Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December Gathering Tonight!

The Gathering is tonight! Please read the commenting rules on the sidebar, and then feel free to announce your Clan's news and then chat with other cats! Enjoy!


☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar came in with few warriors and apprentices. They were all skinny and wary. Dreamstar nodded to the other leaders as she scrambled up the rock. The other leaders looked at her, some smirking, some wearing a worried frown. Dreamstar shot her eyes at the leaders. Then she sat down, on her bony haunches, waiting for the rest of the leaders.*

βяɛɛʓɛ said...

*a yowl came from further up the hill. A white she-cat with peircing blue eyes padded into the clearing, her warriors following her. She bounded onto the rock and greeted Dreamstar with a breif meow and intoroduced herself. She sat on the cold rock, her fur fluffed up against the cold breeze. Her warriors mingled with the other clans, telling them who they were. Froststar narrowed her eyes. There was another clans scent on the breeze, announcing the coming of many cats.*

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar nodded to Froststar, but didn't meet her eyes. Dreamstar looked at her clan. They were sitting in a tight circle, not talking and warning new apprentices to not say a word to other clans. At least for this cold gathering. Dreamstar looked around and shouted one thing*

Attention! We are not starting yet! But I have come to a realization! leaf-bare has come early!

*Shocks of knowing and shock rippled through the clearing.*

We must stick together if we are to survive....

*Dreamstar whispers the last part, not wanting to worry anyone.*

to survive the leaf-bare of the Dark Forest...


βяɛɛʓɛ said...

*froststar shot Dreamstar a worried look.than she, too raised her voice to the cats*
I agree! Also, we are going to now be attending gatherings. We are Darkclan, and my name is Froststar.*Her icy gaze raked across every cat in the clearing, while the DArkclan warriors were trying to loosen The circle of LAkeclaan warriors, all of them wearing a freindly smile. She nodded at her cats and smiled.*

Anonymous said...

Berrystar Bounded up to the great stone. She nodded to the other leaders, and quickly glanced around.
"Greeting cats from all clans, leafbare indeed has come early, however Berryclan is thriving. Some of our apprentices had just turned in to warriors, Stormwaters, Yellowwave, and Sweetbriar, please stand up! *crowd greeted and congratulates them*
*her piercing yellow gaze rakes across the clearing and finds some of her warriors trying to meet other warrriors and talking with them.*
and some kits are now 6 moons old so they have become apprentices. Dawnpaw, Maplepaw, Brackenpaw, Littlepaw, and Frostpaw please stand up! *crowd congratulates them*
Thank you, that is all! *pads back to sit with other leaders*

Anonymous said...

*Flamestar gazed across the clearing dipping her head at the other leaders as she led Squirrelclan toward Great Rock. Squirrelpelt's face looked nervous at what Froststar and Dreamstar were saying*
"Leaf-bare comes earlier every year" Flamestar said quietly

βяɛɛʓɛ said...

*froststar nods to Berrystar.* Greetings. I am Froststar, and i lead DArkclan. We are new, but strong.*she warns with a glint in her eyes*

βяɛɛʓɛ said...

Froststar flicked her tail to Flamestar.* Welcome. Its is going to be nice to finally mett the other clans.*she streched, showing long scars and lean and straong muscles.*but Darkclaan is not weakened.*her eyes glowed and she purred*

♥Warriors101♥ said...

*Miststars warriors poured into the clearing some fit some skinny* *she jumped onto the Great Stone and gave a cur nod to the leaders*


♥Warriors101♥ said...

Hello Froststar and Flamestar *she gave both leaders another nod* I hope you enjoy living in the forest.


βяɛɛʓɛ said...

*flicks her tail at Miststar in greeting*


Anonymous said...

We are strong too, however, i am expecting kits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*flicking her tail at rowanclaw*

♥Warriors101♥ said...

*Miststar purred* *it was always good to have new cats in the clan, btu will they survive in this time of the year?* *she thought* Congratulations Berrystar.


