Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2nd December Gathering Tonight!

The full moon is TECHNICALLY tomorrow, but because it's New Year's Eve, the Gathering will be held tonight. Also, the full moon tomorrow is VERY special... Only once in every 19 years do two full moons occur in the same month. This is one of those months! And it is said that the this 'blue moon' causes strange events for the forest Clans. In other words, you don't want to miss this Gathering!

If you have not already, please review the simple rules on the sidebar, then feel free to take your Clan to one of the most unusual gathering of their lives!


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Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

*Charges through the empty clearing with the warriors*

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

*Sits on Rock waiting*

Anonymous said...

You need to add my clan!!

Anonymous said...

Comes in with her clan ready, then sits on rock.
~spotted star of lightclan

Lucy said...

Ripplestar runs down the hill, her cats streaming behind her.

Anonymous said...

Greetings, ripplestar.

~Spottedstar of lightclan.

Anonymous said...

*Driftstar and her warriors pad in. *

Driftstar of DrizzleClan(needs to be put on the to add list!)

Anonymous said...

Greetings Driftstar, I hope your clan is doing well.

~Spottedstar of lightclan

Anonymous said...

Walks in with her clan. Jumps on rock and greets the leaders.

~Mintstar of Sandclan

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Greets Mintstar respectfully

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Our clan is new and we have had a no deaths but i have lost 2 lives.

Anonymous said...

From what?? You do not have to answer if you do not want.
Asks while padding in with her clan.
~Winterstar from Featherclan

Lucy said...


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

two reacent battles with BloodClan and some rouges

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

nods to Ripplestar we came early to get a good spot this is out first gathering.looks at the sky A blue moon shall come tomorrow!

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

don't worry if your clan acts strange its very speacial and a sign from Silverpelt and StarClan

Anonymous said...

This is my clans first gathering here to.
~Winterstar of Featherclan

Anonymous said...

Yes. I know.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Nice to meet you Winterstar This is such an amazing night espeacially for tomorrow.My clan can sense the blue moon for tomorrow.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

I smell scents on the wind.

Anonymous said...

Mine can too.. But we have no idea whats going to happen... I just hope it will be something good for all the clans.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

its bright tonight is't it the moon?

Anonymous said...

Scents? Sounds like more clans.
~Winterstar of FeatherClan

Anonymous said...

yes it is.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

i have had kits too you know

Anonymous said...

Really? Who's their father?

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

We had a massive fight with BloodClan they say they are feirce but they they are just pathetic!

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

oh their father is Raveneyes.Hes over there *points to black cat wirh glowing eyes*

abigail viktoria said...

You haven't added me yet but....

*Tigerstar steps up to the great stone*

"Prey is running well in Tigerclan,
My kits have become apprentices, and Dawnpaw has chosen the path of a medicine cat.That is all thank you."

*Steps off*

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

rouges were weird too weird weird they raided our territory for A mouse!

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

that was the scent and has it even started yet Tigerstar,THERE HAS TO BE MORE CLANS!

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Oh I should remember my manners Sorry Tigerstar welcome to the gathering.

Anonymous said...

(TigerClan? Didn't this blog owner say u couldn't use it since it was a ancient clan?? All well..)
Greetings Tigerstar. I do think we should wait for the other clans first. But congrats on the kits becomeing app's.
~Winterstar of Featherclan

Anonymous said...

Greetings Mintsstar! *PAds to /Mintstar* So how is SandClan?


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

yeah Tigerstar?

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Hello Driftstar Nods respectivly how is your clan?

Anonymous said...

Sand clan is doing well. We have plenty of prey, how is your drizzleclan doing?
~Mintstar of Sandclan

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

We also have good prey and rouges came into our clan i know you didn't ask just sayin though.

*Clan walks around and meets other clans*

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

so mush happens!I now only have 7 lives and I only became a leader this moon!

Anonymous said...

Well we are still low on warriors. Prey is running good in DrizzleClan. Be warned Mintstar, since your territory is beside ours. We have spotted badgers in our territory!

Driftstar of DrizzleClasn

Anonymous said...

Walks around to meet cats*
-AngelCloud from Sandclan-

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

*cat meows from the crowd*"When are the other clans coming?"I nodded"SOON Now hush,please"

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the warning Driftstar. I will be sure to tell the clan.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Has the gthering started or is there more clans to come?

