Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April Gathering Tonight!

The Gathering is on, and all updates on the Gathering are complete! You'll notice I've made a few changes, which I think are for the better. I have also made myself a schedule so that I'll never have to abandon any of my blogs again. Please read the updated rules on the sidebar and have fun commenting!


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Lillian May said...

YAAAAAYYYY!!!!!!! The Gathering is up and running again! I can't wait for the Gathering tomorrow!

~Brightstar of JadeClan~

ღ~Cinderstar~ღ said...

:D awsome! Cant wait till tonight!!!!1

Brooke said...

Silverstar, that's wonderful! But my dad is coming home from 6 weeks of being out on the sea. I might come on tonight, and maybe in the morning I can comment.


Charisma said...

(I might not be on tonight so I have to do it right now)

*Smallstar pads up and stares at the other leaders. She went firest. "SmallClan has two new warriors, Featherbreeze and Skycloud. Their brother Softpaw had die and I have gave him his warrior name in StarClan. His warrior name is Softlight. Also one of my warriors died. We can't find his body but, there was blood where we found his scent. We also have three new kits. Beechkit, Owlkit, and Streamkit. One of our warriors is moving to the nursery. Now I have some important news. I will not be attending the gatherings for the next one. My deputy, Chocolatefur will be attending. That doesn't mean that you can attack our camp" looking at all the leader. "Thank you. I must leave" bowing her head.

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

Ember, you must join on the joining page. I will NOT accept people joining here. I have a link right under the header. I have had to delete your comment because it didn't fit in with roll play.

Please everyone, REMEMBER TO READ THE RULES. They are very simple. It creates a lot less trouble for me later on. Join under the joining page, only roll play on this post, no advertising, and no bullying. That's all I ask of everyone here. Sorry if I'm sounding a little rude, it just kind of annoys me because it just causes me twice as much work to try to find info that's out of place. Thank you,


(Oh, and StormClan won't be able to attend... I'm studying for a test tomorrow so I won't be on for the rest of the night. Bye!)

✠Ember✠ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
✠Ember✠ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lillian May said...

Brightstar padded up to the Great Stone and spoke, "JadeClan has been very peaceful lately. We haven't been attacked by anything, and we have gained many new Clan members." *Smiles at her Clan* "We have a good supply of fresh-kill and our drinking water is pure as can be. We had four rouges join us this moon, Shadow, Ophelia, Shade, and Aria. They have proven themselves loyal to JadeClan so it doesn't seem like they ever were rouges." Brightstar stopped, and continued. "We have a couple new allies, and they will make us stronger if we ever get into a battle. That is all." Brightstar leaped off the Great Stone and sat by her clan, awaiting the arrival of the other clans.


Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Amberstar and Dragonclan came to the gathering. "Dragonclan is here!" Amberstar yowled, padding next to Jadeclan, and Dragonclan sat down by them while Amberstar jumped on the Great Stone. "Dragonclan is going through harsh times" Amberstar began "we were attacked by badgers first, lost Craig from badgers, and later after that, there was a fire in Dragonclan..... we lost Willowtail" Amberstar said, her eyes clouded with grief for her old friend. "The fresh kill is all burnt, from the fire, so we have been trying fish, but haven't been enjoying it. We have ALSO made some new allies" Amberstar said, looking at Jadeclan, and smiled. "I had kits, and right before Willowtail died, she had a kit named Poppykit. Windshadow and Thornfoot adopted kits abandoned by there parents. That is all" Amberstar mewed, her gaze into the sky. She scooted to the side, so other leaders can sit down on the Great Stone, and smiled at Jadeclan and Dragonclan.

Moonbeam/Moonstar/Mi'sa said...

Moonstar paced up to the Great Stone and meowed:
"Moonclan has been very fortunate this past moon, we have 3 new apprentices, Radiantpaw (the medicine cat apprentice), Robinpaw, and Spiritpaw. We have also have been very lucky, because we have had no deaths over the past moon, or any illnesses. This is my clan's first ever time to this gathering, and we are very excited to be here!
Thank you all for listening, and I hope all is well with the other clans."

