Thursday, May 27, 2010

May Gathering Tonight!

See you all tonight for the Gathering! And yes, I will be adding links to all of the new Clans, I haven't forgotten. If you need to comment right away because you won't be around tonight, go ahead, even if I haven't added your Clan yet. All of the Clans who asked to join are welcome. Happy commenting!


1 – 200 of 403   Newer›   Newest»
★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Silverstar of StormClan leaps up onto the Great Stone. "My Clan is thriving. We have many new warriors, apprentices, kits, and even new members. Our prey is running well, and greencough has left our Clan, leaving us even stronger than before."

(Silverstar's leaving out the whole attack, LOL)


Hayley said...


Lillian May said...

Brightstar of JadeClan hopped up onto the great Stone and spoke, "JadeClan is doing well. Our prey has increased numerously, and our water supply is greater than ever. We have made a couple more allies, and no rouges have attacked us this moon. No cat is sick and we have many new cats joining, and more apprentices, warriors, and senior warriors. Thank you! And if anyone would like to be our ally, please ask me! (at: )

~Brightstar of JadeClan~

✠Ember✠ said...

(Might not b on 2night so just to be safe!)

Fallenlight leapt ontoThe great Stone "SongClan is doing well! Cherrystar could not make it because she is having kits! Prey is doing well! We have many queens and kits! Wrencall joined with her three kits! And Specklepaw is now Speckleflower!"

~Fallenlight of SongClan

✠Ember✠ said...

Brindlestar leapt onto the Great Stone. "MouseClan is doing well! We have many new kits including my own, Lionkit, Cloudkit, Flowerkit and Beekit! prey is running great! We have been fortunate to have not had any outbreaks of desises, but we are stocking up in herbs just in casse"

~Brindlestar of MouseClan

Lillian May said...

Echostar leaped up onto the Great Stone and looked at the other clans. "EchoClan has gotten off to a great start! Abundance of fresh-kill, plenty of drinking water, and we have many, many more cats joining! We have many new apprentices and warriors, and so far no rouge attacks, but we have heard of a band of rouges who have been lurking around the forest, so watch out for them. Otherwise, that is it! Thank you!" Echostar jumped off the great Stone and sat down by her clan.


Summerstar said...

Treestar jumps onto The Great Stone. "We are doing well. We have enough prey. We also have plenty of water. I have not had any new cats. I'd like some, but no one is joining. No cats are sick."

Brooke said...

Sunstar of SunClan pounced on the Great Stone. "SunClan is okay. We just escaped from a fire, but we've found new territory not far from DarkClan. It is much different than we're used to-what it looks like is quite strange-but it is very nice, and we'll get used to it soon. As for prey, food is thriving in our new territory. Our cats are well and we have new apprentices, kits, and warriors." Sunstar sat down to listen to the other cats.


Brooke said...

Bramblestar of HailstormClan smiled at Sunstar and began. "Thank you Sunstar. HailstormClan is thriving with prey this wonderful green-leaf, and new apprentices, kits, and warriors have entered our Clan. We have had to battle off rouges recently, but won without barely a scratch. Also, we have a new head warrior-Fireblaze." She flicked her tail to a dark orange tom with bright green eyes. He smiled to the rest of the cats. "That is all for now." Bramblestar finished, letting other leaders speak. Fireblaze's eyes flickered to Silverstar's nervously.

(Is Silverstar going to say anything about Sycamore? Fireblaze is here and... well... you know)


✠Ember✠ said...

Fallenlight looked around nervously. Would anyone realie Patchfire used to be a kittypet? And that Cherrystar had become mates with him before he joined the clan...