βяɛɛʓɛ said...

*dipps head and purrs* Congragulations, BErrystar! i hope Starclan bleses you with healthy kits.*she Stood up straight* Have you all ever heard of Firestar?*she asked*

βяɛɛʓɛ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
♥Warriors101♥ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
♥Warriors101♥ said...

*purrs* Of course we have, even our kits know. He is a wonderful cat to tell stories about.


βяɛɛʓɛ said...

Well, you might not belive it, But i share his kittypet roots.*he meowed slowly*

(brb!!! Dinner!)

[Lauren] said...

Petalstar leaped up to the Great Rock. "PineClan is doing well. We have faced a fire, but BriarClan helped us. We have faced a few challenges, but we are over 100 members strong and we will survive this leaf bare." she paused and looked down at her family and the other clans.

♥Warriors101♥ said...

(k) *shock rippled through her clan and a warrior stood up-it was Hawkfire* WHY IS A KITTY-PET HERE?! CHASE HER OUT! SHE DEOSNT BELONG HERE!!!! *some cats growled and started to agree with him while others cowered and some told them to stop* SILENCE! *her yowl rang through the clearing* There shall be no more talking about this! *she casted a glare to the cats still muttering and the ones who agreed with Hawkfire*


♥Warriors101♥ said...

Hello Petalstar, *she said not looking into the leaders eyes because her eyes were blazing from all the yowling about Froststar being half-kitty-pet*


[Lauren] said...

"Hello, Miststar. How is Mistclan?" She asked. Pinepaw looked up at the cats. She had no clue what was going on, but it looked fascinating.

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar narrowed her eyes at Froststar. And she muttered to herself*

You are only thriving because you are not do not have the stress I do....

*Dreamstar growled and then yowled to silence the up-rising roar of yolwing cats*

LakeClan has enough prey and we are not weakened!


♥Warriors101♥ said...

MistClan is doing fine, our elder passed away the last moon, *she looked down sadly and noticed some of the cats were looking at her, mostly apprentices* prey is OK. We have some sick cats and we have a new deputy, *she nodded to Russetfur*


Anonymous said...

"Wow thats great Froststar, i will be sure to tell my kits about you "
*Flaconfur stood up and let out a indignant hiss, 'how could have Starclan have let a kittypet take control of a clan?'*
*at this a ripple of ruffled fur came out*
"quiet everybody berrystar yowled,this is a time of peace, and she stared coldly at falconfur who then sat down looking ashamed"
Thank u Froststar!!!
What do u mean

[Lauren] said...

"Our medicine cats, Nightsun and Thymestream, were hit by a monster while gathering herbs. Luckily we have found two new medicine cats: Beeflower and Onyxclaw.

Anonymous said...

"Berryclan now has 32 cats with 3 more on the way
as u can see, berryclan is very strong and we wont allow anyone to use our territory *eying Dreamstar suspiciosly*"

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar lifted her head high, and looked up at the sky. She felt a pelt ruffle her fur. She drank in the familiar scent, welcoming it. She whispered into the night*

What do I clan is getting weaker....

*Dreamstar bowed her head then looked up because she got no response. She muttered crossly but continued to listen, warily.*


Anonymous said...

"May Starclan light their path"
said Berrystar sadly

♥Warriors101♥ said...

Im sorry to hear that Petalstar, we also have scented bear on our territory. *she gave a worried glance at her deputy*


☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar turned to Berrystar crossly*

I don't need your territory! Don't you dare assume that! My clan and me can live in our own territory! We don't have to use it off your filthy land!

*Dreamstar hissed at berrystar.*


☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar unsheathed her claws just in case*


♥Warriors101♥ said...

*Miststar slamed her paw on the ground* Stop it you two! Berrystar, no taunting, please, StarClan is already giving us a sign. *points up to moon that was shaded with clouds*


[Lauren] said...

"No fighting at the Gathering." Petalstar reminded the leaders gently, hoping she didn't get herself in the middle of it.


☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar snarled at Miststar. She then looked at her clan. they had worried expressions. But then Dreamstar's gaze met Bluepaw's sightless gaze. He nodded and bowed his head. Dreamstar's eyes lit with confusion. But then she looked back up at the leaders and saw them watching cautiously. She hissed and puffed up her tail.*


Anonymous said...

"what is up with u dreamstar?"
*berrystar wearing an annoyed expression on her face*

♥Warriors101♥ said...

PEtalstar is right, we must calm down. Dreamstar, none of us doubt your clans strength. *she staggered a bit swaying on the Great Stone about to fall off, some of the Medicine Cats stepped forward to help her but she regained her balance and nodded kindly at them*


♥Warriors101♥ said...

*Miststar bared her teeth at Dreamstar a little annoyed at her but then remembered the truce*


☪Dream said...

I don't care what you say! You shouldn't doubt us! How dare you even mention that!

*Dreamstar breathed heavily as everything that has happened came flooding back to her. She collapsed on the stone and closed her eyes tightly in pain.*


Anonymous said...

im sorry! i didnt mean to
*still eying Dreamstar and watching her every move*
*suddenly felt a jolt inside her belly*
*excited expression*
"im so close to have kits i shouldnt exert myself"

Anonymous said...

Dreanstar!? are u okay!!!!!?????????

♥Warriors101♥ said...

Dreamstar! *Miststar forgot about their quarells and rushes to the leaders help*


[Lauren] said...

Pinepaw looked around. This place was weird. "Everyone, let's just take a second to take a nice, deep, cleansing breath, alright?" she said calmly, taking a deep breath.

Anonymous said...

*Ciderpaw and Steamwhisker come bounding up to the great stone ciderpaw holdong a bundle of herbs*
"i knew these herbs would be helpful!"-Ciderpaw

♥Warriors101♥ said...

*she laid her tail on Dreamstar showing a sign that it would be ok*


Anonymous said...

*breathing in heavily*

♥Warriors101♥ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar whimpered. She couldn' take it. She slowly stood back up and looked at the leaders with sorry, but angry eyes. She backed up, and started to slip off the rock. She yowled and clawed, trying to get a grip, as her back legs started to hang over the edge.*


*Dreamstar whispered, as she got a hold and pulled herself up. She bared her teeth at the other leaders. Going to the other end of the stone, but still ending up beside Berrystar. She unsheathed her claws and tensed up*



☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar looked away, she growled at berrystar, not trusting this leader.*


♥Warriors101♥ said...

*Miststar gave a stubborn glance thinking "I was just trying to help!" and sat as far away from Dreamstar as she could sitting beside Froststar*


Anonymous said...

I wish to warn the other leaders of some suspicious cats , *pauses* There are new clans named Amberclan , Nightclan and Darkclan. These are different than the ones that are here tonight and they are threatening to kill us all so keep a sharp eye out!

Anonymous said...

Im srry i acted like that see *holding up her paws* my claws are sheated

Anonymous said...

i just tried to help!
please forgive me!!!!!!!
*eying Dreamstar pleadingly*

Spyre/Purple's Buddy said...

x jups on rock x sry we are late we had a few issues with our med. cat..........

♥Warriors101♥ said...

It doesnt make a difference now, *she muttered to herself* *she noticed some wary glances from the crowd*


☪Dream said...

(I already made a's evil....)

*Dreamstar hissed at Miststar, and closed her eyes. She couldn't stand the stress and depression. Dreamstar gasped as pain shot up her legs. She staggered forward, then stopped. She tried to regain herself, but the pain kept coming. She fell onto the stone. She soon realized that she was at the edge. She started to fall. The other leaders started to come towards her, but she was already falling through the air....*


Anonymous said...

Dreamstar are u all right ?

♥Warriors101♥ said...

Hello NIghtstar, *she said to the leader not looking at her in the eyes for she was angry and her eyes were blazing and she did not wish to let anyone see*


[Lauren] said...

