Wednesday, January 19, 2011

'11 Changes

The first full moon of this new year is tonight, but right now, I'd like to discuss some changes that will be happening for the Gathering.

Effective February 1st, The Warrior Gathering will have moderators! The moderators' job will be to assist me in the upkeep of the Gathering, to help monitor incoming comments, and will have input in the future CONTESTS that will be coming up. More on the contests later though.

How will I be choosing mods for this blog? By their knowledge of the Warrior Cats series, their advancement in role-play on this community, and their good reputation for being reasonable, honest, and fun. These people will also have to have good grammar and must not have a history of attacking other bloggers through yelling or cursing. For now, I will only be starting off with two or three moderators for The Warrior Gathering, people that I know and trust, so I can see how things go. Later on, more may be added.

As I mentioned earlier, The Warrior Gathering will now be hosting contests once every moon! These contest will be either role-play competitions (either held at the Gathering place itself for on a volunteering Clan's territory), or contests focused on each individual Clan's accomplishments, talents, and positive qualities (awards and banners included).

As you've probably noticed, I have a new background design for the Gathering. I have a full design made, but, as it is, I'm having a little uploading trouble. When ImageShack fixes their site up, I'll be able to finish the renovations on the Gathering. I'm doing a little HTML editing too for a whole new look (though, once again, I'll have to wait... the design needs to come out first).

Before the Gathering tonight, I have one more announcement to make. In a rather long chain of events, the Warrior Gathering now has an ally! The SECONDARY Gathering can be found here: What is the secondary Gathering? It is a blog connected to the main Gathering which helps us out in many ways. This blog holds Gatherings in the case of emergencies, will hold some of the future contests, and will be the blog for Clans whose names are already taken on the main Gathering. However, this is not a community split; It's a beneficial addition which ensures a larger community. Think of it as a leader and deputy; This blog is still THE main blog, the blog which was elected 'by StarClan' (by the original polls), and the one which will be making most of the rules. The 'deputy' is the secondary Gathering, which will work with us to make the full moon Gathering nights more inclusive and fun. Feel free to check it out, but to be clear, you do NOT have to join both blogs. If you can join this Gathering, please do. The secondary Gathering is a backup in a way. Please do check it out though. :)

I was really hoping to stay and watch the Gathering tonight, but I'm sick right now. Last but not least, I would like to say that the rules have been changed and now ALLOW role-play fighting on the full moon. Have fun!



Brightlegs said...

Icestar was the first to jump onto the Great Rock. "Well, FrostClan has been growing frequently, new cats almost everyday! Everythings fine, so yeah, that's all."
(If you want to join FrostClan, go to

Formerly-Sunset said...

Jadestar padded in with her clan behind her. She quickly leapt on top of the Great Stone and stepped forward to share the news of her clan. "Hello all, I am happy to say that EchoClan is triving even though it is leafbare. New cats have joined, kits have been born, and apprentices and warriors have been made. But, our enemy clan, ThistleClan, attacked us this moon. A couple brave warriors died and our deputy, Sparrowclaw, became an elder because of a back injury and is now known as Crookedback. We also have a new medicine cat apprentice named Smokepaw and our new deputy is a she-cat named Scartail. It seems as though this leafbare won't be that bad for EchoClan, we hope that is so for all clans," Jadestar annouced, then took a deep breath and stepped back.


kennedy said...

Hi, Sylvine! Since I see that there are no medicine cat gatherings (Moon Pool, etc.) I was wondering if I could start up a blog. Froststar-of-WoodClan has already volunteered to become an admin, so if you would like to, you could become one as well. If you know of any other medicine cat gatherings, please let me know and I won't create one. I see that most of the others have not been posted on in a few months or are only for an individual clan. The next medicine cat gathering would be Jan. 26th. I think that having a Moon Pool would bring the clans even closer together! :D

Scarletfur (Duskstar, leader of BrambleClan)

Anonymous said...

Yay, hi Silverstar! ^^

Who will be the mods? Have you decided yet?

♣icefox♣ said...

When are Silverstar and Stormclan coming back?

Dawnstar said...

(It's too bad you're sick! I was just sick a couple of days ago, though just a cold and sore throat.)

Looking back at the older posts, I read your comment speaking to me and Shadowflower. After seeing how it would benefit you and the whole community, it seems like a better idea now. I thought of it before as just extra help that would start with lots of comments of people asking to be one >.<

I can't wait for all the new additions/changes, especially the RP fighting. That can add excitement, yet stay realistic and true to the books when it's limited :)

oboe.chick said...

Hi Silverstar!

I would be interested in being a moderator!


★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

LOL that's good, because you're one of the people I'm looking at for moderation! Dawnstar, you too! I like how you both lead your Clans with a firm but gentle paw, and you have excellent role-play. Brooke too, and she's already agreed through email. The real moderation decision will be made later though... I'm choosing 3 people MAX at the moment, maybe less. The application forums will come around once I'm feeling well enough to make them, LOL.

Dawnstar said...

Thank you! I'm honored to be in the running :)

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...


★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Delaney, like I said, you need to talk to Dreamstar. We made arrangements though email, and we settled on a plan long before the Gathering night. I thought you were more of her 'moderator', so that's why I didn't talk to you directly. I asked her to pass along the plan to her moderators, but I guess something got mixed up in translation.
I will tell you the whole story if you are just willing to listen. :)


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

not really. talking doesn't solve all our problems. It can make them worse. Mine are big enough, and your making them worse.

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Well, bitterness isn't helping, so talking can't be that bad if it has a chance to helpful, right? ;)

I don't know the problem you have with me, but I'm open to hearing it out to try to mend this whole crazy thing. The only problem I've had with you is when you curse at me, and that is quite easily fixed.

You know, about this whole gathering thing, just email me... I would give it out here, but I don't know all of the readers on this blog. You can get it from Dreamstar. I don't like to argue on blogs (or anywhere). If we are both calm and respectful, we can achieve a lot. So if you wish, please do email me.


★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Got to go now, sorry.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...


abigail viktoria said...

Great ideas! I am so glad this Gathering is back on it's feet. Although I did not vote for the mods, (because I thought the only reason people were voting for them was because they wanted to BE one) I'm sure it will be a good change.

-Shadowstar and Aspenstar

abigail viktoria said...

And especially since now that I have read your comment, I know it will be a good idea.
I hadn't thought of those things before...

Whistle said...

(I really like the updates, and thanks for adding my clan to the list :D Too bad you're sick :c)

Spinning spoke up among the leaders. "Tornadoclan has been flourishing these past moons. We were hit by a storm, but we have rebuilt and are just as strong as before. We also have many new warriors."
He stopped abruptly, as if he had one more thing to say, but felt uncomfortable saying it.

mau5girl said...

These New Years changes are the best! This Gathering is probably the best that the Blogger Clans have ever seen! ;)

It's especially surprising that there are still so many Clans!

One more thing to add: when are you going to come back to Blogger as a Clan, Silverstar?

♔Cookie the Chihuahua♔ said...

Ivystar - It's good to see that you are back, too! Yes, I am coming back to the Clans, and StormClan is going to have a fresh start this spring. I'm going to pick up the plot right where it left off... Almost a year ago (it's crazy how fast time flies!). I'm not near down with the renovations on the Gathering yet though... January has been a whirlwind, and next week is my birthday (the 14th, Valentine's Day! ^-^). But the Clans will make a comeback, I'm sure of it! :D

♔Cookie the Chihuahua♔ said...

(Oops... Wrong account, LOL!)