Friday, January 7, 2011


From today until the next Gathering, polls will be running to decide what new rules will come into play for this blog. Feel free to suggest more here.

Meanwhile, I'll be making new designs, adding Clans, and organizing more updates. I apologize for this post coming a week after the new year, but I've been working 'behind the scenes' on a tester blog to improve the Gathering for the upcoming year ahead of us. Great changes are coming, and the Clans will (hopefully, and with any luck) be restored!

Only 1 vote per person
Voters must be a member of a Clan which participates in the Gathering

Thank you!


Dawnstar said...

I'm trying to vote, but polls haven't been working well for me, it's not counting my vote :/

abigail viktoria said...

Sylvine? I like the new name!!

Jodie said...

Sylvine, good name :D

I checked the Gathering list but you haven't added FallenClan...

abigail viktoria said...

I voted!
But I think lots of people are voting for moderators 'cause they want to be one. :/

mau5girl said...

Awesome. Just awesome. I'll admit, I haven't been on much, but it's great that you're coming back to Blogger!!! It will be amazing to have you back! Anyway, I hope your Clan resurrecting plans work out; I miss how interesting the Clans used to be.

Dawnstar said...

I'm kinda depressed cause I didn't get to vote with my computer rejecting the polls *sigh*

I agree with Shadowflower, maybe we should just not have Mods anyway(I would've voted no and tied it up)

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Shadowflower and Dawnstar,

Don't worry, I have a plan for mods. :)

Mods would be helpful to me personally because of two main reasons. Firstly, since (as we all know) I have an unpredictable schedule that sometimes makes me miss the Gathering, mods would be able to make sure everything runs smoothly on the full moon. Such as, an appropriate amount of fighting, no bad language, things of that sort.
Secondly, I've been accused before of 'having no right to lead the Gathering', despite the original polls in which voters confirmed that I was to lead the ONLY official Gathering blog. This way, it won't seem so 'unfair' to newer members to this community if they have chance to lead the Gathering WITH me.

However, I'll have VERY specific guidelines that moderators must meet. They must be set-in members of this Warrior community, must be patient, reasonable, tolerant, open, have good grammar, and must not have a record of starting fights, yelling, or cursing. Anyone can apply, but not everyone will get to be a moderator.

Oh, and in fact, some of the people who commented on this post I've already been looking at for moderation. ;)

alina said...

Aw, I missed the deadline for the polls! :( Oh well, there's always a next time. ;) Anyway, I'm looking forward to the upcoming gathering.

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Finishing up the new background right now. ;)

abigail viktoria said...

Very good points. I haven't thought of those before! Although, I see your right to this because you were the first one to come up with a Warrior Gathering.
Well, anyway, congradualtions, the Warrior Gathering is well back on it's feet again.

-Shadowstar of IslandClan

I love the new background. I looks lovely with the header!