Petalstar stood on the Great Rock and watched the other leaders. She tried to think of something to say, but she thought she might get clawed if she spoke.

Spyre/Purple's Buddy said...

x glances around scared of what others may think x well we had a good start so far we gained five new memebers and some danger on ourterritory. I ssaw twolegs, monsters, and wol,ves on our terriotiry they might move on yours so I wanr you x looks scrawny x they have frightned most of our prey as wel

Anonymous said...

Nooooo!!!!!!!!!!! Dreamstar
*yowled Berrystar*

Spyre/Purple's Buddy said...

x buy five I meant our regulkar six memebers x

[Lauren] said...

"Dreamstar!" Petalstar exclaimed, padding over to the side of the rock, trying to save her.

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar hit the ground with a thump. She gasped in pain as there was a crack. She closed her eyes and blacked out.*


Anonymous said...

Dreamstar!!!!!! *jumps off of rock to find Dreamstar still breathing * good at least she is alive*

Spyre/Purple's Buddy said...

x gasps x ECLISPEHEART! WHERE ARE YOU x cals for med. cat x

Anonymous said...

Ciderpaw come quick!!!!!!!!!!!
*berrystar yowled*
*a crowd of med cats immediately gathered around Dreamstar*

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar was in blackness. She couldn't see or here anything. She tried to get up, in the darkness she was in, but her shoulder seared in pain.*


☪Dream said...

(I'm making this gathering chaos! LOL!)

♥Warriors101♥ said...

*Miststar grunted but came down to help and went to the nearest tree get some wet moss and handing it to Nightstar*


Spyre/Purple's Buddy said...


Anonymous said...

*jumps back onto rock*
"calm down everybody, everything is going to be fine! and everone stay where you arae only med cats are allowed to see Dreamstar unless u are her mate
*eyed crowd worriedly*

[Lauren] said...

(I know! But hey, drama is good on Blogger!)

Spyre/Purple's Buddy said...

Berrystar or Miststar whatever that isx i ned any apprentice from any Clan to fetch me some moss with wanter omn it so I can give her water

Anonymous said...

*She glanced up at the moon*

Anonymous said...

ok Dawnpaw maplepaw and anyother apprentices go and help Nightstar!!!!
(call me Berrystar)

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar tried to call out, but nothing came out of her mouth, and no one came to her. She was alone in this darkness*


Spyre/Purple's Buddy said...


♥Warriors101♥ said...

*Miststar hardly cared (sorry shes mad) she was to mad at Dreamstar* *but ill still help her, *she muttered*


Anonymous said...

*Flamestar stares at her clan.*
"Despite the cold weather,prey runs well in Squirrelclan." she flicked her tail at the other leaders.

♥Warriors101♥ said...



Spyre/Purple's Buddy said...

k come here little apprentices I might look scary but I dont bite x purrs x unless in battle ok I need Maplepaw to go find moss and get water on it

Anonymous said...

* the moon was swathed in clouds*
[oh no we have upset starclan]!
jumped off
and ran to Rowanclaw who then comforted her by twining his tail with her*
/now calmer berrystar runs back up to Dreamstar/

[Lauren] said...

(This is SUCH an insane gathering, in a good way! I have no clue what to say. LOL, poor pinepaw's got no clue what's going on) Pinepaw looked at this entire scene in confusion. She looked to her brother, Stormpaw, hoping he would explain in some way. He looked just as confused as she was.

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar's breaths started to come short and raspy*


Spyre/Purple's Buddy said...

x takes moss and mutters a thanks to miststar x ok Maplepaw get some marigold hmmmm x drops water in Dreamsta's mouth x Dawnpaw get some prey

Spyre/Purple's Buddy said...

x grabs lavender and pastes it on Dreamstar's shoulder x I need any med. cat plz!