~Fallenlight of SongClan

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar padded into the Gathering, very few cats following her. She dipped her head.*

LakeClan is doing fine! We have many new warriors and apprentices! Also, our medicine cat apprentice, Nestpaw, is now a full medicine cat! Nestflame! He has done very well. Unfortunately, one of Fallownose's kits has gone missing. Cloudykit disappeared, and we have not yet found her. But one of Fallownose's other kits, Shadykit, was found dead on the BlackClan border. BlackClan also attacked my kit, Mark-kit, but did not kill him. In other news, our other medicine cat apprentice, Rosepaw, has also disappeared. We found her blood on the border of BlackClan. But StarClan have sad she isn't dead. We can only believe that BlackClan are keeping her a prisoner in their camp. BlackClan has also taken another kit. He was only 3 moons old at the time, Birchkit. We have not heard from him since he was taken... and we can only expect the worse. We miss all of our lost members greatly. But other then all of our bad news, prey is thriving. It is unusually hot, with very little rain. otherwise, LakeClan is doing well. Our training techniques are doing nicely, and we have many new kits and members also! That is all I have to share.

*dreamstar dipped her head, and stepped back.*


[Lauren] said...

Petalstar entered the clearing, with PineClan following behind. She leaped up the Great Stone.

"PineClan is doing well. We have many new members. Earlier this moon, we were forced to leave our old camp due to flooding, but we have adapted to the new one well. Darkshadow, one of our warriors has gone missing, along with fresh rouge scent along our borders. Before she disappeared, she had two kits, Nightkit and Thornkit." Petalstar saw the looks of shock from the Clans below and waited for the other leaders to speak.


Lexii said...

Hello this is my 1st gathering I am the new Medicine cat of breezeclan.

oboe.chick said...

Wildstar of Breezeclan leaps up onto the Great Stone and addresses to the other cats of the clans,

"Breezeclan is thriving, and there are many new apprentices, kits, warriors, and members. We are so happy to have them with us. Prey is also running well, and so far, there have been no outbreaks of sickness. Let's hope it stays that way for awhile. We have had trouble with a clan called Moonclan, but we have finally come to an agreement, and may become allies." Wildstar then dips her head and lets the next leader address the clans.

-Wildstar of Breezeclan

✠Ember✠ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar nodded to brindlestar.*

But we will not let these cats death go un-avenged.


✠Ember✠ said...

Fallenlight dipped his head respectfully at all the leaders, feeling awkward up here

~Fallenlight of SongClan

Brindlestr smiled.

~Brindlestar of MouseClan

oboe.chick said...

Wildstar meows,

"Sorry, I forgot to mention that sadly, our previous medicine cat, Goldenstream has left, and her place will be taken by Mistleaf. Please welcome her. Sorry to hear about the flooding, Petalstar. I hope it hasn't taken you to long to adapt to a new area."

Mistleaf! Mistleaf! Mistleaf! Mistleaf!


✠Ember✠ said...

(My comment disspareared weird!)

oboe.chick said...

(Strange! LOL)

Brooke said...

Sunstar looked at Dreamstar suspiciously. When Dreamstar finished speaking, Sunstar nodded. "Welcome to the Gathering." Sunstar meowed quietly. Her eyes flickered to Petalstar. There seemed to be many strange stories at the current Gathering. When Petalstar finished, Sunstar meowed in welcome to her.

When both cats finished, Bramblestar meowed in welcome to the leaders. The story of DarkClan reminded Bramblestar of Windstar-the x-leader of HailstormClan.



✠Ember✠ said...


✠Ember✠ said...

Fallenlight's fur felt hot nest to all these leaders


oboe.chick said...

Wildstar sat down next to Dreamstar and Sunstar,

"How are you doing tonight?" She asked wiping a paw over her ear.


✠Ember✠ said...

Brindlestar looked at all the leaders "How are you all?"


✠Ember✠ said...

(Yayz My clans are on the ist WOOT!)

[Lauren] said...


"I'm fine, Brindlestar. How are you?" Petalstar asked.


✠Ember✠ said...

( lol :) )

✠Ember✠ said...

Brindlestar smiled "I'm great. It's been the best so far. Despite all um... bad things


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Ravenstar of Briarclan leaped on to the great rock, nervous. He looked at the other leaders.

I'm glad I'm still on, for just having one life. But what if a fight breaks ut? The i'd die right away... Ravenstar thought, thinking of what would happen. He didn't know where Swiftstar went, only that she went looking for Faytekit moons ago. But she wasn't here now.

