Monday, December 13, 2010

[ A New Era ]

This is not an official Gathering post, but bear with me.
I have a master plan for restoring the Gathering, and hopefully, the population of Clans around these parts. Ever since StormClan died (or at least became dormant), things seem to be going downhill all around. Our community is growing up and leaving the role-playing world, and quite frankly, I find that very sad. I'm afraid that my lack of participation in getting the Gathering setup hasn't helped matters any, but I'm going to try to change that with a new design and feel around Christmas break.
The main reason for this post is to tell you that is is true; I am returning to Blogger! And with a new blog, at that. It is called 'Scriptless', the new and improved version of my old blog 'Randomness'. I will be hosting a special contest there in a few days if I get some more followers, so please do check it out, and comment and follow if you can. Link is below.




☪Dream said...

Yay! Will StormClan ever come back?

Brooke said...

Yeah! This is wonderful Silverstar! I'm so happy!

abigail viktoria said...

I'm thrilled your coming back! Thats awesome!!!!!!!!!
Im soooo following :)

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Thanks everyone. :)

As for StormClan... We'll see. ;)


Anonymous said...

Yes! Keep on going, Silverstar!


☪Dream said...

Lol. If you ever bring it back, it has some competition. LakeClan is huge now (with about 330 cats), and with a new leader, and an old prophecy ending, and a new *cough*evil*cough* prophecy beginning, stuff will really pick up. ^_^

Though I hope StormClan comes back. It was the second clan I ever joined. ^_^

alina said...

(Hello. ;) I do hope that the clans will be revived, seeing that WoodClan is not doing very well. ^^)

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Dreamstar - It is NOT a competition, and I really have never appreciated you turning it into one...

Brooke said...

I agree with Silverstar, Dreamstar. Clans aren't about competition. They aren't about how lovely the design is or how many people join or how many cats are there, it's about people having fun together and roll-playing on an enjoyable blog.
Just because a Clan has a bunch of followers or cats, it doesn't make it the best, or better than the next Clan.

kennedy said...

Hi! I'm ending a very, very, very old prophecy, as well!

And I'm glad that you are coming back! I'm going to check out your new blog...right now! :D

*copies link*

kennedy said...

*or rather, clicks link* :D

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

you shouldn't have been all defensive off that...

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Well said, Brooke.

(Delaney, you don't know the story, it's a problem that Dreamstar and I have been having for a long time...)

Brooke said...

Thanks Silverstar

Yeah, Silverstar's right. It's a long... hard to explain story.

☪Dream said...

I never made it a competition... and I never turned it into one. That was a little uncalled for. I was having some fun...

☪Dream said...

And know it isn't Silverstar. Delaney is my friend, and she knows a lot, so she knows the story.

☪Dream said...

And Brooke, I never said it was about the design or anything. You made that up like I was saying that. Like, why would you know the story? Of course you would cause you are Silverstar's friend. Delaney would know the story as she is MY friend.

She's only standing up for me, as you are standing up for Delaney. Del has the right to, so don't tell her she won't understand.

βяɛɛʓɛ said...

Okay, first, Silverstar, Dreamstar Started NOTHING. And dont tell me to butt out like you did with del, cause i wont listen. Sorry, but that was a little defensive. MAybe the "Competition" was said JOKINGLY.

Ever think of that? Sorry , but that was too quick to jump to conclutions, Silverstar and Brooke. No hard feelings.

Brooke said...

*Sigh* I wasn't meaning to start anything. I suppose I took it the wrong way. I don't want to turn this into a whole argument or anything. After all that's happened, I guess it's easy to take things the wrong way. I didn't mean to put words in your mouth.

If you knew the story, you'd know why it's easy to get a bit upset at that. I'm not saying to leave or anything, but you would understand better if you knew.

Let's just forget about this. The Gathering isn't a place to get into debates or arguments unless they're *fake*.

No hard feelings? :0/

Let's just forget about this (for now at least).

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

OK guys, before this becomes an unnecessary riot, hear me out. I pray that StarClan has given me the right words to say this, because I mean no offense in any of the following.

Brooke and I have DIRECTLY had problems involving Dreamstar before. For me, it WAS competition (and several other things, but I won't go into that now). For Brooke, it was other things, but I cannot speak on her behalf, nor am I responsible for anything that goes on between them. Yes, we are friends and have similar opinions, but we are not two heads on one body nor a pair of wolves out to hunt a common prey on the others command; we each have our own separate (yet, overlapping) disagreements with Dreamstar.

Breeze, please hear me out. I am sorry if this comes across as rude, because I do have a lot of respect for you, but you know NOTHING of the origins of my argument with Dreamstar. Nothing. My words did not come out of the blue, it is a long-running issue that I have had with her which, frankly, does not concern ANYONE but me and Dreamstar directly. And yes, it mainly was about competition in the Clans. I would tell you, but since it does not involve you directly, that would be gossip. Just believe me when I say that this story has a large background of which you are obviously not aware, and that is far from new or prematurely assumed upon.


Firstly, since Delaney was not directly involved in any of our problems, I assumed that she would not know every detail of the back story. If she does, that's fine, and I apologize for being unaware that she did.

Secondly, I said nothing intentionally hurtful to you. I only pointed out that with this, the new year and new start, I did NOT by any means want the whole competition thing to start up again. You should know what I'm talking about. You have gotten onto me several times about trying to make StormClan seem 'superior'... If you do not believe me, I have DIRECT quotes from you saved onto my computer from the 'olden days' that I will be happy to show you again through email. And, mind you, it's not that I'm holding grudges. I would have never brought it up again if you hadn't said something that was very suggesting of it. I didn't say that you are currently trying to cause trouble, but knowing what has happening in the past, I was telling you firmly (but gently) now what I want.

Oh, and for another thing; now that I am back on Blogger, the LAST thing I want is a 'civil war' between the Clans. I'm not trying to rally anyone behind me, and this is not a war, just a personal disagreement which really does not concern anyone but those involved. Sorry if that offends anyone who is trying to support either one of us, but please don't make judgments. I am trying to use logic and facts in this argument (which, by the way, was never meant to become an argument at all), and it is not about emotions or personal preferences.

Bottom line, I'm discontinuing this conversation. Brooke is right, the Gathering is certainly not the place for this. If you wish to discuss it further, Dreamstar, you may email me, but you already know where I stand. I'm not trying to pick a fight, I'm only pointing out ahead of time that with StormClan's return, I don't want ANY 'competition' to be brewing over which Clan is better. Don't act like it hasn't happened before, because it has (not saying is or will, but has).

Blogger is supposed to be fun. That's all I want with this, my return, to have some good fun with my blogs and to try to restore things to the way they were; Meet up with old friends on here, post about my life, maybe role-play. That's all. I hate arguments, and I hate competition. Plain and simple.
With that, I thank everyone who has congratulated me in my return, and respectfully bid farewell to those who are involved in this argument.

Thank you. Locking up.