Anonymous said...

There are more clans to come.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Mintstar as you might know there is a new clan near you that is us.Do you have any wrning for us beacase we do.Foxes have been spotted and chased off they may head fior your territory so be warned.

Anonymous said...

But i guess we could start early

Anonymous said...

I think LakeClan is to come...

Driftstar of DrizzleClan

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

thanks for telling I almost yelped for it to start*chuckled under breath*

Anonymous said...

Thank you.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

NO!We must not start early we need to wait StarClan would be angry.

Anonymous said...

Yes, true, but if these other clans are late, we will have to start.

Anonymous said...

I think the gathering is going to be a little late...

Driftstar of DrizzleClan

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Mintstar have you any warning?

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Only if they are late we must start but it is to early to start.

Anonymous said...

I have one warning, We have spotted some rouges wondering about near Drizzleclan border. Other than that none.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

I think I smell scents on the wind but they may be faint

Anonymous said...

I think some Clans may be coming in like a couple hours. Its only 5:00EasturnTiime...

Driftstar of DrizzleClan

Anonymous said...

Its 5:14 here.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Thankyou but is there any warning from Mintstar?*Looks at Mintstar*

Anonymous said...

Rouges! NEar DrizzleClan boarder? Well. How many were their?

Driftstar of DrizzleClan

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

it 22:15 here

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

When will the gathering start?

Anonymous said...

near Drizzleclan border, there were about 5, close by, we met a loner, who said they were looking for food for the rest of them, the loner said they took his food and gave him a scar. I would be careful. ~mintstar

Anonymous said...

When most of the other Clans get here.

Driftstar of DrizzleClan

Anonymous said...

GAthering should start in 10 mins, what you guys think?

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

can your clan scent the Blue Moon my one can mind we are on a hilly forest.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

I agree it is late where I am

Anonymous said...

Thats not good. Thank you for the warning Mintstar!

Driftstar of DrizzleClan

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

mabe 15-20 Mins actually

Anonymous said...

yeah, 5:19 PM where i am!

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

I have a warning for DrizzleClan badgers were muttering about invading DrizzleClan

Anonymous said...

My clan could help with the rouges Drift star.

Anonymous said...

How do you know what badgers were muttering>?

Anonymous said...

Thats the time of where I am too.


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

they wanted prey ?

Anonymous said...

Are you close to DrizzleClan Brightstar?


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

DrizzleClan did you get my message about the badges?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the offer Mintstar. But unless we lose, there is no need to put your clan in danger too. Thanks anyways...


Anonymous said...

Yes, and I thank you for warning my and DrizzleClan!


Anonymous said...

Of course, Just know that we are always by your side if you needed help.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

yes I am near I am opposite SandClan and Diagnol to you.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

The clan has two new Allies just to say mutters quietly to clan leaders EagleClan and LightClan they are quit close by me they won't do any harm.Also BloodClan are actually PATHETIC little kittypets!

Anonymous said...

*the clan cats stated murmering. Driftstar jumped onto the High Rock.* Welcome all cats. Im sorry to say,, but their has been a delay. The gathering may happen a little later than expected.* Cats started to murmer and Driftstar paded back to Clan leaders*


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

I also scented some racoons on the wind near DrizzleClan

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Stepd up onto the Rock and says I agree the gathering shall start in just over ten minutes mabe?

Clans murmer louder.

Anonymous said...

Oh. Thanks for the warning. (Looks like DrizzleClan may need some help to deal with Racoons, Badgers and Maybe their is a reason everything is coming so close to DrizzleClan. What ever it is. Im sure DrizzleClan can handle it.


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

murmers to clan leaders sorry I keep chatting im exited about tommors Blue Moon!Elders speak to the kits about Blue moons,Tomorrow We are going to the hill where The Great Pines are to watch it thats where we get the view of the moon.everybodys coming.Also the queens kits and elders came back from hiding this morning.So my new kits can see it too.It must be such a speacial sight!Also I hear the words Scarlet Snow do any of you?*still murmers to clan leaders*

Anonymous said...

of course.

Anonymous said...

I do not hear those words.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

If you ever need help with medicine we can lend you some we have loads in our territory but we will get it for you.Its a whole clearing of herbs.Near the Hunting grounds.

Anonymous said...

Yes the BlueMoon is to be wonderful, so I hear.


