Saturday, June 26, 2010

Unofficial Post - Changes


Hello, fellow cats! The June Gathering is tonight, but before then, I would like to make several announcements.

Firstly, over the past few weeks, I have been running some polls on the sidebar. The votes have been cast, and it has been decided that The Warrior Gathering WILL keep its current look, but that it WILL get a button. I will set about making it as soon as I can. It has also been decided that Primrose's StarClan blog will not control the moon and clouds on the Gathering night. Though I personally am quite fond of her blog, I agree with this choice, as there are many StarClan blogs and it would be unfair to choose one over the rest. Sorry, Primrose.

Secondly, I want to announce that an alliance has just been made that marks great changes in how The Warrior Gathering is operated. To explain completely, I must tell a rather long story.


At this time last year, there were less than 15 Clans in the forest, and one gathering for them all. However, when that gathering owner quit Blogger, there was quite a lot of fuss over who was to create a new gathering. In the end, I decided to help settle it all by running a huge poll to let the rest of the people in our blogging circle decide once and for all who was to run the ONLY gathering.

Out of about 80 voters, I won by 20 votes and created the blog you are on now, The Warrior Gathering. Over the past year (though some of the first posts were deleted), this blog has not only survived but thrived. Each full moon is full of excitement, and with 80+ Clans and 400+ comments each Gathering night, the roll play can literally continue into the next day. Everything has been working out great for many moons... Up until now.

Not long ago, I caught wind that there were several other small gatherings popping up and trying to replace this one. I was understandably annoyed. The owners of these new gatherings were new to the blogging world and had no clue of the trouble and confusion multiple gatherings cause. I, however, remember that time, and I don't want anything like that to happen again.

To make this point clear, imagine this; There are three new Clans in the forest. One joins all of the gatherings they find. The second joins only one gathering. The last joins only a few of the gatherings because they don't know about the rest. How would all of these Clans communicate? And, say that all of the Clans on Blogger decided to join all of the gatherings. That would mean hopping from blog to blog every full moon, and it would be VERY hard to continue roll play on 6 blogs at once.

As for having one big Gathering, we've seen that it DOES work to have all of Clans in one place. Not only that, but it's very fun. There is everything from peaceful announcements, to heated territory debates, to prophecies... Just like at a real Gathering. That is the way it is supposed to be.


Now, this brings me to the alliance I have made. After speaking to some of the other gathering owners, many of them have realized my point and have chosen to change their blogs. However, another important point has been brought to my attention; Since I do not allow Clan names to overlap (such as two DawnClans, for example), there are people whose Clans cannot join The Warrior Gathering but who still want to go to a gathering.

Therefor, I spoke with the leader of one of the smaller gatherings, and we agreed to ally our two blogs. This means that I will have a link to their blog on my join page for the people whose Clan names are already taken, and that their blog will link back to me for the people who find them first, but whose names are not taken here. So basically, this will remain the main Gathering, but there will be a second for the people who cannot join this one.

So, just to be clear, you should NOT join this blog if your Clan is already here. But do check it out after the full moon to see what news is in the other Clans.

Thank you for reading. The full moon is tonight, so I will finish adding the new Clans right away. ALSO, another important Clan event is coming up soon, but I will announce that later. May StarClan light your path,


(For the people who are asking if my Clan, StormClan, will attend, I'm afraid the answer is no, as I have had unexpected plans this week and have not been able to complete my renovations.)


Brooke said...

That was a good idea Silverstar, and I still love it.

I'm sorry that StormClan cannot attend, but I understand.

On a related note SunClan will probably be at the Gathering tonight, though I am not exactly sure.

~*Sunstar of SunClan*~

Anonymous said...

I am sorry i could not attend to my clan because I had forgotten my password......can you please add me back on the list????
-Heatstar of Fireclan

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

FireClan is added back. :)
