Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2nd December Gathering Tonight!

The full moon is TECHNICALLY tomorrow, but because it's New Year's Eve, the Gathering will be held tonight. Also, the full moon tomorrow is VERY special... Only once in every 19 years do two full moons occur in the same month. This is one of those months! And it is said that the this 'blue moon' causes strange events for the forest Clans. In other words, you don't want to miss this Gathering!

If you have not already, please review the simple rules on the sidebar, then feel free to take your Clan to one of the most unusual gathering of their lives!


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 381 of 381
Anonymous said...

*the clouds cover fully and the cats run back to their clan. Driftstar winks at Brightstar as he and his clan race back home*


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

nothing are you there Driftstar?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Driftstar for the congrats to sandclans new

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Clan go back home I need to speak with Driftstar *cats go homeGATHERING OVER I CALL TO THE OTHER CATS.

Anonymous said...

(Sorry I made the gathering end so quickly....)

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

good bye

Anonymous said...

(go to where I told you...)

Anonymous said...

(Its fine)

Padds down to get her clan, and leaves.

Catherine said...

(Sorry Im late!)
*Jaystar charges through the bushes and takes her place on the great stone*
"Hello. I am Jaystar, leader of Sageclan. We are a fairly new clan. We have nothing to report."

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

(Not roll play)

Driftstar, you did NOT ask to join this Gathering. I looked through the joining comments TWICE. You DID NOT ask to join.

Tigerstar of TigerClan, if you look on the sidebar you will see that I said your Clan cannot join because the TigerClan is a Clan in the books.

Guys, PLEASE remember to read the joining page and the sidebar! I was very specific. I would delete those comments, but I'm in a hurry to bring my own Clan over right now.

~~Silverstar of StormClan (Gathering admin)

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

The Gathering is NOT over. There are many other Clans yet to come.


Anonymous said...

I know, I only left for a few mins to see if any one else would come on

[Lauren] said...

Petalstar leaped up the Great Stone. "PineClan is here!" she announced. "We are 129 members strong, and we have a new deputy and new medicine cats after our old medicine cat, Nightsun, died of unknown causes. We have nothing else to report." She waited for others to report.

Pinepaw looked around. This place looked familiar. She sat next to her sister, Splashpaw, and watched her mother speak and pretended to know what she was talking about.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

ookay but for us british folk it is!it is 00:33 remember different time zones!

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

so you know british folk had their gathering now it is USA people to have theirs !

Anonymous said...

Lol, I am from USA, lol, Its 7:37

[Lauren] said...

(We're all having the gathering together! Isn't that what the gathering is supposed to be about? Being together?)

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Silverstar the leader of StormClan comes over the hill with a mass of StormClan warriors and apprentices following behind her. She leaps up onto the Great Stone and gives a friendly nod to the other leaders.

"StormClan is doing well. I apologize that we were not able to attend the last Gathering, I had greencough and was not able to lead my Clan here. We have many new warriors and apprentices, and our prey is running well."


Anonymous said...

(I think! But some people are already in bed!)

Anonymous said...

Nods at silverstars report.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

sorry I sounded grouchy I am tired an it is 00:40 in the UK

Anonymous said...

00:40? you mean like 4 in the morning?

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Can I go next?Looks at Silverstar

Anonymous said...


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

no 40 mins past midnight

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Can I?

Anonymous said...

oh!!! OK! Sorry, im not that good at knowing other places times~

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...


Anonymous said...

I would think its fine if you went.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

its ok

Silverstar Are you'r cats coping with the thrill of th Blue Moon?

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

*Pads up to rock*"Our clan is doing well as you may know it we are closest to the Moon so we welcome any clan member to come into our territory tomorow night to look at this spectacular sight.I have had my kits and my mate is Raveneyes.*holds his head up high*Prey is ok.Also there has been signs of badgers,racoons and foxes so I would watch the nursery.Thats all"

Anonymous said...

nods congrats to the leader

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

uh Silverstar?

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

any other clans here?

[Lauren] said...

