait until the next Gathering, by then time should be 'un-paused' on StormClan... And Silverstar will have an unexpected surprise for her Clan, LOL! I bet you can guess what it is, *snickers*.)


Primrose said...

(tell me about it)

Primrose said...

(I didn't know gatherings could be so blood stained.)

[Lauren] said...

(Oooh! Silverstar I know! SilverXSycamore? Naughty! Well, Petalstar's currently having the Medicine Cat's kits! I just posted about it on Pineclan's 100th post!)

Brooke said...

Roundtail and Firefly of SunClan arrived once again. "We have come to sa-" they saw lynxes appear out of no where. Firefly suddenly sprung into battle. One of the cats attacked her, but Firefly bit its neck. The other lynxes began to surround her, ignoring the other cats.

Roundtail attacked one of the lynxes, his teeth now bloody. "Get out of here!" he shouted. "AH!" one of the lynxes tore off part of his tail. He lay on the ground, screeching in pain as the other lynxes started to surround Firefly.

Firefly's eyes were filled with fear at one moment, but at another, she just sat there, her eyes calmly closed. In a moment, Firefly was gone, and all that was left as a rat-a rat named Freesia. She squirmed through the cats and became Firefly again. The lynxes started chasing the rat. Firefly shouted something no cat understood. Fireflies started to appear-so many they were uncountable. They landed on the lynxes and the lynxes started to burn alive. Most of them screamed and ran away. The rest of them stood back from Firefly.

Roundtail looked at Firefly in shock. This was the cat named Freesia-the cat that saved his kit. This cat was a prophecy cat-the one who was in love with another prophecy cat. This whole thing was a prophecy. Though what Firefly did for Roundtail's kit, he felt that Firefly couldn't be trusted. As soon as they arrived, something happened-as soon as Firefly arrived, something else happened.

"We need to leave, but we wanted to say-" Roundtail was pushed over by Firefly. "Nothing." she finished. "We must leave-StarClan doesn't wish us to be here at this time."


Anonymous said...

(Oh wow what's happening?)

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

(LOL yep, Petalstar guessed it! Silverstar of StormClan is currently still struggling to keep her feelings under control for the rouge cat Sycamore. LOL this will be a really funny pairing; serious, overwhelmed, reserved Silverstar, and independent, funny, carefree Sycamore. Total opposites!)


[Lauren] said...

(Lol you told me like a month ago, remember? And okay, this is absolutely CRAZY on PineClan! Petalstar found out she's having the MEDICINE CAT's kits, and she's considering stepping down as leader :O


★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

(Yep, but I was kind of telling Raystar, too. LOL that IS crazy! I looked at your latest post. So Rockstorm is her mate but she's having Onyxclaw's kits? Uh oh, trouble ahead...)


[Lauren] said...

(Lol yeah! They're FIGHTING over her! It's like Warriors Smackdown!)


PS. I got an idea! Silverstar and Petalstar can be torn and confused together!!!

Brooke said...

(OMG! Things are crazy in SunClan too! Sunstar is having kits with a cat that she just met a week ago! It's all because of a prophecy cat (longer story) named Firefly who took Sunstar somewhere she never went. The father is Leibeherz)-pronounced Leb-eh-hair-tz)


[Lauren] said...

(Lol we should be all insane/cheating on our mates together!!!)

Rainfire/Mossheart said...

How do I join?

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Rainfire - Look down a few posts to see how to join. :)

~~Silverstar (Gathering admin)

Brooke said...

(Sorry, this IS Brooke, just logged in to my other account)

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

(LOL wow, that makes FOUR of Clan leaders who are having problems with their mates! Well, Silverstar won't actually be having kits (yet anyway, *wink*), but she is finally going to confess to Sycamore that she loves him.)

(So Sunstar is expecting kits?! I wonder how Tangleshadow will feel when she hears that... Especially on top of the whole Blazefoot going insane thing.)