"Briarclan is here! Over the past moon we have gaind many cats, too many to count! We have been thriving now that it is NEwleaf, with Three new aprptices, Frostpaw, Willowpaw, and breezepaw" he said, looking down at his three younger siblings.


✠Ember✠ said...

"Welcome Ravenstar!" Brindlestar smiled


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Ravenstar smiled nervouly back.


Breezepaw looked up.

I hope the other ones and in the prophecy are ok... Breezepaw thought.

-Breezepaw of Briarclan

✠Ember✠ said...

Brindlestar looked at the cats. I hope Cloudkit, Beekit, Lionkit and Flowerkit are alright!


Fallenlight looked at the leaders, feeling small

(Poor Fallenlight lol)


☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar narrowed her eyes at Sunstar. Her pelt was on edge. Dreamstar nodded to Petalstar, and the other leaders.*


[Lauren] said...

"Hi, Dreamstar!" Petalstar said to her friend, wondering if they were still spying on her camp.


(lol :D)

✠Ember✠ said...

Brindlestar shook her pelt.


Patchfire looked up bordly. He would much rather be there with Cherrystar, what if she started kitting and he wasn't there??

~Patchfire of SongClan

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"And heatpaw is still Missing! And also Faytekit!Has anyone seen them?" he asked the other leaders.

"Or has anyone else gone missing, Heatpaw left moons ago, though." he confessed.


(Guess what OTHER leader iz comin' to the gathering :P and is rippleclan comin'?)

✠Ember✠ said...

Brindlestar nodded "Honeyice, one of my kits, went missing about the same time!"


MadiShae said...

Can't stay long, but StreamClan is here!!

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Ravenstar narrowed his eyes in understanding.

Maybe some of the other leaders too.... he thoughtm abd then nodded.


MadiShae said...

Actually g2g now. BYE!!

Brooke said...

Sunstar smiled. "I'm fine. It's strange that so many cats are missing..." Sunstar shook her fur. "It's getting hot this green-leaf. More hot than usual. Would you believe some of my cats are even jumping in the sea to cool off!" She could see that the cats didn't know what the sea was. "The sea-or ocean-is like a giant lake, but really, really huge."


✠Ember✠ said...

(Awww Bye Madi)

*Brindlestar sighed*


Brooke said...

Sunstar nodded goodbye to the StreamClan leader.


✠Ember✠ said...

(Anything actiony gonna happen?)

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

(guess whos' c'mon tonite tonite, Ember?)

Brooke said...

(How did you know? :-)

Bramblestar felt pain prickle her pelt while she watched the other leaders. Suddenly she noticed something running through the bushes. It was a pack of rouges! "Rouges!" Bramblestar shouted with fear.

✠Ember✠ said...

(who??? :D)

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...


Brooke said...

(Look at the comment I made just before this and see the rouges!)

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

(AMOnG THE LEADERSS awwwwwwwwwwwwww I hate rouges :/)

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

(and guess! EM!!!)

The porfecy said...

Everyone go to and join and make a character!

[Lauren] said...

(Hey, Petalstar's daughter's a rouge now..*winks*)

Brooke said...


Sunstar saw the small pack of rouges. Sunstar estimated about ten. Her Clan-along with HailstormClan-jumped into battle. The rouges were skinny and weak, but they knew how to fight.

A gray tabby tom pounced on Sunstar, slashing at her with unsheathed claws. "Get off rouge!" Sunstar shouted, before rolling over him. She slashed his pelt and he ran off.


✠Ember✠ said...

Brindlestar growled


Fallenlight bristled unsheathing his claws*


Patchfire looked at the roghes hatred in his eyes


☪Dream said...

*Swoopstar padde din with members of her clan. She nodded to the other leaders.*

RippleClan is doing fine! We have new apprentices, kit, warriors, and member!


The porfecy said...

Will you guys?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Come to my blog?

✠Ember✠ said...

(10? Thats WAYY to easy!! lol)

Brindlestar leapt onto a gray tom tearing up fur


☪Dream said...


☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar growled lightly, and felt a pelt beside her. She looked over to see Rippleblaze bristling.*


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

(no one's gonna go there!Cuz you keep advertising.)

Ravenstar sighed and looked at te rouges. There were more apprentices he brought with him then those rouges, so he didn't evenbother, two clans were more than enough to finish them off.


Brooke said...

Firefly grappled a young she-cat. She grabbed her from behind and through her into a tree. The she-cat nodded but didn't give up. She raked Firefly's back and smacked her in the face. "Pesky rouge." Firefly meowed grimly between her teeth. Firefly jumped on the she-cat and scared her off.


Lexii said...

{Yeah!!! Naw it is okay!}
Mistleaf looked at her.
"Hi I am Mistleaf the medicine cat of Breezeclan!"

{I'm a she-cat}

Lexii said...

{Yeah!!! Naw it is okay!}
Mistleaf looked at her.
"Hi I am Mistleaf the medicine cat of Breezeclan!"

{I'm a she-cat}

[Lauren] said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brooke said...

Suddenly, the ten rouges turned into twenty. Ten more cats entered the gathering. These were slightly larger and more healthy than the other rouges. They started fighting. Sunstar peaked over at Petalstar and the cat called Darkshadow. Before she could have time to be surprised, a rouge pounced on her, ramming into her side, along with another.


Lexii said...


✠Ember✠ said...

Patchfire clawed a ginger tom

~Patchfire of SongClan

☪Dream said...

*Everlight growled. The wind grew fierce, and a tree fell on a bunch of rouges. Some warrior cats toppled over. Everlight smirked.*


[Lauren] said...

(Oh, sorry Sunstar. Darkshadow never showed up. Sorry! I'm gonna save her for when PineClan gets attacked by rouges :D)

Sally said...

Spottedpath runs into the clearing alongside Silverstar. She takes a deep breath in and sighs. It was good to be back among all the other Clans at the Gathering. She leaves Silverstar to make the report and goes to speak with Dreamstar and Petalstar.

Lexii said...


Brooke said...

Mintleaf nodded at Mistleaf. "I'm Mintleaf. Nice to meet you. I'm SunClan's medicine cat." She looked over her shoulder and slightly watched the battle.


(Lol! Their names' sound alike!)

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Flick ran right next to Darkshdow, Lone on the other side.

Nice that she showed us the gathering, but when will she show us where and when to attack Pineclan? Flick thought impatiently.


Hayley said...

Moosestar of BumbleClan walks swiftly into the clearing, her smallish clan behind her. She looks around. She was the youngest leader here.
Moosestar jumps up with all the rest of the leaders and prepares to announce her clan's news.
"As you can see, BumbleClan has returned."
There is murmering amoung all of the clans. The clan of the youth is back...?
"We are making a great return, more youngs cats join each day... I couldn't have asked for more. Hunting is plentiful in our forest. We have two new apprentices with us, Turtlepaw and Deerpaw!"
Some cats below cheer.
"Anyways, thank you for welcomeing BumbleClan back."

-Moosestar of BumbleClan

✠Ember✠ said...

One Brindlestar had done her part and scared off the tom she stopped "I've done my part," she sighed


Patchfire scared off the tom then let the other clan's take care of it


Fallenlight hadn't even gotten into the battle

Lexii said...

Mistleaf ran around and pounced in the air. She jumped next to spottedpath.
"Hi there."

☪Dream said...

(all new comers... rouges are attacking...)

Brooke said...

After a few moments, there were only about five rouges left. The Clans were sure to defeat them... right?

Firefly whacked two rouges into each-other and let out a long yowl that scared them off.

Sunstar clawed at a rouge, but he didn't give up.


Lexii said...

Are signatures are the same to. Wow we really think alike. ;)
"Hi Today I was busy with a young kit who was born today. She was barley breathing!"

Brooke said...

Mintleaf sat close to Mistleaf and Spottedpath.


Brooke said...

"Is the kit okay?"


(Lol! Wow, we do. And I didn't steal btw, in fact I've never seen you before. I hope you know I'm not stealing! ;-)

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Flick didn't ven attacked , he just sighed and Walked away.