"Glad to hear you're doing well, Brightstar. And yes, we have had fox troubles in the past. We'll be sure to keep look out." Petalstar said from on top of the Great Stone. Splashpaw looked up at the Great Stone, waiting for the other leaders to speak, while Pinepaw's gaze drifted around the clearing.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Oh I also lost 2 lives one from rouges attacking and the other from...

BloodClan they attacked me sore,but I had to attack they are cowards and plane PATHETIC!

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Silverstar nods at Brightstar. "Well, however strange events are happening for us. There is a prophecy floating about which there are many mixed opinions about. Yet I am fortunate enough to have a Clan which trusts my judgment, and I beleive that it is nothing more than a rumor set about by two kittypets."


Anonymous said...

nods in agreement with silverstar

[Lauren] said...

"We haven't had any problems with BloodClan but we'll keep an eye out for them." Petalstar said. Pinepaw looked boredly around the whole scene. Petalstar shot her a quick glance and she looked up instantly.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

*growls at the thought of it*I had a prochecy you know.'A wonderful sight it may be,animals may ruin it,at Moon Rise peace will come beauty and harmony follow it,dawn of the new year is apoun us."My father Fuzzyclaw told me.

[Lauren] said...

"I know what you mean, Silverstar. We have a few prophecies going around too. But they're probably just rumors."

Anonymous said...


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

I saw it from the UK gathering.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

There is no fake prochecies where I am I get told them by Fuzzyclaw who then tells them to the medicine cats

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

anyone else have anything to say?looks at clan leaders.

Anonymous said...

all right

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Suddenly Silverstar feels the wind pick up. She looks and sees a reddish haze over the moon. "Great StarClan...", she whispers.


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

does any clan member want to look at the moon tomorrow I am doing a speacial post for it for all clan cats to see.

[Lauren] said...

Pinepaw's eyes grew wide as she looked at the moon. Did this always happen? "What is it?" Petalstar murmured, looking at the sky.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

eyes widen ears prick up *silverpelt sines bright "What in the name of StarClan is happening?,we can't leaf there isn't clouds!"

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

(Hey everyone, just so you know, this Gathering can kind of go into tomorrow too. I mean, like tomorrow when the other Clans come here, we can pick up where the story left off if anyone needs to go to bed now. It's only 7:00 where I live, and my bedtime is 9:00.)


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

*murmers spread throgh the clans as the wind pricks up and the moon goes red*

Anonymous said...

(ok) Great starclan... spottedstar whispers

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

I don't need to yet I can stay

[Lauren] said...

(it's 8 here, so I can stay on. I'm super busy, though. so sorry if I don't respond.)

Pinepaw looked up at the moon. It was kind of frightening. Splashpaw padded closer to her for reassurance as everyone stood in the confusing silence.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

looks at Silveratar Just when the thrill starts!please carry on begs like puss in boots lol(watching Shrek)lol

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Clan looks up and the sky is whistling with wind "whats happening!"Raveneyes mews concerend

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Looks at sky curiously "Silverstar what do you think is happening?"Says loudly through the wind

Anonymous said...

stares at the sky

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Hmm.What could this mean?

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

falls of rock and lands in a thistle bush beacause of the wind "OW" That hurt climbs on to rock licking the cuts.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

is anyone here or am I alone?

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Silverstar stares at the moon, her green eyes wide in terror. Through the other leaders seem to notice something wrong with the moon, what they do not notice is a piercing screech that echoes in Silverstar's ears. The blood-red haze swirls around in the sky, and then Silverstar hears a familiar voice like the hiss of a snake in her ear. "My power will again rise from the darkness! Blood will spill and quench the heat, drown the fox! Victory!", it hissed. Silverstar's heart stopped. It was Greenstar's voice.


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

am I alone???

Anonymous said...

(ur not alone)

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...


[Lauren] said...

"Brightstar! You okay?" Petalstar exclaimed, the wind whipping her spotted fur. Pinepaw was frightened now, she looked up at her mother for reassurance, wishing she could hear what they were talking about.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...