~Moonstar of Moonclan

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Amberstar smiled at Moonstar. Amberstar said "congrats to her"

Moonbeam/Moonstar/Mi'sa said...

Also, I forgot to add that Moonclan has a new allaince-clan, Indigoclan!

Moonbeam/Moonstar/Mi'sa said...

"Thank you Amberstar! May Starclan be with Dragonclan!" Moonstar smiled back.

Lillian May said...

Moonstar, do you want to be allies with JadeClan??

~Brightstar of JadeClan~

Dawnstar said...

(I can only be on for half an hour, so I must also do it now)

"Roseclan is doing well, we have many new members. Spottedkit became an apprentice, but her brother broke his leg and his ceremony is postponed. Whiteshadow has moved to the elder's den and I will be appointing a Head Warrior soon. I am also pleased to annouce the rouges have left our territory! I warn other clans to keep a look-out for Thorn and a band of rouges though." Dawnstar yowled.

Moonbeam/Moonstar/Mi'sa said...

Sure! I would love to!

Dawnstar said...

"Hello Brightstar and Amberstar and Moonstar!" Dawnstar mewed cheerily.

Moonbeam/Moonstar/Mi'sa said...

"May Starclan be with your clan, Dawnstar. I am glad to hear the rogues left your territory!" Moonstar said happily and smiled.

Moonbeam/Moonstar/Mi'sa said...

Hello Dawnstar!

Moonbeam/Moonstar/Mi'sa said...

Brightstar, what is the link to your clan so I can add you as an allaince to my clan?


MadiShae said...

"StreamClan is her!" Silversttar yowled, jumping onto the Great Stone. "Emberheart, has joined as a warrior of StreamClan. Stonedapple gave birth to Seakit, Berykit, and Stormkit, Whitebelly gave birth to Cherrykit, Nightkit, and Ravenkit, and I have recently given birth to Icekit, Hailkt, and Graykit, who did not surrvive, for that is whhy I was not here last gathering," she murmured suspiciously. "Mothfire and talonclaw have become warriors, the first of PebbleClan. Lastly, Stonepaw, Mallowpaw, and Flowerpaw have started their warrior training. Although we have heard som unusual roaring."

-Silverstar of StreamClan

Moonbeam/Moonstar/Mi'sa said...

Amberstar, do you want to be allainces with Moonclan?

Dawnstar, do you want to be allainces with Moonclan?

~ Moonstar

Dawnstar said...

At once a bird flew overhead. Dawnstar eyed it curiously as birds usually were not about at night. A cloud moved away to reveal a star, shining brighter than the others for a few seconds, and the bird fell, out of the sky. (Only Dawnstar can see this part) After it hit the ground, the wing caught fire. Dawnstar froze with a look of horror. The other leaders saw her staring at a bird and were puzzled at her expression. A breeze picked up, ruffling her fur...It seemed to whisper "Dawnstar...Dawnstar" to her.

MadiShae said...

He rolled his eyes at the leaders becoming allies with every clan.

-Darkfang of StreamClan

Moonbeam/Moonstar/Mi'sa said...

"Sorry to hear about Graykit, Silverstar..." Moonstar meowed sympathetically.

Dawnstar said...

Memories flooded through her mind so fast she could hardly comprehend them, but with each one came the pain....same as ever. "Blazewing" she mewed so softly almost nobody could hear.

MadiShae said...

She nodded solumly, thinking about the prophecy.


MadiShae said...

She looked up at Dawnstar. "What?"


Amber{Sharpstone} said...

"Sure, Moonstar" Amberstar purred happily.

Dawnstar said...

"Hello Silverstar!" Dawnstar mewed as she snapped back to the gathering. (Should have said hi earlier)

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Amberstar looked at Dawnstar and smiled polightly.

oboe.chick said...

Wildstar ran down into the clearing of cats and the cats from her Gathering party mingled among the others.