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar closes her eyes in the darkness, and tries to steady her breathing. But it just shorter and more ragged*


Spyre/Purple's Buddy said...

x lol poor Pinepaw! x

♥Warriors101♥ said...

Here, *gets Goldenrod from Willowsky* Use this, its a little better than marigold for infections and soothing.


Spyre/Purple's Buddy said...

hurry med. cats hurry I need a med. cat!

♥Warriors101♥ said...

Nightstar, if you dont work faster she is going to lose a life. *shock rippled throughout the clearing*


Spyre/Purple's Buddy said...

huh ok xpastes on Dreamstar sniffs her x she might be okay

Spyre/Purple's Buddy said...

idk anything else

♥Warriors101♥ said...

Thats a might Nightstar, we need to make sure she WILL be ok, here, *she bent over* let me help.


♥Warriors101♥ said...

*puts on Horsetail and cobwebs*

~Miststar (g2g ill try to get back on)

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar opened her eyes again, trying to see what she COULD see. There was only every direction. Dreamstar breath caught and she gasped. From then on her breathing kept on getting shorter. She had no idea what was happening, and she was in pain.*


Anonymous said...


☪Dream said...


Anonymous said...

Steamwhisker Ciderpaw go help nightsstar
*they r med ctas*

☪Dream said...


☪Dream said...

*A young apprentice walked up. His sightless eye flicked around.*

I am Bluepaw...She has been through a lot in the last moon...too much for her to bear. Do not blame her for what she can not control. Right now, that is the way she feels. She does not know which cat to love.... then one who rescued her from the loss of her first love, or the one that touches her heart more....

*Bluepaw pressed his nose to Dreamstar's fur*


[Lauren] said...

Stormpaw looked at the cats huddled around Dreamstar. At least he would have a story to tell his siblings.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

what did that mean bluepaw?

☪Dream said...


*Dreamstar's eyes flicked open. She was in theclearing...but there were only two cats. Bluepaw, and her.*

Dreamstar. Thw time to choose has come. To face the new and old. For the times of new and old to clash....

*Dreamstar's eyes widened as she recognized parts of what Bluepaw had said. She shook her head and found herself in a shining clearing...*

~~Dreamstar, Bluepaw

☪Dream said...

*Bluepaw's eyes flicked towards the sound of Berrystar's voice. Bluepaw shook his head no*

I can not explain. If I were to any cat i tell, they and all will perish.

*Bluepaw lifted his head and set his sightless eyes on Berrystar. He then walked back to his siblings.*


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

okay then...

☪Dream said...

(He is a blind cat that is part of a prophecy.)

Anonymous said...

Dreamstar are u alive?

☪Dream said...

(Just continue to comment!)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dreamstar are u alive?????????????

Anonymous said...

what do u mean continue to comment?

☪Dream said...

(Continue to do the story!)

§§§- EMILY/SILVERLEAF -§§§ said...

Another yowl came from the crowd, it was Sorrelstar and her clan
" Sorry we're late, caught up in work"

Very little to report, prey is scarce, but we are thriving. I am in the nursery with kits, but they are not coming for another 5 moons. Also five of our warriors died, we do not know causes. That is all.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

*pads over to join Sorrelstar* How are you Sorrelstar? Dreamstar here is sick do u think u can help her?

*pads over to Dreamstar* Hang on dreamstar u are going to be just fine and *brushes her ear with her tail*

Anonymous said...

Oh starclan please make sure Dreamstar will be okay
*Rowanclaw came and brushed his pelt with hers, therefore claming her down*

Anonymous said...

Dreamstar? are u okay? please wake up
*nosed her flank with her berry red nose*

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar looks around. There are no cats....but at least it wasn't dark anymore. The Dreamstar gasped for breath, as she stopped breathing. She started breathing a moment later, but as she lost her breath, her mother, Moonlily, appeared in front of her.*

You have been reckless. But you have also been stressed and worried. Go back now....we could not heal your shoulder. It will take time. But we made sure that it wasn't that badly broken...