★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

The former DeathClan leader's voice cackles and then fades along with the mist. Silverstar takes a step back, still looking up at the sky.


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Silverstar are you ok?says loudly and sternly looking at her.

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

She turns to Brightstar, her eyes wide in a panic. She does not say anything for a long moment, then mews in a whisper, "A Dark Forest cat just spoke to me."


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

SILVERSTAR!Don't walk back anymore you'll fall!tell us what is wrong?

[Lauren] said...

"Who was it?" Petalstar asked nervously, being way too familiar with Dark Forest cats.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

eyes widen shakes head what did he say?who?what does it mean?is it for all clans?don't e on the blue moon!

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Littlespots, one of Silverstar's senior warriors and her only surviving kin, is about to leap up onto the boulder to steady her leader, but Silverstar snaps her head around towards her. "No! Stay back. She wants you." The tiny ginger-and-white warrior looks bewildered, but steps down.


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

steps back a litle and looks at the clan leaders.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

Silverstar what do you mean She wants you?

Anonymous said...

looks confused and worried at the clans

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Silverstar turns to Petalstar, still in a panic. "It... It was Greenstar. The leader of DeathClan." Gasps are hear from the Great Boulder.


Lucy said...

Ripplestar flicked her tail impatiently.
"Prey is running well in CrystalClan. My kits are now apprentices, Moonpaw and Dustpaw. Their mentors are Sunpelt and Fuzzywhisker. Yes, Dustpaw has chosen the path of a medicine cat."

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

steps farther back and looks at Silverstar "wwwhat's wrong Silverstar what do you mean?says ears doen and tail inbetween legs.looks at sky.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

ripplestar somehing is wrong!

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

ripplestar somehing is wrong!

[Lauren] said...

Petalstar relaxed ever so slightly because it wasn't who she thought it was, but she still felt bad for her friend. DeathClan didn't sound friendly.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

scents"I smell something!"

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Silverstar shakes her head, avoiding questions. Suddenly she looks up at the moon again and gasps. Though none of the other cats see it, she sees a StarClan warrior's face staring down at her from the moon; the familiar odd-eyed white face of Cloudfall, the cat who would have been her mate if he had not been the medicine cat from another Clan. He looks at her with concern and then vanishes.


Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

I agree with Petalstar "Silverstar re you allright?,remember what my father told me'Live now worry later',or is it so bad?"

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Silverstar quickly leaps down the stone. "StormClan have nothing more to report. We must leave now." Her deputy Spottedpath comes up to question her, but Silverstar waves her away with her tail. "We must get back to camp!" She nods to the other leaders and then bounds out of camp, a confused Clan following her.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

*looks at silverstar then looks at moon but it's to late*"are you allright you havent spoken much do you need prey i'll get some!"looks at mouse and squashes it"here!"*gives*

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

looks at the other clan leaders."Want prey?"asks jokelly.

[Lauren] said...

"May StarClan light their paths." Petalstar murmured as StormClan left. Pinepaw looked around in shock. What was everyone freaking out about? She looked over at her sister, who was just as nervous as everyone else.

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...

murmers "PineconeClan we must leave,NOW!"*clan walks back to camp

[Lauren] said...

(are all of you really leaving?)

Rupert/Ember/Echostar/Treestar/Russet/Sasha said...


[Lauren] said...

(LOL I'll take that as a yes. Ah well.)

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

LOL did anyone see how many comments were made just tonight? Nearly 300!!! Wow!


[Lauren] said...

(Wowza. Lol, nice eclipse :D)

Anonymous said...

Greetings clan leaders
Berrystar here
Berryclan has had 4 more kits and 2 apprentices and 9 more warriors

oboe.chick said...

Wildstar runs down into the clearing where a bunch of cats from the other clans were already greeting each other and sharing news. Breezeclan's clan members all went in different directions to talk to numerous different cats, Wildstar jumped onto the Great Stone and gave Breezeclan's updates.