A waste of time... .


☪Dream said...


Lexii said...

"NO! Of coarse you didn't I have never heard of you either and yes the kit is okay she is resting now but the mother was worried sick she gave birth to another kit who was born not breathing. The kit was the runt of the litter the one I cured today. She has all brothers now!"

Brooke said...

All the rouges finally fled. After a few moments of deep breaths, the leaders went on the Great Stone again. "I'm glad that's over." Sunstar meowed, relieved. "Hello Silverstar." Bramblestar nodded in welcome to Silverstar.


Lexii said...

"Me to. I would of helped but I have a very week paw at the moment. Sorry"

Brooke said...

(Okay, thank goodness!)

"That's good." Mintleaf meowed kindly. "I've had to heal only a few cats. We helped DarkClan in battle so there were many wounds. Everyone is healed now though." Mintleaf looked relieved. She herself had a few scratches on her bright orange pelt.


Anonymous said...

Darkstar gave a little yowl as she arrived alone. "WildClan has just reopened," she announced, "so I am the only one coming to announce this news. We are strong and healthy, and looking for new members."

Lexii said...

"Isn't being Medicine all worth while. Even though you can catch the a stuff they have, watching and helping people get better is amazing. I have NEVER had any cats die in my care."

Brooke said...

Sunstar nodded in welcome to Darkstar. "Perhaps SunClan could become allies. I'm Sunstar-leader of SunClan. Where is your territory? We're a little away from DarkClan, near a giant mass of water called an ocean."


Lexii said...

"Have any died in your care Mintleaf?"

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...


Anonymous said...

Darkstar nodded at Sunstar. "We are not far away. We live near Twolegplace, near the junkyard. It is rich in prey."

Brooke said...

"It seems very worth while." Mintleaf agreed. "I think I may be getting too old to be a medicine cat now though... at least my apprentice is well taught."

(I may have to play Fernblaze-the Medicine cat apprentice-because Fernblaze never comes online anymore :-(


Brooke said...

(Yah-and not Silverstar of StormClan-you Silverstar-lol!)


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

(PLZ PEPS ;) Let's do it!)

Brooke said...

Sunstar nodded to Darkstar. "Well, I'm happy to welcome you into the forest."


Anonymous said...

Darkstar stretched, her gray tabby pelt shining, and sauntered over towards where Mintleaf and Mistleaf were talking. "Greetings," she meowed. "How is everything in your Clans?

Brooke said...

(Hold your horses Delaney! LOL! Maybe we will-maybe not-why don't you start if you want to so badly? :-J

✠Ember✠ said...

Brindlestar saw the attack getting worse. She leaot into battle once again


Brooke said...

Sunstar smiled. "Let's just not tell the other Clans. It can be dangerous when a good Clan goes bad..." She peaked over at a few leaders, hoping they didn't hear.


savortheflavor said...

Nimblepaw had already edged away. He looked as the faces of other cats. He stood rigid from nervousness but begun to ease even though he hadn't spoke to anyone yet.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

(ok Sunstar! Trying to think of a good way..... letsee)

"We have been smelling other clan over our borders." ravenstar said, Glaring a the other leaders with an accusing stare.


Brooke said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
✠Ember✠ said...

Brindlestar realized she was just a nuicence and leapt onto the stone. She padded over to Ravenstar "Hey,"


Anonymous said...

Darkstar tensed. She had heard, too. She lashed her tail and retreated from the medicine cats, not waiting for an answer. She was alone and vunerable, and she had to go. With a flick of her tail she hid behind the rock, watcing.

Brooke said...

(The rouge fight ended already)

Sunstar looked at Ravenstar, angry. "Well it sure wasn't SunClan, if that's what you're trying to say." Bramblestar looked at Sunstar, then to Ravenstar. "It wasn't HailstormClan either. We've been smelling other scents really close to our border also." Bramblestar looked accusingly at Ravenstar. "Maybe you're just trying to cover for that."


✠Ember✠ said...