(I can't wait for the next Gathering! It looks like all of our main characters will have some confessing to do. THAT will be a Gathering to remember!)


★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

(LOL wow, that makes FOUR of Clan leaders who are having problems with their mates! Well, Silverstar won't actually be having kits (yet anyway, *wink*), but she is finally going to confess to Sycamore that she loves him.)

(So Sunstar is expecting kits?! I wonder how Tangleshadow will feel when she hears that... Especially on top of the whole Blazefoot going insane thing.)

(I can't wait for the next Gathering! It looks like all of our main characters will have some confessing to do. THAT will be a Gathering to remember!)


[Lauren] said...

(Lol I know! When will time be unpaused in StormClan?)

☪Dream said...

(Ya, Silverstar, Sunstar, Petalstar AND Dreamstar! lol. *shakes head* All with cats that they really shouldn't Ripplestar might join LakeClan....I wonder how Soaringherat will respond to

M&M said...

Sorry I was late I have a ton going on!
I'll make this quick

Fernclan is well. We have new kits, warriors, and apprentice. All is well

(Sorry about my shortness! No time for being fancy! Basketball practice)

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

(Yeah, the next Gathering is going to be SO crazy. StormClan should be un-paused by then, Petalstar. I wonder, is Fireblaze from HailstormClan going to come to the next Gathering, Sunstar? *Hehe* Sycamore is probably going to be at the next Gathering, and... Well, if Fireblaze still feels something for Silverstar, there may be a fight!)

(I can't wait for the next full moon! I'm SO excited about it! Silverstar will announce her new mate [which will probably cause a fight between Sycamore and Fireblaze], Sunstar and Petalstar will announce their new litters [Sunstar's a total surprise and Petalstar's against the warrior code], and Dreamstar will still have to struggle with having two mates [in which case there may be ANOTHER fight]. In addition, who knows what else will go wrong! One thing is for sure, with 67 Clans, each Gathering is going to have SOMETHING exciting happen, LOL!)


Rainfire/Mossheart said...

Is it okay is our clan joins in your gatherings? We have few cats but there are more to come!

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Yes, look a few posts down to see how to join.


[Lauren] said...

(Lol, IF Petalstar goes to the next Gathering...she's sort of thinking about leaving forever :) )

❄❀Ɖαωиʏ❀❄ said...

Gosh! I know! I am gonna fall in love with a medicine cat from another Clan! And my cat, Starlingpaw, switched from my Clan, SorrelClan, to IvyClan!

Emma said...

Hi, Silverstar -- just a reminder that as of now, I am no longer an administrator of WispClan. The leadership has been switched to Wildflower/Rainsong. I don't know if she has been to the moon cave yet but she will.
I'm posting this to let you know that you may update WispClan if you'd like, seeing as I'm not the leader anymore. Just a heads-up.


Hayley said...

Hey Silverstar, guess what? I was just on Twitter and Kate Cary just posted your Gathering link on Twitter!! Congrats!
(she commented on my warriors blog!)

[Lauren] said...

OMG that's AWESOME! I found it! Here's the link:

Congrats, Silverstar!


♥Memmorypool/Hawkface♥ said...

(Just asking....Where are we having the gathering TONIGHT?)

~Hawkstar of DesertClan

♥Memmorypool/Hawkface♥ said...

(Nm. My Calender says its a NEW moon. I thought it was full)
-Hawkstar of DesertClan

Brooke said...

Silverstar, I just wanted to let you know that HailstormClan still exists, but I just couldn't handle a blog for it. There is no more roll-play, but there will (like your bad Clans) be the same cats! And Fireblaze (when StormClan is unpaused which I am DYING waiting for-LOL!) WILL tell Silverstar he loves her and his feelings otherwise for her :-D

Rainfire/Mossheart said...

walks quietly amongst the other leaders, " are we going to have our gathering tonight? If so then Cloverclan is here"

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