"Breezeclan is doing well. We have grown greatly in size since the last Gathering. We have sadly had some deaths in the clan. A small kit, Ashkit, had only been with us a short time, but he died of greencough. Luckily we haven't had any more outbreaks of the illness. But unfortunately, a border patrol found a group of kits that had gotten lost. We took them in, and their sister, Meadowkit, died shortly after they arrived. We also have some newly named apprentices that are here tonight, they are, Snowpaw, Moonpaw, and Starpaw. Otherwise, Breezeclan's prey is running well, and no attacks have been forced upon us. Thats all for Breezeclan's news."

Wildstar jumped down from the Great Stone and sat down by her clan to listen to the other leaders.


Anonymous said...

Hi laurea!

Anonymous said...

Berryclan is well too however some raids from a new evil clan have forced us to have extra precautions
The evil clan is Amberclan

Anonymous said...

Pleez join my evil clan guys

[Lauren] said...

(lol. hi.) "Glad to see you're all going well." Petalstar said to the leaders, smiling as her daugher Pinepaw looked up with fascination.

Anonymous said...

Also read my story at

[Lauren] said...

(No advertising tsk tsk lol)

oboe.chick said...

Wildstar's eyes widen in amazement.

"A Dark Forest cat spoke to you, Silverstar!"


Anonymous said...

the 4 kits are mine
Thier father is Rowanclaw
*gesturing at a ginger tabby tom with amber eyes*

[Lauren] said...

(is the moon still red? lol)

Anonymous said...

wat? oops srry i forgot about the no advertising rule

oboe.chick said...

Wildstar calls her clan back to her.

"Come on Breezeclan cats! It's time to go! The Gathering is over!"


[Lauren] said...

"Bye!" Petalstar called as she waited (and waited lol) for other clans to come.

Anonymous said...


[Lauren] said...


Anonymous said...

Winterstar gestured a greeting to the leaders as her featherclan padded in.
Sorry were late!! (I share a account with my cousin, lol.)

Anonymous said...

Winterstar gestured a greeting to the leaders as her featherclan padded in.
Sorry were late!! (I share a account with my cousin, lol.)

Anonymous said...

Berryclan has to go too..............
Berryclan lets go!

Catherine said...

Flowerstem, the medicine cat of sageclan, sprints up great stone a bewildered look on her face.
"Attention clans of the forest! I have recieved a sign from starclan.
You notice tonight is a special time."*glances up at the sky* "Starclan confirms that a few cats from several clans have been visiting dark forest cats. If you know who these cats are, warn them; their futures are dark.

Anonymous said...

Flamestar and Glowstar approach the great rock and Glowstar leaps on top.

"Leaf-bare has been harsh this year. One elder died. His name was Smallwhisker."

"Smallwhisker! Smallwhisker!"

"Thank you Glowstar of DawnClan"
Flamestar said dipping her head.

"SquirrelClan was attacked by MidnightClan. So watch out for them"

[Lauren] said...

(lol, jaystar are you thinking what I'm thinking? *cough* adder *cough)

Petalstar looked at Flowerstem nervously. She couldn't tell anyone her secret. It would just make her look weak. She stiffened as she smelled the scent of Adderstrike, a cat who had recently visited her from the Dark Forest. She looked away, and there he was, for no one else to see but her.

Anonymous said...

nods at glowstars report

[Lauren] said...

(anyone still here?)

Catherine said...

Oh Yeah Petalstar.

Anonymous said...

(yep, but will be back in 10 mins)

[Lauren] said...

Petalstar shook her head, trying to clear him from her mind. "Um, PineClan is doing well....we have, um, 129 members, a-and that's it." Petalstar said, trying her best to ignore him. She looked at him out of the corner of her eye. Splashpaw stiffened. She knew what was going on. She moved closer to Pinepaw protectively.

[Lauren] said...

(*sigh* whenever i comment everyone stops! LOL!)

Anonymous said...

(sorry, but im back)
looks consurned for petalstar.

[Lauren] said...

(lol. its okay)

Petalstar didn't realize she'd unsheathed her claws out of habit. Splashpaw gave her a look and she sheathed them slowly, feeling embarassed.

Anonymous said...