"Breezeclan is doing well. Our prey is thriving and we have had tons of new warriors: Dawnshimmer,Feathersong, Crystalsong, Laureltail, Appleblossom, Cloverdawn, Poppyseed, Oakseed, Owlflower, Ivyfoot, Ravenwing, Robinsong, Hollytail, Oakleaf.

"Please welcome them!" Wildstar called and all the cats yowled in congrats. "We have had a problem with a clan called Moonclan. They have been taking our cats prisoner for no reason, and we are working hard to get to the bottom of this. We also have one new elder, Skystorm. That is all."


Moonbeam/Moonstar/Mi'sa said...

"Hmmm...."Moonstar mewed thoughtfully..."I wonder what will come of that prophecy..."

MadiShae said...

(That's okay.)

[Lauren] said...

Petalstar and a small group of cats entered the clearing. "PineClan is here." She announced.

(Here comes drama! lol)


Dawnstar said...

"Oh, did I say something Silverstar?" Dawnstar mewed. A wave of panic and sorrow rushed through her. "Umm, was nothing" she stuttered.

Moonbeam/Moonstar/Mi'sa said...

Saaaaay what? (lol... jk)


Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Amberstar hissed at the mention of Moonclan. Amberstar padded next to Moonstar, and put her body infront of her.

Dawnstar said...

"Hello" Dawnstar mewed, dipping her head to avoid Silverstar's questioning gaze.

Dawnstar said...

"Amberstar, Wildstar, Moonstar...I am sure there are things both sides have to hear" Dawnstar mewed.

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Amberstar sighed, and sat down next to Moonstar. "Okay Dawnstar.... I want to hear everything"

Dawnstar said...

"Amberstar, let Moonstar fight and stand up for her clan first. Many leaders would not like to be seen as weak and needing the help of other leaders" Dawnstar mewed.

MadiShae said...

"What stupid thing is Petalstar going to do this time," he says aloud to, unfortunatly, a warrior of PineClan.

-Tigerpaw of StreamClan

[Lauren] said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dawnstar said...

"If a battle breaks out and they ask for help...that is what an ally is"

Moonbeam/Moonstar/Mi'sa said...

"Are you sure you mean my clan? My clan is very loyal, and would never kidnap any cats! We respect all the other clans, and would never do such a thing." Moonstar meowed calmly and respectively to Wildstar.

✠Ember✠ said...

Nettlepaw pads in with PineClan his head down


Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Amberstar was looking at Wildstar, ready to hear her side of the story.

MadiShae said...

She tore her gaze away from Dawnstar, not wanting to be rude and hoped no one would notice her.


[Lauren] said...

(lol. Tigerpaw, it is ON! jk)

"Excuse me?" Rockstorm hissed to Tigerpaw. Darkshadow smiled at Tigerpaw. "Don't know." She said.


(rock's petals mate and dark's her kit. long story. :D)

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Amberstar knew Moonstar was right. Amberstar knew an ally with her clan wouldn't lie..... wouldn't they? Amberstar was wondering if Moonstar was hiding something..... or it was Wildstar.

Dawnstar said...

"Tigerpaw" Dawnstar mewed. "I know Petalstar is not your leader, but respect is still deserved"

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Amberstar nodded at Dawnstar.

Dawnstar said...

(Dawnstar has VERY sharp ears LOL)

MadiShae said...

(Tiger's the new 'Tigerstar' in StreamClan.)

He snorted. "Excuse ME? I didn't know PineClan had so many rude warriors."

(Just in case they get into a fight, know that he is already as big as a warrior.)


✠Ember✠ said...

NEttlepaw looks around

~Nettlepaw of PineClan

[Lauren] said...

Petalstar's expression was confused. She didn't even know whatr Tigerpaw said. Darkshadow smiled subtly.


(Oh, and Dark's expecting kits! <3)

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

(I got to go now...... bye everyone!)

Amberstar knew her clan had to go back to Dragonclan. Amberstar brushed her pelt up against Dawnstar, and Moonstar. "Dragonclan has to go now!" Amberstar yowled, taking off in the way Dragonclan was.