Brindlestar glared at Ravenstar "I assure you MouseClan has not been over your border."

She hissed


☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar rolled her eyes at Ravenstar. Rippleblaze was still beside her.*

Ravenstar, I have too many worries then to cross your stinking border.


Anonymous said...

Darkstar stiffened. What was going to happen?

✠Ember✠ said...

Fallenlight glared at Ravenstar

"SongClan has not been over your precious border!" he spat

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"We would NOT stoop to other clan's levels of Stealing! We have enough prey, we don't stuff ourselves!" Ravenstar said, A hint of snarl in his voice.


Brooke said...

Sunstar's fur stood on end. *Was Ravenstar really accusing her of going on their borders?*


Brooke said...

Firefly pushed her way to the front of the crowd of cats. "For your information, we've been working on our new territory. We have plenty of prey and don't need to stoop to stealing." She glanced at Ravenstar's Clan.


✠Ember✠ said...


Brindlestar growled "Neither do we! I would not accuse Ravenstar,"


☪Dream said...

*Swoopstar shook her head at Ravenstar.*

We have not been crossing your borer either. But we have been training our apprentices, Wolfpaw, Webpaw, Amberpaw, Sunpaw and Shadepaw, well. They would not dare cross your border.


*Dreamstar growled lightly at Ravenstar*


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Ravenstar snorted, but a tiny voice in the back of his head wrned him.

Remeber, Ravenstrar, you only have one life... . but he ignored t.

✠Ember✠ said...

Fallenlight hissed

☪Dream said...

*Everlight sighed and growled. Bluegaze had his eyes hut tight. Then, his eyes flew open. He looked at Everlight, his sightless eyes wide with shock. He whispered to her.*

Ravenstar only has one life... Swiftstar is still alive.

:~~Bluegaze, Everlight:

Brooke said...

Sunstar jumped to the front of the Great Stone. "Enough! We mustn't battle here. Not in the presence of StarClan! Look" She pointed to the sky with her muzzle. "Clouds are covering the moon." She heard a rumble. "And there's lightning on its way." Indeed there were clouds and the sound of thunder was slow, but quickening.


✠Ember✠ said...

Brindlestar tried to stay clam "Remeber StarClan is watching," she reminded them though she wanted to rip Ravenstar;s throat out

savortheflavor said...

Nimblepaw stood up straight he was facing the leaders to see them and them=n he turned around.He had no clue how the other clans were going to react. "Stop ganging up on Ravenstar!"he shouted defending his leader. "He said he smelled other cats crossing our borders than it has to be true!"

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Ravenstar shrugged.

"Sometimes a Cloud is justy a cloud"

☪Dream said...

*Everlight looked at the sky. She needed a good fight... suddenly, a strong wind blew the clouds away. The battle would continue. Everlight smiled. She stepped forward, and yowled*

Ravenstar! Is it true you got 9 lives, or did you get none!?


Brooke said...

Bramblestar growled lightly, but took a deep breath. "Sunstar is right-and so is Brindlestar. No fighting here tonight." Though the cats could still see anger burning through Bramblestar's pelt.


✠Ember✠ said...

Bird growled at Nimblepaw "Then tell your leader to stop accusing clans of stealing!

~Bird of SongClan

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Ravenstar looked down at everlight, a hint of Fear searing through is eyes, but quickly melted away by anger.

"Of course!"

☪Dream said...

(How can Shinepaw know Ravenstar only has 1 life?)

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

(shinepawdoesn't know that! The only ones who know are Bluegaze and Everlight! NO ONE ESLE! yet...)

☪Dream said...

*Everlight rolled her eyes.*

Then why did StarClan not accept you as the leader!? AND WHY IS SWIFTSTAR STILL ALIVE!?


Brooke said...

Sunstar shook her head, and looked at her claws which were now unsheathed. She quickly sheathed them though.


☪Dream said...

(Del DOESN'T want you to know! So she can't!)

✠Ember✠ said...

Brindlestar narrowed her eyes


✠Ember✠ said...

Swifstar is still alive?


☪Dream said...