Spiderstar charged into the clearing, gasping for breath. She jumped onto the great stone, trying to keep her embarrasment out.

[Lauren] said...

Petalstar let out a sigh of relief as the figure vanished. Her muscles relazed and she looked at the other leaders.

[Lauren] said...

(lol. EVERY TIME I comment! EVERY TIME!)

Anonymous said...

flicks tail in greeting

[Lauren] said...

"Anyone have anything to report?" Petalstar asked the leaders. She glanced at the sky to make sure the moon wasn't red anymore.

Catherine said...

"othing. Umm, Flowerstem, please talk to me before you announce anything at a gathering. Nothing really. Sageclan has 21 members and is a fairly new clan. We have found signs of foxes and badgers on our territory."

Anonymous said...

"Nothing from my clan."

[Lauren] said...

"Same with our territory. We have many new members, and PineClan remains strong in times of crisis."

[Lauren] said...

(lol guys you have to report something lol. I think something dramatic should happen...leave it to me!)

Catherine said...

(All of a sudden, 10 fully grown foxes appear in the clearing. LOL)

[Lauren] said...

(WOO! And Pinepaw can kill them with her super skills!)

Catherine said...

"SAGECLAN! ATTACK! You there." Jaystar says to Pinepaw in sign. "Use your powers on those foxes." Jaystar signed.

Anonymous said...


[Lauren] said...

(There's no foxes! And no one knows about it and she can't!)

[Lauren] said...

(if you want foxes you should actually make them come lol)

Catherine said...

(I kidding lol)

Catherine said...

(we should have killer owls come lol)

[Lauren] said...

(we could have foxes! And i didnt know cause you didn't use these thingys ())

[Lauren] said...

(Do you guys want foxes? I don't think Silverstar would mind. After all it IS the blue moon)

Catherine said...

(How about if toms of bats cover the sky and the cats take it as a sign from starclan)

Catherine said...


[Lauren] said...

( wouldn't be THAT crazy cause no one would have to fight. But okay, then foxes)

Anonymous said...


Catherine said...

(Yeah, like it could kind of warn them)

[Lauren] said...

(go for it, jay :) And Petalstar will be like OMG ADDERSTRIKE! lol, typical Petal behavior)

Catherine said...

(Sorry I have to go bye)

[Lauren] said...

(AWW!! SO CLOSE! Bye!)

[Lauren] said...

(am i alone now?)

[Lauren] said...

(*sigh* I think I am but I'll wait)

Anonymous said...

~I'm on, but will be in and off!


Kayla said...

Mossclan is here!
Prey has been running well in our part of the forest, and we now have 88 cats in our clan!Also Seepelt has received her medicine cats name and Ivythorn has retired to the elders den. We have many new warriors and apprentices here tonight, as well as some who couldn't come tonight. I'm sure you will get to know them well in time. That is all.

§§§- EMILY/SILVERLEAF -§§§ said...

Sorrelstar walks between the cats and sits on the Highleadge. "Is everything ok?"

Oceanclan is doing well, though leaf-bare hasn't left just yet. Shadowfrost my head warrior, gave birth to two kits, Rainkit and Blazekit. That is about it.

(Is the moon still red?)

♥Warriors101♥ said...

(woah! Lol! Theres alrady 360 comments! Well, I'm here now!)

Miststar pads into the clearing, with less cats then usual.


♥Warriors101♥ said...