[Lauren] said...

(LOL That's so unfair! Rock's CRIPPLED! He was hit by a car! He'd have no chance then!)

MadiShae said...

(Cool! Nettlepaw, are you a med. cat apprentice?)

✠Ember✠ said...

(Can Nettlepaw get into it too??)

Moonbeam/Moonstar/Mi'sa said...

Thank you for standing up for me earlier, Amberstar, you're a good ally! :D

Moonbeam/Moonstar/Mi'sa said...

Bye Amberstar! I will add you as an allaince to my clan!

✠Ember✠ said...

(No... he is a regular apprentice! :D)

MadiShae said...

(Well, with other warriors, then. I thought a different mate was crippled.)

Dawnstar said...

(If ANYONE fights I swear Dawnstar WILL leap from the Great Stone and break it up LOL)

[Lauren] said...

(why's everyone ganging up on rocky? lol)

"PineClan is thriving." Petalstar began. 'Not really.' Darkshadow thought. "A flood and mudslide wrecked our camp, but we are adapting well." She said. Darkshadow rolled her eyes.


MadiShae said...


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Ravenstar padded up to the Greatstone and leaped up with the other leaders.

"I am the new leader of Briarclan." he announced.

"Swiftstar fell from a gorge, and sadly she was on her last life" he lied.

"We have many new kits, warriors, and Apprentices, and have had no other cats cross our borders. And there was a fire, but it wasn't near the camp." he said.

"And Faytekit and Heatpaw are all missing." Ravenstar meowed.


Dawnstar said...

(Hey, is Dewpaw in the gathering group?)

MadiShae said...

He rolled his eyes as well. "She doesn't even know what she's talking about, cause she's so phsyco."


✠Ember✠ said...

Frostymoon pads into the gathering

~Frostymoon of BrairClan

MadiShae said...

The deputy watched his leader from beneath the rock.


[Lauren] said...

Darkshadow was about to agree with Tigerpaw, when she remembered her promise: act good at the gathering and her secret would be safe. She just shrugged.


(brb i think)

Dawnstar said...

Dawnstar detected a note of a lie but let it slip, it was not her clan's business. But she thought to herself 'What really happened to Swiftstar?And what was Ravenstar hiding.'

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Flamesong Stood next to Rockstorm and Growled.

-Flamesong of Pineclan

✠Ember✠ said...

Nettlepaw looks over at Tigerpaw quietly growling it is a time for peace he said in his head

~Nettlepaw of PineClan

[Lauren] said...

(haha. PineClan's so faithful :D)

Dawnstar said...

Some of the cats here were on edge she noticed. Will the code be broken tonight?

MadiShae said...

He glared at Flsmesong. "Stop your growling, dog breath."


✠Ember✠ said...

( :D Nettlepaw is about a second away from getting into it lol)

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Ravenstar saerched the crowd and saw eyes glinting back at him. It was Hawkeyes! He growled.

He blinked again, and he was gone.

But my Brother is dead!


MadiShae said...

(Can't wait!)

Dawnstar said...

(LOL Now I'm not the only one to see a sign tonight Ravenstar)

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Flamesong kept growling, and the growling seem to duoble with the Dark forest's cats voices who talk to him.


Dawnstar said...

Dawnstar shuddered and unsheathed her claws. The dark silence was unsettling. She could feel the cold creeping over her.

[Lauren] said...

"So, anyone have anything to share?" Petalstar asked casually.


(Lol we need drama!)

MadiShae said...

He stopped glaring when he heard familiar growls. Those were Dark Forest cats! Is Tigerstar here? he wondered.


✠Ember✠ said...

Nettlepaw pads to go beside Rockstorm and Flamesong


[Lauren] said...


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"Nothing important" Ravenstar lied.

Would these cats notice how many lives I have?


Dawnstar said...

Riverfrost heard the cats who were not there....but were. She could read their minds, echoing death and cold and darkness.