(Fernpaw... Everlight was talking to ravenstar...)

oboe.chick said...

Wildstar bounded up to Mistleaf,

"Glad you came to the Gathering! I see you have met one of the medicine cats!" Wildstar meowed.

"Its good that the rogues left. Hopefully the rest of the Gathering will be without a fight."


☪Dream said...

*Everlight nodded vigoursly.*

Ravenstar only has one life...

*Everlight didn't say it loud enough for everyone to hear though.*


savortheflavor said...

Nimblepaw slightly flinched from Bird. "How would you know if he's been accusing others?Has it been you who has been crossing our border?"He replied with a growl.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...


"She died! She fell down the gourge! I witnessed it Myself!" Ravestar defended it myself.

Breezepaw looked up at his older brother in uncertainty.

Is my mother not dead?

Brooke said...

Sunstar looked around with worry. "No, stop this! You have to stop this!"

Bramblestar rolled her eyes at the fighting cats. "Oh you pesky rouges and kittypets, only an idiot would want to fight here!"


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Ravenstar shook Silverstar off and Snarled.

Brooke said...

"Quite your hissing." Bramblestar spat through her teeth.


☪Dream said...


*Everlight growled, and leaped up beside Ravenstar.*

Then why is she searching for her kit this instant?


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Briarshadow hissed at Brindlestar's cocmment,. and Wondererd if Swoopstar would fight too...

✠Ember✠ said...

Bird growled "Oh it's SOOO hard to hear them arguing up there!"

~Bird of SongClan

Brindlestar growled "Well, I trust the LakeClan warrior more than you Ravenstar,"


☪Dream said...


oboe.chick said...

Wildstar pounced at Silverstar and grabbed her by the scruff of the neck to pull her off of Ravenstar. She batted at Silverstar's ears. What was she thinking?! Starting a fight at a Gathering?


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Who? Faytekit? She is lost! Swiftstar died looking for her!

(ooooo can Everligt know where Shadepaw is?)

Brooke said...

Sunstar shook her head. "We are here to discuss our Clans! To discuss the good and bad things that have happened. Please, stop fighting. Let's end the gathering before-" Rain poured on the cats. Darkness swept over them like the wind.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

(someone take Ravenstars side! :P)

☪Dream said...

*Bluegaze leaped up to Everlight, and whispered to her.*

Ravenstar is lying... Faytekit is alive. Faytekit is in RippleClan... as Shadepaw


oboe.chick said...

Wildstar hissed in anger.

"See what you have done, Silverstar? You have made a cloud cover the moon! You need to stop the fighting!"


Brooke said...

Bramblestar hissed. "I only call you a kittypet because of this battle! But if you want to put it that way-" Sunstar pushed between the two. "Bramblestar, remember Windstar? Remember how she killed those cats? Don't let yourself turn into Windstar." Bramblestar shook her head. "I won't fight, but I won't stand any more of this. Stop this fighting if any of you are warriors at all!"


✠Ember✠ said...

Fallenlight unsheathed his claws


Brooke said...

Firefly jumped in front of Fallenlight. "Don't you dare."


oboe.chick said...

(I know. Sorry.)

oboe.chick said...

(Can one of you explain the story to me? I am not really following what it is about.)


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

(I'm not anytime soon son't stop~)

Coal looked up.

"I guess we are all a bunch of rougs, then!" he called up.

-Coal of Lakeclan

✠Ember✠ said...

Fallenlight gorwled "I wasn't,"


Brooke said...

Sunstar sighed. "I understand. We can still be allies."


savortheflavor said...

"Tch.Ravenstar wasn't lying.Those you won't come forward to admit the truth that they crossed the border are the real liars."Nimblepaw called out.

Brooke said...

Sunstar sighed. "It's okay. We can still be allies... I understand."


oboe.chick said...

(Bye, Fernpaw!)

Brooke said...

(bye!) Woops... posted twice)

✠Ember✠ said...

Bird growled "Is this what all BriarClan apprentice's are like? I'm glad my kits are being rasied in SongClan, so they don't learn to ACCUSE WITHOUT PROOF!" he yowled pinning down Nimblepaw

~Bird of SongClan

☪Dream said...

