Thursday, November 10, 2011

November Gathering

The full moon shines brightly tonight, softly lighting the Leaf-Fall trees. It is peaceful, with no winds or clouds to cover the sky...

Welcome to the November Gathering! Our days on Blogger have been mostly uneventful and a little lonely lately, but hopefully this month we can have a nice RP with more than enough people to make it interesting :)

Enjoy commenting!


Dahlia said...

Goldenstar padded into the clearing. "This is a great night for the gathering." she thought. Her thoughts suddenly turned to her long lost mate. She shook her head. "I won't think about that." she told herself quietly. She padded quietly over to the Great Rock and jumped up. She sat down quietly to wait.


✧Moonstar✧/★Hibari★ said...

Moonstar stalked into the clearing, the rest of HawkClan just behind her. Seeing Goldenstar, she nodded politely. "Greetings," the gray she-cat said, leaping up onto a branch of a tree.

ScarlettFiona said...

FRoststar pdded intoo the gathering her head hung

Dahlia said...

-Goldenstar nodded her head back- Greetings she replied also.

Owl said...

Miststar strodde into the gathering. Her clan looked weak and thin. She nodded to the leaders as she took her place next to them.

Aleta said...

*nods to clan* greetings fellow leaders *leaps onto Great Rock* beautiful night is it not?

Dahlia said...

it truly is *Goldenstar replied* it truly is.


Aleta said...

*nods to Goldenstar* shall we begin? the sun will be high up if we wait any longer, they will come if they can but we must not waste our moonlight

Jodie said...

"Keep up with me, IslandClan."

Lionheart strode into the clearing and leaped up onto the Great Rock. He narrowed his eyes when he saw the state of Miststar and her clan; their ribs showed underneath their pelts.

"Our leader, Shadowstar, was not able to attend this Gathering due to some important business she had to take care of," he announced quickly and confidently. "She will attend the next gathering, I can assure you that," he quickly added.

- Lionheart [deputy] of IslandClan