*Dreamstar nodded and thanks and woke, gasping, to see cats murmuring about her losing a life.*


Anonymous said...

Dreamstar!! ur alive!!!!!!!!!!!!
licks shoulder shyly
*watched Dreamstar wince. *
oh no im srry!!!!!!!!!

☪Dream said...

*Dreamstar stood up. She looked around. She saw Bluepaw staring at her, and she quickly looked away.*

I'm okay. Sorry everyone about before.

*Dreamstar yowled louder*

I believe this gathering has come to an end!

*Dreamstar nodded to the other leaders and limped towards her clan on three legs*



☪Dream said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

r u all right?

☪Dream said...

(She's already left)

Anonymous said...

Berryclan follow me!
*rowanclaw Sparkleshine and Cinderpelt immediately came forward and helped Berrystar cross the stream

Anonymous said...

ok bye
oh and join Berryclan!!!!

Spyre/Purple's Buddy said...

i gtg sighs

Primrose said...

Hello, I am Raystar of Cottonclan. Things are not well,we have been attacked by Rouge Pack. They stole our kits, luckily we got them back. We have won the battle, but the war has just begun!!

βяɛɛʓɛ said...

Gasps*Wait! i have some news! DArkclan is new, but strong, and we are growing greatly. We have two new warriors and three apprentices. Shadowfrost, Owlswoop, Yellowpaw, Frostpaw and Sunpaw!*Clans cheered*

Our prey is plentiful and we have no problems with twolegs.*she finished.*waves her tail* Lets go, Darkclan!

Brooke said...

SunClan padded through the bushes and Sunstar pounced on the rock. "I over heard all of you from the river!" she shouted, as she stood at the tip of the rock. "Anyway" she continued. "yes, you're right. Leaf-bare has indeed come early this year. Besides that, SunClan's prey is thriving just a bit less than usual." she looked at the other cats, and saw that they stood quietly. "We have new warriors, apprentices, queens, and kits. SunClan is now strong with fifty-eight cats. Sadly, great danger has hit our Clan. A prophecy has occurred, and we fear the new kit, Roundkit-Skydancer's kit-may die."


oboe.chick said...

*Wildstar padded into the clearing with a cluster of warriors around her. She left her warriors to mingle among the other cats and jumped onto the Great Stone.*

"All in Breezeclan is well, two kits were born. Their names are Hollykit, and Oakkit. It is leaf-bare now, and our fresh-kill pile is plentiful. We also have a new deputy and her name is Russetfur and our head warrior is Thundercloud."

Wildstar finished, then jumped off of the Great Stone.


M&M said...

*Birdstar leaps on the the great stone, her fur glittering as the moonlight splashes upon it. Her clan gathers below her. The only sign of their presence was their eyes glowing out of the darkness. Birdstar raises her head and yowls. The head of all the cats turn toward her.*

Fernclan is well Leafbare is not affecting us. We have had little bouts of snow, but still prey is plentiful. We won't take any chances though so we're stocking up *Birdstar smiles*.

We have some newly made warriors. Hawkeye, Moonfrost, Smokeplume, Mistpath, Icepool, and Rockfall *the warriors dip their heads proudly as the clans call out their names and the stars tremble.*

We also have new kits. Nightclaw has given birth to Ravenkit, Leopardkit, and Frostkit. Mosshead also had kits. Mistkit, Moonkit, and Breezekit!

So in short with new warriors and kits we are doing well. We now have 74 cats a large and strong clan *Fernclan yowls proudly, and Birdstar steps back.*

- Birdstar of Fernclan

♥Warriors101♥ said...

*Miststar nods to the other leaders* (late reply lol) We too hav 74 members, but we are heading into a dark, scarce leaf-bare. *murming went through the crowd but then Miststar held up her tail in silence* We also have a new head warrior which is Thunderstorm! *Thunderstorm! Thunderstorm!* Hello Raystar, I am sorry about the attack with the rouges we will be sure to keep a look out for them.


