Tuesday, August 7, 2012

August Gathering

Hello and welcome everyone! This post was delayed due to the fact that I had no computer access and failed to plan ahead (as usual I'm so forgetful >.<). So even though this is a few days late, I hope we can still make do!

Before things were so slow, the Gathering would only last one night of the "real world" and get near to or well over 100 comments. However, now that our community is slowly fading and we, the Bloggers, are gaining more and more responsibilities in our real lives...well, I suppose that "one night" on here can be dragged out days in real time. That's kinda how things have to work now (and have for a bit, if some of you have noticed). At least until more than 5-6 people can make it online and hold a decent RP on the set night.

So, thank you all who have stayed here and tried to hold to our community. I understand that we're all busy and have important obligations in real life, but I appreciate everyone who gives away their time for this! The Gathering is not only a place the Clans of the Warriors Books meet and have peace, but it's also our one central place and connection between all our Blogs as well.

And with that, I've procured all my wise and smart-sounding words for the day! So please take this time to re-read the rules and then to enjoy commenting (I realize I'm posting this in the morning, but I'd rather finish it now than make everyone wait until tonight)~


Dawnstar said...

Dawnstar padded slowly into the clearing, her ears pricked up to check for any sounds of other cats. Hearing nothing of the usual banter and shuffling of Clan cats, she realized that RoseClan was the first to arrive before she could see it.

It was strange, as her Clan was already considerably late, and she expected to be walking in on the announcements of a Clan Leader. She sighed and lashed her tail back and forth as she quietly lost herself in her own thoughts, finding a suitable place for herself as her clanmates settled in to wait.

Natasha said...

Brightstar walked into the clearing, three cats followed her. One clan was there, she nodded to Dawnstar before leaping up onto the rock.

Dawnstar said...

Dawnstar nodded respectfully to Brightstar and then added a kind-looking smile. She turned back to her clanmates a few moments later, watching them to make sure the younger cats were in good behavior towards Brightstar's clanmates and the elder ones weren't quarreling among themselves. She sighed, fatigued from the long day she'd had. Several Apprentices had gotten themselves lodged in a crevice near the narrow cliff on their territory and a search party was sent out. For a while, there was a scare that they had fallen to their deaths until a cat on a hunting patrol had stumbled upon them in a literal sense. The ordeal had taken most of her strength after a night of shallow sleep. She tore from her physical unsteadiness and began to slowly knead her paws against the rock. It calmed her a bit and kept her awake while she waited for others to arrive.