*Suddenly, the rain stopped, the moon was clear again. Everlight smiled. Bluegaze had said it loud enough for Ravenstar to hear.*


oboe.chick said...

"Bird! Settle down!" Wildstar pleaded.


Brooke said...

Sunstar stiffened, then relaxed. Suddenly, rain poured on the gathering. No one seemed to notice-there was so much arguing.

"I don't think we should continue." She glanced at the accusing cats.


oboe.chick said...

Wildstar looked up at the sky and sighed.

"At least the rain has stopped. Starclan must be at peace once again."


☪Dream said...


✠Ember✠ said...

Bird growled and got off Nimblepaw still glaring at him. Baring his teeth

~Bird of SongClan

Brooke said...

She noticed that even though the rain had stopped, the moon seemed dark.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Ravenstar gasped, and he took a step back.

"How would you know!?!? I bet your Lying!" he growled.

☪Dream said...

*Everlight smiled. She could feel the wind pick up. StarClan were angry at her. But why would she care? The wind kept up, making sure no other clouds came into sight.*


☪Dream said...

*Bluegaze shook his head.*

Ask swoopstar... Shadepaw is here... But Shadepaw's path is not in BriarClan...


savortheflavor said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brooke said...

(I know Dreamstar! She wasn't talking about NOW, she was thinking about how the cats didn't notice much BEFORE)

oboe.chick said...

Wildstar padded over to Everlight.

"Everlight, you seem tense. Is something wrong?"


✠Ember✠ said...

Brindlestar took deep breaths "Accuse how you want, Ravenstar, MouseClan will have no part of it," she mewed looking up into the sky


Fallenlight licked his chest indignantly


oboe.chick said...

(Wait, scratch that comment, I didn't notice Everlight was smiling.)

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Ravenstar just smiled.

"And how would you know that?" he asked, suddenly rising in anger.

"Swiftstar would've hondled this better..." he whispered, but only Everlight abd Bluegaze could hear.


Brooke said...

Bramblestar stomped on the ground. "This gathering is out of my understanding. We're leaving now if you don't mind. Goodbye. Come on HailstormClan." Bramblestar left with her Clan, not looking back.


☪Dream said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
✠Ember✠ said...

(Is Smokeheart at the gathering??)

✠Ember✠ said...

(I mena did Swoopstar let him go?)

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...


savortheflavor said...

"I bet it was you."Nimblepaw muttered. "Why else would you react like that?"he said getting up. He stared up at Ravenstar. He looked back at Bird and glared.

oboe.chick said...

Wildstar flinched at Everlight's response.

"There is no need to get angry with me. I can tell when something is bothering a cat."


☪Dream said...

*Bluegaze shook his head.*

Just ask swoopstar if any kits were found. Ask to see Shadepaw... Shadepaw will deny going back to BriarClan... Shadepaw's destiny is not there right now..


Brooke said...

Sunstar huffed. "Ravenstar, I can promise you that SunClan was busy at the time without worry." She stood up with pride showing in her eyes. "Our cats have been working hard-not stealing."


☪Dream said...

(Sure Em. Anyone who wants to go can for RippleClan)

*Everlight snarled, and unsheathed her claws.*


*Wind tugged fiercely at her pelt*


☪Dream said...

*Bluegaze stiffened.*

Swiftstar is actually coming right now..


oboe.chick said...

*Wildstar padded away from Everlight without another word.*


✠Ember✠ said...

Bird laughed "Oh maybe beacause I was defendng the reputation of my clan! Did YOU smell SongClan on the border?? OR is this you prescious "leader's" Word!"

~Bird of SongClna

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Ravenstar sighed.

"My mother is alive, but we are both failures as leaders." Ravenstar mumered in defeat, feeling his shoulders slump.

Look what i did to the Gathering!


✠Ember✠ said...

Smokeheart looked upat the sky "Oh starClna!


☪Dream said...

*Everlight stared at Wildstar coldly as Wildstar padded away.*


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