Brooke said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brooke said...

Sunstar nods to the other leaders.

HailstormClan enters through the brambles and Bramblestar pounces on the Great Stone. "Hello, I am Bramblestar, leader of HailstormClan. All is strange in our Clan, as something has... happened. But other than that, we are doing well. Our deputy was apparently a spy for SunClan." Sunstar felt nervous. "But in my eyes, I understand. When Shinegaze was with us, we were horrible, and it was all because of-" suddenly, Bramblestar froze, remembering the prophecy. "Windstar." she finished. Shaking, she nodded to the other leaders. "Oh yes!" she continued. "It is true that Leaf-bare is early this year, but our prey is fine."


Brooke said...

Sunstar shook her head. "We missed half the gathering." she muttered to the other leaders. "From what I heard over the roaring of the river, Dreamstar was going crazy as usual, and some cats were howling and screaming at DarkClan because of their leader being a kittypet!"

Sunstar pounced off the Great Stone. "Come along SunClan." she meowed loudly. "Sorry Miststar" she nods her head at the leader. "and Birdstar." she nods at the other leader. "All I can say that could be of more importance to stay at the moment is the excuse of why we are late."

She pounced on the rock once more and looked at the leaders. "One of our warriors was hurt, and our Clan was attacked by a DeathClan patrol who claims they're going to attack again. We rescued one of their warriors." she smiled and pounced of the Great Stone once again. "Okay, this time I mean it. Let's go SunClan!" the cats nodded to the other Clans and followed SunClan through the forest.

As the last tail tips went through the bushes, silence fell on the Great Stone.


Brooke said...

Bramblestar nodded and called her Clan to leave. They followed through the forest to HailstormClan.


Cherry said...

grrrr, just missed it! AGAIN!

♥Warriors101♥ said...

DOnt worry, MistClan is still here Cheerystar.


TeamJake4evr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TeamJake4evr said...

FlowerClan is doing well except for food wise.There has been some snow falling on our territory Though.Some of our streams froze over.The snow has been a good source of water.Thre of our cats our missing.The work of MidnightClan(our evil clan it has now website you can not join it).These cats are Beewing,Foxclaw and Minnowpaw.Thats all we have to share.


alina said...

"WoodClan is doing very well," I stated. "The forest is full of delicious prey," I added. "There has been unknown stalkers lurking through our territory," warned. "They are up to no good!" I complained.


alina said...

I glanced down at the warriors staring up at their leaders. I took notice of how skinny and weary LakeClan was. I compared them to my clan. WoodClan was plump and strong. Our coats shined brightly in the moonlit sky. Their faces were startled and worried. We knew those stalkers had killed Amberspirit. Would they kill anymore?

Emma said...

*Sunstar bounds up onto the Stone*
Greetings, friends. All is well in WispClan, but we have a couple of cats sick with whitecough and rogues are well on their way to attack. Any help here would be great, I'll post about it when they finally force their way into our camp.
*Leaps down*
~~Sunstar of WispClan~~

Spyre/Purple's Buddy said...

Sunstar we will help you in the attack it might not be much but we are a strong Clan we can surprise atack those rouges!

abigail viktoria said...

"Prey is running well in Islandclan, our most recent addition is Frostpelt. Just so you know and are on the lookout,we have heard rumors of 4 evil clans, who have joined together to try to rule the forest, they are called, Ivyclan, Amberclan, Darkclan, and Nightclan. That is all, Thank-you.

☪Dream said...

(Dreamstar lost a life at a gathering! LOL!)

Spyre/Purple's Buddy said...

x she did lolz x

Cherry said...

*smiles at miststar*


Brooke said...

Two rouges bounded on the rock. One was a brindle she-cat with amber eyes, and the other a black and white tom with grey-blue eyes. "Stupid Clans!" the tom said. "You're just as pesky as up-standing kissers!" the tom pounced on Cherrystar and raked her claws down her back. The she-cat attacked Sunstar rapidly and bit her neck. the pounced off the Great Stone, their fur standing on end, ready for an attack.