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

have you seen a brown cat with black claws a happiness in his eyes,with fuzzyclaws?-in your dreams I mean well do you?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Although its probley nothing, I have this feeling like something terrible is to happen to DrizzleClan tomorrow..Im not sure why or what!


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

tomorrow night I don't miind if you come into my territory The Great Pines to watch the Blue Moon we have such a beautiful view of the moon no cat deserves to miss it.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Driststar do you see the cat I need to know.Also I would sent extra patrools out tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Thankyou for the offer. But I would rather not leave my Clan unprotected. But thanks anyway. And with this feeling, I would not like it if any cat left the camp...


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

should we start soon?

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Steos up to rock The gathering will start soon

Anonymous said...

No, I have niot dreamt of any She-cat withj fuzzypaws...


Anonymous said...

Why do you ask Brightstar?


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

I don;t mind but you are always free to come if you change your mind

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

well he comes to my dreams often and I know him hes hes hes...

Anonymous said...

/sorry, my internet went down for a few mins!

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

looks at paws and shakes them.

Anonymous said...

Thanks but I dont think I will change my mind. I am sorry, but I have to much to worry about. Maybe SandClan would like to take DrizzleClan's place there.


Anonymous said...

He's, he's what?!


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

*can't bring myself to say words*Tears shuffle down my eyes.

Anonymous said...

Okay. Well Im not going to force it out of you. But if its any danger to the Clans. I think you should tell. But please dont cry.


Anonymous said...

whats wrong?

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

my father he was a wise one.He treated everyone with respect and died saving his clan from a fire,flood,storm,hurricane and tornado but he died getting murdered from BloodClan-Scourge.He comes to me in my dreams gave me a life.Shows me when I loose a life.He is the best father in the whole forests of the earth!

Anonymous said...

*blinks at Brightstar.* Well Mintstar how is prey running in SandClan?*he tries to help out Brightstar by changing the subject*


Anonymous said...

I see.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

poor you...

Anonymous said...

Thats tobad. Im sure you miss him. I am sorry for your lose Brightstar. But if he visits you in your dreams. Why would you ask if he visits in my dreams?


Anonymous said...

yeah, why??

Anonymous said...

Is there a prophecy or something?


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

he says he travels to others dreams

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

do you smell that faint smell it smells muddy and faint it's not a clan?

p.s you'r meant to say no

Anonymous said...

Oh. So your just wanting to know if he visisted us. I get it....


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

sniffs it getting cloder do you smell it?

P.S still say no

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

weird the scents gone

Anonymous said...

No I dont.


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Steps up to rock Lets start the gathering looks at Driftstar

Anonymous said...

Wow its 6:00 and no more clans have come...


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

do you have anything to say Driftstar?says loud enough for everyone to hear

Anonymous said...

Yes, We have waited to long for the other clans.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

is that what you have to say?chuckles

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

ok...Who want's to start?

Anonymous said...

Yep. *jumps up onto the High Rock* Welcome everyone to the Gathering here tonight!*yowls*


Anonymous said...

WHy don't u?

Anonymous said...

Well if it would be okay. I would like to start.


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

nods to leader

Anonymous said...

of course.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

you may start

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

uh.I think hes typing

Anonymous said...

*steps forward and all the cats hush down* WElcome. I am Driftstar of DrizzleClan. Prey is running great in DrizzleClan. WE have spotted a badger in our territory so we warn you. Keep an eye out for tehm. *backs away* And thats really all I have to say* wghispers to the clan leaders*


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

sniffs air

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

may I start now?

Anonymous said...

Why don't you go next brightstar?

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

is that ok with you guys?

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

is that ok with you guys?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

*awits for Brightstar to start*


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

ok thanks

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

*steps up to rock*

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Hello clans this is my first gathering so er bare with me.*clans chuckle*So yeah I have seen foxes,badgers and racoons near the territory for warnings,prey is ok and I have one important message for you all.

Anonymous said...

(brb, gtg eat dinner, brb in like 10 mins)

abigail viktoria said...


Prey is running well in Islandclan but the new evil clans, Nightclan, Ivyclan, Amberclan, Ashclan, and Darkclan, are planning to attack,
Islandclan, Mossclan, Berryclan, Vineclan, and Oceanclan soon!
Would anyone like to allie and help? If so go to Sparklestar's battle blog.