~Riverfrost(Mind-reader) of Roseclan

MadiShae said...

'Your not as loyal as they think,' he mouthed to Flamesong.


✠Ember✠ said...

(Not Nettlepaw's! lol... yet)

MadiShae said...


Dawnstar said...

Riverfrost glanced at Tigerpaw, feeling the darkness grip her...connected...Tigerpaw and evil cats.

~Riverfrost of Roseclan

Lillian May said...

Moonstar my JadeClan's link is:

Sorry I didn't reply earlier but my mom made me get off and eat dinner :( Lol. And hi Dawnstar nice to see you too.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Flamesong narrowed his eyes.

Maybe that was true......

"Why does it matter?" Hawkeyes snapped in his mind.

Hawkeyes? Your dead?

"That's not important!" hawkeyes said, but Flamesong could here far wavering his vioce.


Dawnstar said...

She was frozen, her will shattered. Her vision darkened and she saw them. Sneering among the twisted roots of this merciless place.

Dawnstar said...

She was frozen, her will shattered. Her vision darkened and she saw them. Sneering among the twisted roots of this merciless place.

MadiShae said...

"I do," he called out. "That your hiding something!" He sat down with an evil smirk.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...


✠Ember✠ said...

Glares at Tigerpaw

~Nettlepaw of PineClan

(Now I am beggining to wish Fallingkit was an apprentice lol)

Dawnstar said...

(OOPS! LOL and that was Riverfrost of Roseclan)

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

How would they think if they knew I was rejected by Starclan?


Lillian May said...

Dawnstar I said HI!!

MadiShae said...

He turned back to Flamesong with interest aand mouthed, 'Do you know Tigerstar?'


She glanced at Ravenstar and thought for a while. Why isn't Stormwater the new leader? she thought. Something is up.


Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Moonstar, this is my site:

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"What'sit to you?" Flamesong asked, suddenly curious.


Lillian May said...

Brightstar watched the cats chat and bicker, silently sitting with her clan. No one noticed them. :(

Dawnstar said...

She couldn't breath, couldn't think. Just DARKNESS...DARKNESS....Then it was over. She stood dazed and turned to watch a glaring Tigerpaw. She padded over and growled so softly "You...have darkness shadowing over you" and then sat down far away.

MadiShae said...

His exspresion changed back to a glare. "Cause Tigerstar is the only worthy cat to be trained by," he growled and let his long-curved claws slide out, just like Tigerstar's once did.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Glared at Dawnstar as she passed.

"Met him once or twice...." Flamesong whispered.


Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Amberstar returned to the Gathering, her pelt dirty with blood and dirt. She was wondering if anyone was looking at her.

Dawnstar said...

Riverfrost wasn't scared, she could read his mind. It was at the moment liked to Tigerstar. He screamed out KILL. She returned his glare, her own claws sliding out.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

(from dreamstar)

*Rippleblaze leaped onto the Great Rock*

LakeClan is here, and we are thriving! We have had many new kits, including Dreamstar's and Fallownose's kits! Dreamstar's kits are my kits, Fleck-kit, Rainingkit and Mark-kit(all are copy-right), and Fallownose has decided to keep the father of her four kits, Tumblekit, Shadykit, Fallenkit, and Cloudykit to herself! We have many new apprentices and warriors including Fellwave, Sorrelheart and Stormflame! There have been no deaths, and we are patrolling our borders frequently! Prey is running well, and we are doing great. Recently, one of our kits, Birchkit, was taken by BlackClan!

*Gasps ripple through the clans.*

We are devastated, and are trying to get him back safely! That is all of LakeClan news, thank-you.

*Rippleblaze nodded and leaped off of the Great Rock.*


(It is my birthday tonight, and I have gone out for supper with my family. I MAY be on later, but I have asked one of my friends to post this. :) SO DON'T TRY TO TALK TO ME! lol)

MadiShae said...

"Well, get ready to see some of his moves!" he spat.


✠Ember✠ said...

gtg Bye

Dawnstar said...

(Riverfrost is saying this not Dawnstar)

Charisma said...