"MistClan is doing well with prey, we have scented..DarkClan on our territory?" She turned to Iceshadow and asked if that was the correct(evil) clan name. "My deputy, Russetfur has moved into the nursery and is expecting kits. Iceshadow has taken her place." She reported. "And sadly, 2 of our cats, Icestream and Icepool have joined StarClan. Icestream had fallen from the Great Willow Tree and Icepool had died from un-known causes." She said sadly. "But other than that, Summer has joined us as a Queen and gave birth to 2 wonderful kits, their names are Firekit and Sweetkit. Riverflower and her mate Grassfur and their kit, Pebblekit have joined also.Along with Glowstream,Swiftpelt,Hollykit,Oakkit and Darkkit." She said staring up at the sky, looking at the strange moon. "One of our kits, Stonekit, is now Stonepaw his mentor is Startail. And two of our apprentices have been made into warriors!" She said gladly. "Please welcome Owlfeather and Blizzardstorm!" She noticed that Skypaw, Blizzardstorms brother stared in envy for his full Medicine Cat name. "We also have a new Medicine Cat Apprentice, her name is Featherpaw. Shadowflower is now Medicine cat Helper and her apprentice is Skypaw." She continued. "Some new warriors are, Valcanopelt, Nightclaw, Hawkfire, Raindragon,Peachfoot, Mosswhisker, Frostdapple,Poppymist, Goldenstream and Birdfeather! We also have 1 new elder, Honeycloud." She took a breath and started again. "One of my warriors, Petalspots has moved into the nursery!" "MistClan now has 51 cats." She stepped back to let another leader take her place.


[Lauren] said...

"Glad to hear you're doing well, Miststar." Petalstar said with a swift glance to the moon.

Anonymous said...

I am very sorry about your loss Miststar, but your clan seems very healthy.
~Winter star of FeatherClan

abigail viktoria said...

um, guys...sorry i don't really know how to do this..i didn't know you were all on at the same time, sorry, Brightstar for interupting.

♥Warriors101♥ said...

*Thats what you think...* Miststar still had thoughts about the prophecy, ever since Hawkfire joined, things had turned upside down.


TeamJake4evr said...

Oh snizzlepuffs I missed the gathering again.No one told me it was last night.:'(I'll defintly be here next year/month LOL.

Anonymous said...

(you do know the gathering can continue today right?)

♥Warriors101♥ said...

Miststar waited patiently for the other leaders to finish.


★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

(Yep, the Gathering can go on tonight. LakeClan and SunClan are both important parts and they both missed it.)


♥Warriors101♥ said...

(But where are the other leaders?)

Anonymous said...

(IDK... Hope they come soon.)

♥Warriors101♥ said...

Miststar stood up and shook her pelt, she was a little boney.


Primrose said...

Raystar hoped up on the Great Rock. "Cottonclan is doing quite well, we have many new apprentices and plenty of prey." Dips head to his clan and they leave. (I was on vacation so I had to comment late =( )

Anonymous said...

Nods at raystar's report.
-Winter star of featherclan

☪Dream said...

*dreamstar races in with Everpaw, only one cat. Dreamstar ran swiftly up the large rock, with Everpaw following*

Cats of all clans! lakeClan needs your help! We are under attack by larger and stronger cats then we are! they want our home and we can not defeat them by ourselves! Please help us! Follow Everpaw!

(Sorry I missed the gathering! I was having a sleepover...why was LakeClan such a big part?)

*Dreamstar nodded and leaped off the stone. Watching Everpaw wait for some cats of any clan to follow her.*


*Dreamstar waves her tail at the golden tabby apprentice beside her*

back to lakeClan! please! have mercy or my clan will be destroyed!

Spyre/Purple's Buddy said...

x jumps up x I know there is no gathering right now but we are doin great we have lots of prey but no neew warriors

kennedy said...

I glance up at the now red moon. Every cat was shaking with fear. Such a commotion! I meet the other leaders' eyes. I could sense fear and astonishment. I open my mouth to say a few calming words, but it was worthless. Worried mews drain out my helpless calls. Sooner or later, clans start to flee the frantic scene. I inch down the rock, but end up falling on my face anyways. "Ugh, mouse-brain," I scold myself. Then I lead my clan back to camp. "Such a short gathering session," I think to myself.

megan kristine said...

I noticed that you posted a comment on Robin Blogs and I just wanted to let you know, I do backgrounds too,

and if you'd like to see the blog makeover i just did go to


mau5girl said...


Please don't give my Clan name away! I am here! I Am Here!! I AM HERE!!!

I'll be here on January 30th for the next full moon!

Smoke said...

I wish I could have been here I am going to go to the next gathering.

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