There has been alot of new cats, so I won't announe their names, but I am proud to announce I have mated Peachfoot and am expecting kits tomorrow!
We will have around 37 cats in the clan then!
Thank you!


Anonymous said...

*mews in shock*


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Starts again If you want any of you if you have your leaders permission can come to my clan territory-The Great Pines to watch the bluemoon tomorrow also I have had kits.Their Father is Raveneyes*he holds his head high*An their names are Hollykit,Icekit,Snowkit,Whitekit,Robinkit,Berrykit and Bramblekit their are now 4 she-cats and 3 toms in the clan now.Er.thats all I can say right now.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Shadowstar I was speaking!

Anonymous said...

*pads forward* Brightstar? I wonder if their is a reason all the animals were just spottedt today, so close to the BlueMoon. *cats mew in questioning gazes* I have a bad feeling about tomorrow.


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Would anyone want to come to the pines tomorrow night for an amazing sight of the blue moon we are closest to it.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Err.We chased them off there is only badgers and racoons left they ar not close to the moon but you may be getting on to something.Sniffs air.*yowls ITS CLOSER!*clans mew in shock*I see something brown there do you?

say no.

Anonymous said...

Well maybe DrizzleClan can go...but I will not be able to make it. I shall stay back and gaurd the camp...


Anonymous said...

Uhh no. Brightstar, you may be seeing that cat from your dreams....


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Its Fuzzyclaw!My father what are you doing?(sound like an idiot speaking to self)he mews a spectacular sight may it be but animals may ruin it stopping at moonrise peace will come for all.(sight goes.)

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Steps forward urgently.I have just had a prochecy*clans mew in shock*Here it is A spectacular sight it me be,but animals ruin it,stopping at Moon Rise peace will come for all and a new dawn of year shall come.Clans mew louder.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

*looks confused myself*

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

does anyone else have to say anything about this subject if not lets move onto another subject.

Anonymous said...

*Driftstar hears a whimpering cry.* Im sorry. Excuse me for a molment. *jumps down and walks towards a bush. Walks through it and spots a badger attacking a Clan cat. He yowls out.*


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

jumps down sees 2 more badgers.Attacks badgers and kills.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

ugh anyone

Anonymous said...

*chases a badger away*


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

that was close

Anonymous said...

*once all of them ae gone. He pads back to the High Rock.* Looks like the animla attacks are starting! So I think it is best for everyclan to have a warrior gaurding the Nurserys at ALL times!


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

jumps back up to rockso err yes lets back to the gathering

Anonymous said...

*whispers to Brightstar* guess we going to have to wait for Mintstar to return to finish the gathering...*


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

yes but the gathering in not over.Clouds must gather over the moon to stop it.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

yes.*pads up to rock you may chat a while until Mintstar returns

Anonymous said...

Yes I know. But to continue, we must wait for Mintstar to bring up her Clan.


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

So lets chat Driftstar

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

just untill she returns

Anonymous said...

Brightstar I dont think its going to be good to leave your camp unguarded while you go watch the BlueMoon.


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

any thing you want to talk to me privately?

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

any thing you want to talk to me privately?

Anonymous said...

Nope not really.


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

don't worry.The Medicine Cats do that the like to stay at camp and watch the moon at their own home.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

well anything you need to talk about?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well yes. But I would rather not talk about it here. At the gathering. So maybe we can talk about it without anyone who may be listening. *turns head towards a clan cat who queckly turns away*


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

yay!It is you'r turn to talk to the clans now

Anonymous said...

Ahh, Mintstar. You may have your turn to speak now...*backs away*


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

you can talk to me

Anonymous said...

Yes, but not here. *waits for Mintstar to start*


Anonymous said...

all right. pads up and clans turn quiet.
Prey is running well in sandclan. We
have seen a couple rouges near drizzleclan border. other than that, we have a new Angel cloud is our new That is all of our neews.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

nods whispers quietly where?

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

does anyone have anyting to say beacasue clouds are starting to gather.

Anonymous said...

not me, I am done.

Anonymous said...

not me, I am done.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

where do you want to speak Driftstar?

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

waits for reply

Anonymous said...

I will meet you at your CLans boarder after the gathering. Come alone. But do not fear, I am no threat. *looks away, mews a congradz to SandClan's new*


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