Smallstar comes back with said news.

One of our apprentices have been stolen by our prisonor Shadowtail

Lillian May said...

Nightpaw was bored of just sitting around so she wandered over to Tigerpaw, saw the anger on his face, and walked to another cat, again having the same face, so she just sat down and waited... and waited.

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Amberstar unsheathed her claws, just incase.....

Dawnstar said...

Anger burned inside her, Leopardpaw, the healer(Not just medicine cat but ha power), stepped beside her with her mate Flamefall(Riverfrost's mate)

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...


"There's a truce!" Flamesong growled.

He smiled, and suddenly he was gone, and was sitting next to Hawkfeather, talking, and luaghed.


Charisma said...

Blackpaw missed her sister. Shadowtail has taken her away from her clan and her. She couldn't bare to listen to the other leaders.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MadiShae said...

With a change of mind, he jumped to Riverfrost and pinned her down easily as some cats let out gasps. "I know that you can read minds, so stop!" he spst in her face.


Dawnstar said...

(Not fighting, protecting from evil cats)

[Lauren] said...


Charisma said...


Please look out for a pure black cat

Dawnstar said...

Flamefall lept on top of Tigerpaw and flung him off Riverfrost who jumped up and growled. Dawnstar was in a second in front of Tigerpaw.

MadiShae said...

(Tigerpaw's fighting.)

Charisma said...


Please look out for a pure black cat

Charisma said...


Please look out for a pure black cat

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Flamesong watched Tigerrpaw, and smiled at him.

Riverfrost was a nuicance......

(and NO ONE can read Flamesongs mind!)

Hawkeyes sat beside him, seen by no one.


[Lauren] said...

Darkshadow winced and shot a fast glance at her belly. She cursed under her breath. 'How long can I keep this going?' She thought.


Charisma said...


Dawnstar said...

Dawnstar stepped up to challenge the apprentice "You have disobeyed the code and Starclan"

MadiShae said...

He openly dodged her and attacked Flamesong. When he was surprised he saus, "that's what you and those PineClan cats get!"


[Lauren] said...

(Us PineClan cats? LOL.)

Dawnstar said...

Riverfrost felt a chill and glanced at Flamesong, she could not read his mind...but she sensed another cat beside him, unable to identify who.

MadiShae said...

He caught Darkshadow's eye and looked fom her to her expanding belly.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Dodged Flamesong.

"Leave me alone." he snarled to Tigerpaw, and Stalked into the crowd, moving so quick no one saw him.

Hawkeyes snarled behind him.


Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Amberstar hissed, and stood by Dawnstar waiting..... and waiting....... a low growl rumbling in her throat.....

Charisma said...

You should be ashamed of ur self!

Charisma said...

You should be ashamed of ur self!

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dawnstar said...

She sent him a message(Because they both have mind stuff they can communicate. 'As long as I still live, you and the dark cats will never rule'

[Lauren] said...

(Guys, cats can't SENSE DF cats. And why exactly are they fighting?)

Dawnstar said...

(To Flamesong)

Charisma said...


MadiShae said...

He heard tigerstar whispering into his ear:

"Attack her! That is what she deserves if she is to disobey the warrior code~!" he spat.


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

(cuz Tigerpaw's posessed! lol)

Dawnstar said...

(Flamesong and Tigerpaw evil, and Riverfrost can read minds, she was in a prophecy)

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

( I NEVER said he was evil!)

Charisma said...

And also look out for a small white apprentice

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

(he's just dark and misunderstood)

Dawnstar said...

(Well not evil...but, how do you put it?)

[Lauren] said...

(He's not evil. He's just getting persuaded. Darky's more evil :D She's half Dark Forest)

Charisma said...


♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

(yeah, so he shouldn't attack Darky!)

Dawnstar said...

(Flamesong should return a message)

MadiShae said...

(Tigerpaw EEEEVVVVIIILLL! Madi says in a possesed, phsyco, hyper voice like the little dude from Lord of the rings.)