♥Warriors101♥ said...

How dare you attack us at this truce? *she leaped down claws extending landing one one of the rouges*


Spyre/Purple's Buddy said...

x hisses x Flameheart! Evespark! Pumaclaw! do the attack x pounces on an aprentice doing Scoruge's killer move protecting Raystar x

Anonymous said...

(Ahhh! -smacks self- I am so late...ah well lets just say Lightningclan was there the whole time..)

Spiderstar shrieked and launched into battle.

★ Sylvine Srevlis ★ said...

(Wow, that was exciting! Too bad I was at a friend's house and missed it... I just said that Silverstar and Spottedpath both had a cold and couldn't come. I hope the next Gathering will be this eventful!)


☪Dream said...

(LOL! I know! Rouges attack and Dreamstar loses a life!)

Brooke said...

(Lol, sorry Silverstar! Well, it would have been MORE eventful if you were here, because Fireblaze was going to ANNOUNCE and go MAD and say he LOVES SILVERSTAR!)

The rouges hissed and fought back. They attacked the leaders, their fur on end. The she-cat pounced to hit a leader but ended up in a bunch of thorns. When she got up, several were on her face, and a strange creature was on her... small, round, and pointy. "OUCH!" she screamed. The creature ran off and the she-cat was left bleeding. The tom ran over to her, leaving the astonished leaders behind. "Are you going to be okay?" the cat didn't answer. He rolled the she-cat over, and saw that their was a huge, deep cut in her neck, that blood was gushing out of. A few moments later, she was dead. "NOOO!" the tom screamed.


Spyre/Purple's Buddy said...

lol this is so awesome normal gatherings are boring to me sometimes with NO excitment :P

Anonymous said...

*Miststar stared in horror* *for she knew these were bad cats but she never liked to see cats die*

~Miststar (lol sorry, this is my sisters account)

Spyre/Purple's Buddy said...

x who died???? x x groans aas a black and white tom with Scars scratches her and she goes limp and he reaches for her neck in triumoph and she throws him off x MY FAVORITE MOVE x

Brooke said...

The tom fell to the ground, his pelt ragged and bloody. He pulled himself up, and looked at his friend. He looked at her, and tears swept his eyes. He looked back at the leaders, and knew that this was a battle he couldn't win. He saw the shocked look in Miststar's eyes, and saw that she could never feel quite the same pain that he then felt. "Miststar, Nightstar." he muttered. "I know I cannot win this battle" his tail winced with pain. "but I can't just sit here now that the battle has begun." he stood up, in pain, but strong. "My name is Blacksnow." he meowed loud and clear. He seemed proud of his name, and felt confident in it. His body winced, but he acted as if it didn't. He pounced on Miststar and bit her neck as hard as he could. He pounced back and clawed Nightstar's face, leaving claw marks.


♥Warriors101♥ said...

MRROW!!! *Miststar eyes were blazing and her sorrow had vanished and she flung herself at the rouge, furious* *SHe pinned him down quickly for he was weak, but then she remembered the truce and leaped off of him* Go now, Blacksnow. *she said sternly flicking her tail towards the undergrowth* We do not wish to hurt you, but if we must, we will.


Spyre/Purple's Buddy said...

x yowls with pain x ECLISPEHEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

x falls to ground and breaths shallowly x

Anonymous said...

Spiderstar hissed at the last of the rouges, and gathered her Deputy, Custardfur, and a few of her warriors. Snowwhisker, Eagletail, and a few others came and went to patrol around the gathering area.

Kayla said...

Hey Silverstar, would you mind if I created another gathering, but one just for the evil clans. I know you're gathering is really good so I didn't want to do something like that without getting your permission first, but I just thought I'd ask. It seemed like a good idea, because the evil clans don't really follow starclan, do they. But if you don't want me to then I'm also fine with that.