[Lauren] said...

(LOLZ. Where'd all the leaders go? We need drama!!!) Petalstar looked down at the scene unfolding. At least it wasn't about her this time. She shuddered, thinking of last Gathering...


Dawnstar said...

Riverfrost snarled under her breath, still chilled from the darknessthat had consumed her.

MadiShae said...

(No, Tigerpaw IS evil! Can he attack? And if not, someone attack him to keep him from attaacking.)

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

(Haha LOL! I looove Lord of the Rings!)

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Gazestripe looked at Tigerpaw eyeing Darkshadow.

'No.........' Gazedawn whispered.

-GAzestripe of laekclan

(note: GAzedawn is dead, and GazeSTRIPE isn't. Flamesong can hear df cats and GAzestripe can hear Starclan. PLZ don't steal my idea)

Dawnstar said...

"Tigerstar...I will stop you, you build an army, but they will only crumble as you build their faith in you on LIES!' Riverfrost thought, reaching out for that darkness so he could hear her loud and clear.

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

Hawkeyes growled.


MadiShae said...

(Well, can Tiger attack? If not, someone attack him to prevent him from attacking.)

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Amberstar nodded at the young warrior of Roseclan..... and she smirked.

Dawnstar said...

Riverfrost's determination burned. She would moniter them, Flamesong and Tigerpaw, but she had to steer away from the cold darkness whenever she could. She still stood strong.

☪Dream said...

*Strikewind padded over to Darkshadow. She panted.*


*Then she whispered more quietly.*

You okay?


[Lauren] said...

(I'm feeling all ignoreddd!)

♣Delaney/Dolor♣ said...

"Thank you" Gazestripe said to Riverfrost, guessing from her expression.


MadiShae said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Amberstar stared in the distance and saw a cat race to the Gathering. It was Autumn! The orange she cat stood next to Amberstar, ready to leap at Tigerpaw.

MadiShae said...

(Can I attack Dark?)

☪Dream said...

(Strikey will FREAK if you do.)

Dawnstar said...

She whispered to Tigerpaw "Tigerpaw, you don't need to take this dark path. You do not need Tigerstar or Hawkeyes to be strong. What makes you strong is what is inside as well as out. You can be a better Warrior, right now, without the are you a Warrior of Pineclan?"

[Lauren] said...


"Fine." Darkshadow whispered quickly to Strikewind.


[Lauren] said...

(Dream, Dark can sort of still take care of herself. Sort of. And Scar's there! <3)

MadiShae said...

"I'm a warrior of STREAMCLAN and I don't know who Hawkeyes is!"

(Ok, that would be fun.)


MadiShae said...

"I'm a warrior of STREAMCLAN and I don't know who Hawkeyes is!"

(Ok, that would be fun.)


☪Dream said...

*Strikewind looked worriedly at Darkshadow.*

You sure? When are they going to come?


Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Autumn screetched and lept on Tigerpaw. She was biting him, and scratching him.

☪Dream said...

(I know. lol)

[Lauren] said...

(Just warning you...Dark isn't someone to fool around with. XD)

[Lauren] said...
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MadiShae said...

HE snapped out of his daze and tackled Darkshadow.


☪Dream said...

(Strikey's worried for her friend with KITS! lol)

[Lauren] said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Amberstar watched in horror when her OWN warrior broke the truce!

Dawnstar said...

Dawnstar yowled with rage "The TRUCE!"

[Lauren] said...

Darkshadow's eyes grew wide as Tigerpaw attacked her but she still pinned him down. She gave Strikewind a 'fight-and-I-will-kill-you' look

MadiShae said...

(Tigerpaw doesn't care about the truce!)

Amber{Sharpstone} said...

Autumn kept on fighting Tigerpaw. She wouldn't give up!!!

[Lauren] said...

(DARKSHADOW is fighting Tigerpaw....)

☪Dream said...

*Strikewind snarled. She didn't want Darkshadow to fight. But she kept her distance, ready to leap in if anything happened to Darkshadow.*


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